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Registration Form End Women's Economic Inequality Strengthen Women's Role in Environmental Sustainability Promote Women in Power and Decision-Making Secure and Promote Women's Health End Women's Poverty Women and Armed Conflict Achieve Educational Equality Women and the Media Empower the Girl Child Claim Women's Human Rights End Violence National Machineries

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CEDAW-in-action - UNIFEM
Gender and Law - World Bank
World Bank Development Forum

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Non-Governmental Organizations
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Non-Governmental Organizations
The following external links were selected by the WomenWatch Web Committee as representing quality sites with a global perspective.

Agencia Informativa PÚLSAR is a radio news agency for Latin America's community and independent radio stations. It produces three news bulletins daily in Spanish focusing on events and issues in the region. The news is written in a radio style and distributed to more than 600 subscribers via the Internet.
Email: pulsar@pulsar.org.ec
URL: http://www.comunica.org/pulsar
Languages: Spanish and English.

Association for Progressive Communications (APC) is a global network of networks whose mission is to empower and support organizations, social movements and individuals through the use of information and communication technologies to build strategic communities and initiatives for the purpose of making meaningful contributions to human development, social justice, participatory democracies and sustainable societies.
URL: http://www.apc.org/
Languages: English, Spanish.

APC Women’s Networking Database aims to increase women's access to training and facilitate information flow between North, South, East and West on gender issues. It offers opportunities to women and women's organizations in all regions of the world, but has a particular focus on redressing inequalities in access to technology related to social and ethnic marginalization and the North South technological gap.
URL: http://community.web.net/apcwomen/
Languages: English, French, Spanish

The Association for Women in Development (AWID) is an international membership organization committed to gender equality and a just and sustainable development process. AWID facilitates a three-way exchange or "trialogue" among scholars, practitioners and policymakers in order to develop effective and transformative approaches for improving the lives of women and girls worldwide.
URL: http://www.awid.org/
Languages: English

DIANA: International Human Rights Database

DIANA is the collaborative venture of a consortium of law librarians, university based human rights centres, and other non-governmental human rights organizations. These groups came together to build a comprehensive, timely, and authoritative database of electronic materials essential to human rights research.
URL: http://www.law-lib.utoronto.ca/Diana
Language: English.

European Women's Lobby /Lobby européen des femmes is a large network of non-governmental women organizations of the European Union consisting of national women's organizations in the 15 Member States and of European organizations. The EWL has over 2700 member organizations.
URL: http://www.womenlobby.org/
Languages: French and English

Fempress es una Red de información y comunicación latinoamericana que tiene como finalidad contribuir a una mejor equidad entre hombres y mujeres. Fempress produce una revista mensual, servicios de prensa y radio y cuenta con corresponsales permanentes en 14 países de la región latinoamericana.
Language: Spanish

The Global Fund for Women is an international organization which focuses on women's human rights. It supports issues as diverse as literacy, domestic violence, economic autonomy, and the international trafficking of women, among others. It supports women's groups based outside of the U.S.
URL: http://www.igc.apc.org/gfw/
Language: English

The International Women's Tribune Centre (IWTC) is an NGO set up in response to demands for information and resources from women participating at the UN International Women's Year (IWY) World Conference and the non-governmental IWY Tribune in Mexico, 1975. IWTC plays an important role as a information, education, communication, networking, technical assistance and training resource for women worldwide.
URL: http://www.womenink.org/iwtc.html
Language: English

Network of East-West Women is an international communication and resource network supporting dialogue, informational exchange and activism among those concerned about women's swiftly changing situation in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
URL: http://www.igc.apc.org/neww/
Languages: English and Russian (special browser needed to read it)

Oneworld is a community of over 150 global justice organizations. Its aim is to share ideas, expertise and benefits, and use the new medium to advance in causes like: human rights, social justice and sustainable development. Contains a comprehensive news section on gender issues
URL: http://www.oneworld.org
Languages: English and other languages in partners’ sites.

Women, Ink. is a project of the International Women's Tribune Centre to market and distribute resources on women and development worldwide. It includes 200 titles from publishers all over the world, and is the exclusive distributor for publications from the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
URL: http://www.womenink.org/
Language: English

WomensNet (IGC) The Institute for Global Communications’ five online communities of activists and organizations: PeaceNet, EcoNet, LaborNet, ConflictNet, and WomensNet, are gateways to articles, headlines, features, and weblinks on progressive issues. WomensNet supports women's organizations worldwide by providing and adapting telecommunications technology to enhance their work.
URL: http://www.igc.org/igc/womensnet/index.html
Language: English

WomenAction 2000 WomenAction is a global information, communication and media network that enables NGOs to actively engage in the Beijing+5 review process with the long term goal of women's empowerment, with a special focus on women and media.
URL: http://www.womenaction.org/
Language: English

Virtual Sisterhood is a global women's electronic support network dedicated to strengthening and magnifying the impact of feminist organizing through promotion of the use of electronic communications by the global women's movement.
URL: http://www.igc.apc.org/vsister/vsister.html
Languages: English, Spanish, and German; French, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew coming soon

The Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) aims to promote women playing major roles in the growing worldwide movement for global security, economic justice, democracy, human rights and women's empowerment. WEDO information is also available through their Gopher site
URLs: http://www.wedo.org
Language: English

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