Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality, IANWGE
2003 Gender Mainstreaming Information Kit

This Substantive Session 2003 of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) continues the work that the Council has started in 2002 by putting a regular item on its agenda to review progress made by its functional commissions, and by the United Nations family of agencies, funds and programmes to implement the Council's agreed conclusions 1997/2 on gender mainstreaming.

The Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality (IANWGE) whose purpose is to enhance coordination and collaboration between and among entities of the United Nations Secretariat and United Nations agencies, funds and programmes on gender equality issues - presents in this information kit, up-todate information on recent policy statements, programme objectives, operational and other activities, and good practices of 33 UN entities and organizations on gender mainstreaming. The collection includes a wide range of policies and activities of each of the organizations representing the extent to which ECOSOC agreed conclusions 1997/2 have been interpreted and implemented according to the mandate of each entity.

IANWGE contributing members to this information kit:

United Nations Secretariat offices:

United Nations Programmes and Funds:

United Nations Specialized Agencies and related organizations:

E-Mail IANWGE Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Issues, 2 UN Plaza, 12th floor, New York, NY, 10017, USA Copyright (c) United Nations