Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality, IANWGE

Task Force on Gender Mainstreaming in the CCA/UNDAF


The United Nations Development Group (UNDG) decided at the end of 1999 to discontinue the UNDG Sub-group on Gender. This created a serious gap in the inter-agency work on strengthening the mainstreaming of gender concerns into the Common Country Assessment (CCA) and United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF). As highlighted in a number of reports and assessment workshops, gender is still not systematically and effectively mainstreamed into the UN reform process. As a result, the Inter-Agency Meeting on Women and Gender Equality (IAMWGE) recommended the establishment of a Task Force on Gender Mainstreaming in the CCA/UNDAF process to address the continuing need expressed by UN country teams for expertise and technical advice on how to systematically and effectively address gender issues both in the analysis and assessment of national development challenges and in strategic planning processes.

Terms of Reference

The Task Force on Gender Mainstreaming in the CCA/UNDAF is chaired by UNIFEM and acts as a technical working group to bring together critical thinking on the CCA/UNDAF process from a gender perspective and to create a common understanding of gender mainstreaming. Its members include representatives from DAW, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNIFEM. The Task Force's main objective is the development of a common and coherent UN agency approach to gender mainstreaming in the CCA/UNDAF process. For more detailed information on the Task Force's terms of reference.


Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)
- Division for the Advancement of Women
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) (Task Manager)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Methods of Work

The Task Force manager has been calling meetings when the need to address specific issues arises. In 2004 and 2005 these have been occurring every six to eight weeks.


Desk Review of Gender Mainstreaming in the CCA/UNDAF Process

The Task Force commissioned an external consultant to undertake a desk review of CCAs and UNDAFs to assess the extent to which gender perspectives were included in final documents as well as preparation processes. It provided a comprehensive assessment of the status of gender mainstreaming in the selected CCA/UNDAF case studies and mapped out different approaches and gaps in mainstreaming gender into these UN reform tools. The review will also developed a set of guidelines for stakeholders working on gender mainstreaming in the CCA/UNDAF process to capture the qualitative aspects of the process. The review was completed in May 2002.

Resource Guide for Gender Theme Groups

In January 2004 work on the development of a Resource Guide to help strengthen the capacity of UN Gender Theme Groups began. This Resource Guide builds on the model of the Resource Guide for Theme Groups Working Together on HIV/AIDS developed by UNAIDS. Issued in January 2005, this Resource Guide provides practical suggestions for UN Theme Groups working on gender equality. It is based on accumulated experience of such groups. Drawing on information collected from the Resident Coordinator System, the Guide focuses on how to more effectively collaborate and coordinate activities to mainstream gender equality in key coordination mechanisms such as CCA/UNDAF exercises, MDG monitoring and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs).

Copies are available in English, French and Spanish:

>> English Version
(PDF, 650KB)
>> French Version
(PDF, 534KB)
>> Spanish Version
(PDF, 677KB)

Strengthening Gender Equality in the TCPR Resolution

From October through December 2004, when the General Assembly was in session, the Taskforce set out to bolster the gender section of the upcoming Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system (TCPR) resolution. The result of the Taskforce’s advocacy with Member States is reflected in the stronger and more results oriented language adopted in the TCPR resolution (A/RES/59/250) which calls for greater accountability of the Resident Coordinator system in integrating gender equality in its work and reporting.


For further information on the work of this Task Force or documentation it produced you can contact the Task Manager
Ms. Ingrid Arnò at
External Relations Specialist
Office of the Executive Director
UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)

Related Links

Download A/RES/59/250 [ Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish]


E-Mail IANWGE Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Issues, 2 UN Plaza, 12th floor, New York, NY, 10017, USA Copyright (c) United Nations