Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen


I have the privilege to speak on behalf of the Arab region with thousands of NGOs working for women's rights. We all share the same language, and are united by the same destiny. A number of points need to be highlighted in my speech.


1. We honor all what has been achieved through Beijing Platform of Action, the ICPD and all human rights instruments. We will therefore take these achievements forward not backward.


2. Significant steps have been taken since Beijing by almost all countries of the Arab Region.


3. Gains in terms of the critical areas of concern of Beijing have been achieved. Efforts are still needed to achieve equality in the following areas:


a. Ensuring Freedom of NGOs and providing the necessary support for their work.


b. Reviewing and changing the existing legislation including Family laws, the existing textbooks and the media messages to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women.


c. Ratification of CEDAW, its optional protocol and the constitution of the international Criminal Law. Because there is no contradiction between them and the Arab constitutions, or the right interpretation of Islam.

d. We call for more democracy socially, economically and politically to allow women to participate effectively in all public decisions.

e. We need protection for women's activists and intellectuals against violence, and reactionary campaigns, and against intimidation of free­thinking.

f. Problems in the area of the economy, education, social insurance need to be addressed more vigorously, the needs of rural women, the disadvantaged groups and others with special handicaps should get more attention. Other issues to be addressed include honor killing, reproductive health and emigrant women.

g. Resources to address women's needs have to be increased nationally and internationally.

h. The region has witnessed immense problems causing suffering of its women and affecting governments' efforts to implement the Platform for Action. Palestinian women have suffered and are still suffering from the displacement and along with the Syrian women are in distress from the Israeli Occupation. Lebanese women have also suffered from the continued invasion of the South. The Iraqi, the Sudanese and the Libyan women are suffering from the economic sanctions and embargoes. We are demanding the honoring of the UN Resolutions and real just peace, the Lifting of sanctions and freeing prisoners from Israeli and Arab prisons.

Finally, at this particular time of change, there is nothing that cannot be changed to enable women to exercise their rights more fully and carry their responsibilities more effectively. Such changes can happen by conscious purposive social action provided with information and supported by legitimacy. If we all; NGOs, governments and the business sector assume our responsibilities, if the media becomes the messenger rather than the message, if we restore belief in democracy then we may be able to live man and woman and let live, love and be loved.