Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality, IANWGE

Task Force on Gender Mainstreaming in the CCA/UNDAF process

The objective of the task force is the development of a common and coherent UN agency approach to gender mainstreaming in the CCA/UNDFAF process, through:

  • analyzing and reviewing CCA/UNDAFs from a gender perspective as part of the current DGO focus on learning. This will be accomplished through positive examples with discussion of what can be learned from these, and examples where not enough has been done-with discussion of where opportunities have been missed, or need to be identified, analysed and documented;
  • developing a Conceptual Paper to identify common ways for UN agencies to work on gender mainstreaming in the CCA/UNDAF context to ensure advice to the field is consistent;
  • providing a gender perspective to the Millennium Declaration and road map development and processes;
  • facilitating the development of modules (with good practice examples and case studies) for inclusion in the training programme and provide briefing for all trainers;
  • monitoring the development and use of the CCA indicator framework in CCAs and UNDAFs;
  • developing a collection of best practices of CCA/UNDAFs and guidelines for use by the field; and
  • supporting the inclusion of information on the location of UN gender specialists in the field and general information on gender mainstreaming at both analytical and operational levels on Dev Link for access by HQ and the field.

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