women 200 and beyond

Division for the Advancement of Women

Department of Economic and Social Affairs

2 UN Plaza, DC2-1250, New York, NY 10017 USA


United Nations Secretary-General’s study on violence against women

Schedule of activities

In December 2003, the General Assembly of the United Nations requested the Secretary-General to prepare an in-depth study on violence against women. The study will be presented to the General Assembly in September 2006 for consideration.

The United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs has responsibility for preparing the study, in close cooperation with relevant United Nations bodies, and by soliciting information from Member States and non-governmental organizations.

The process of preparation of the study is as important as the product. It is an opportunity to raise awareness, strengthen political commitment to tackling this pervasive problem, and enhance accountability for action. It is also an opportunity to create better monitoring for implementation of commitments in the study’s follow-up phase.

The goals of the study are to:

Upcoming consultations and activities

Events where the study will be a basis for consultation and discussion

Non-governmental organizations are compiling a calendar of planned events where the preparatory process for the study will be used as a vehicle to increase visibility and galvanize attention to the question of violence against women, to strategize on key issues and recommendations, and chart a course for follow-up to and implementation of the recommendations.

Among the events where the study will be highlighted are:

15 August 2005