WOMEN 2000:  WOMEN AND DECISION-MAKING                         OCTOBER 1997

                           NOTABLE EVENTS

Expert Group Meeting on Adolescent Girls and their Rights
ECA Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
13-17 October 1997

DAW and York University
Expert Group Meeting on Gender-based Persecution
York University, Toronto, Canada
9-12 November 1997

Expert Group Meeting on Ageing Women and Care
International Institute on Ageing, Valletta, Malta
30 November - 2 December 1997

DAW and Institute for Human Rights at Abo Akadmi
Expert Group Meeting on Promoting Women's Enjoyment of Their Economic and
Social Rights
Abo/Turku, Finland
1--4 December 1997

18th Session
UNHQ, New York
19 January - 6 February 1998

Commission on the Status of Women
42nd. Session
UNHQ, New York
2 -13 March 1998

19th Session
UNHQ, New York
15 June - 2 July 1998

           United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women

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Commission on the Status of Women (http://www.un.org/dpcsd/daw/csw.htm)
CEDAW (http://www.un.org/dpcsd/daw/cedaw.htm) 
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
Beijing Follow-Up (http://www.un.org/dpcsd/daw/dawfo.htm)
Calendar of events (http://www.un.org/womenwatch/calendar.htm) 
Archives of the Fourth World Conference on  Women 

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E-mail address: daw@un.org


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Date last updated: 06 December 1999 by DESA/DAW
Copyright © 1999 United Nations