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Directory of UN Resources on Gender and Women's Issues

  • Global Employment Trends for Women
    www.ilo.org ] Languages:  English 
    The Global Employment Trends 2009 examined the most current information available in order to assess the impact of the financial crisis and slowdown in world economic growth on jobs and what we could expect from several possible scenarios for the way the situation might evolve in the year ahead. This issue of the Global Employment Trends for Women looks at the gender aspects of this impact, and updates indicators on the situation of women in labour markets around the world. ILO, 2009

  • Asia in the Global Economic Crisis: Impacts and Responses from a Gender Perspective
    www.ilo.org ] Languages:  English 
    This Technical Note focuses on the gender dimensions of the current global crisis. Its purpose is (i) to discuss how and why the economic crisis will affect men’s and women’s employment and incomes differently and unequally; and (ii) to advocate that these are important considerations for successful national responses. Failure to take into account the gender dimensions of the crisis may make national responses less than effective; worse, they may aggravate the working and living conditions of certain groups of workers and deepen economic and social inequalities. ILO 2009

  • Social Dialogue: Creating employment opportunities for Yemeni women (video)
    www.ilo.org ] Languages:  English 
    Successful social dialogue among government, trade unions, employers, is key when it comes to improving gender equality and changing perceptions about women workers. This can be quite a challenge where gender discrimination runs deep. But things can change, even in very traditional societies, like Yemen. ILO, 2009.

  • Gender equality at the heart of decent work, Report to the International Labour Conference 2009
    www.ilo.org ] Languages:  English 
    The 98th Session of the International Labour Conference, 3-19 June 2009, will hold a general discussion on "Gender Equality at the Heart of Decent Work". The homonymous ILO Report to the Conference aims at reviewing the ILO’s progress in assisting constituents to achieve gender equality in the world of work; highlighting its current efforts to implement International Labour Conference (ILC) resolutions and Governing Body decisions on promoting gender equality and mainstreaming it in the Decent Work Agenda; and providing background for constituents to chart a strategic course for future work. ILO, 2009.

  • Gender equality at the heart of decent work, Campaign 2008-2009
    www.ilo.org ] Languages:  English |  French |  Spanish |
    The year 2009 is significant in many ways for the International Labour Organization (ILO). It is the 90th anniversary of the founding of the ILO, the 10th anniversary of its gender equality action plan and the year the International Labour Conference (ILC) will hold a general discussion on “Gender Equality at the Heart of Decent Work”. In the lead-up to this discussion, the ILO is launching a global campaign on gender equality and the world of work. ILO 2008

  • Gender Promotion Programme: Employment Sector
    www.ilo.org ] Languages:  English 
    Overview of gender promotion - why it's necessary, how to facilitate efforts, etc.

  • Integrating Unpaid Work into National Policies
    www.unescap.org ] Languages:  English 
    Guidebook, December2003

  • Women encounter technology: Changing Patterns of Employment in the Third World
    www.unu.edu ] Languages:  English 
    The United Nations University, Institute for New Technologies (INTEC)

  • "New opportunities for women" NOW - EC Programme
    www.fao.org ] Languages:  English 
    Women's situation in the European labour market and the NOW initiative

  • Globalization, Export-Oriented Employment for Women and Social Policy
    www.unrisd.org ] Languages:  English 
    UNRISD project from 2000 to 2002. This project seeks to understand the relationship between increasing globalization of production, women's labour market participation, and social policy design and delivery.

  • UNIDO: Women, Industry and Entrepreneurship
    www.unido.org ] Languages:  English 
    This publication presents five examples to show how women can be helped to meet the challenges of industrial restructuring and change.

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