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Economic and Social Council
Advance unedited version
23 March 2000
English only

Commission on the Status of Women acting as
the preparatory committee for the special session
of the General Assembly entitled "Women 2000:
gender equality, development and peace for the
twenty-first century
Third session

3-17 March 2000
Agenda item 2

Preparations for the special session of the
General Assembly entitled "Women 2000:
gender equality, development and peace
for the twenty-first century"

Further actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action

Proposed outcome document submitted by the Chairperson of the preparatory committee

All paragraphs preceded by an (*) have been discussed. Text in these paragraphs that appears in bold and in brackets has not been agreed.

I. Introduction

While this section has been discussed there is no agreed text.

* 1. [The Governments which came together at the Special Session of the General Assembly have, also through the Political Declaration, [and this outcomes document] reaffirmed their commitment to the goals and objectives contained in the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action adopted at the IV World Conference on Women in 1995, [as contained in the report of the Conference/(as a footnote)] The Declaration and Platform for Action set as goals gender equality, development and peace and constituted an agenda for the empowerment of women. The Governments reviewed and appraised progress in the implementation of the Platform for Action, recognised that the goals and commitments made in the Platform for Action have not full been implemented and achieved and have agreed upon further actions and initiatives at global, [regional], national and local levels to accelerate the implementation of the Platform for Action and to ensure that commitments for gender equality, development and peace are fully realised. [Regional preparatory meetings, under the auspices of the regional commissions, have also contributed to the preparations for the Special Session [Regional cooperation should be continued.], to ensure a regional perspective on implementation and follow-up.]]

* 2. The Beijing Platform for Action identified 12 critical areas for priority action to achieve the advancement and empowerment of women. The Commission on the Status of Women has reviewed progress in each of the 12 critical areas of concern and since 1996 has adopted agreed conclusions and recommendations for accelerated implementation. The Platform for Action, together with these agreed conclusions and recommendations, form the basis for further progress and accountability to the world’s women and [for] the full realisation of the human rights of women and girls and [their equal access to productive resources and economic independence for] the achievement of gender equality, development and peace in the 21st century. [placement to be determined: and the elimination of all practices that discriminate against women [and inhibit their equal access to productive resources and economic independence]].

* [2 bis: The objective of the Platform for Action, which is in full conformity with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law, is the empowerment of all women. The full realisation of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of all women is essential for the empowerment of women. While the significance of national and regional particularities and various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds must be borne in mind, it is the duty of States, regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems, to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms. The implementation of the Platform, including through national laws and the formulation of strategies, policies, programmes and development priorities, is the sovereign responsibility of each State, in conformity with all human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the significance of and full respect for various religious and ethical values, cultural backgrounds and philosophical convictions of individuals and their communities should contribute to the full enjoyment by women of their human rights and the achievement of equality, development and peace. (para. 9 of the Platform for Action).

* 3. [The primary responsibility for full implementation of the Platform for Action as well as further actions and initiatives contained in these documents lies with Governments. In implementing and advancing the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, [an integrated and balanced approach that encompasses policy, legislative and programme measures towards both development and equality for women and girls should be adopted.] [These measures] [This] must be supported by institutional arrangements, [allocation of sufficient resources,] [measurable goals], adequate data, targets and [monitoring mechanisms] [national accountability and follow-up mechanisms] [ allocation of sufficient resources ]. [The importance of action for increased co-operation at the international level, and the need for an enabling international environment for the full implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action should be fully recognised.] [a dual strategy should be adopted which combines mainstreaming a gender perspective into all legislation, policies and programmes with actions specifically targeted at women and girls. This approach should encompass policy, legislative and programme measures.] [Policies, legislation and programmes must respect and value the full diversity of women and recognise that many women face additional barriers because of such factors as their race, age, language, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, disability, socio-economic class, or status as indigenous people, migrants, displaced people, refugees [or other status]]. Establishment of partnerships with civil society, including NGO’s and women’s groups is essential for the achievement of the goals of the Platform for Action. [The active involvement of men and boys in fulfilling the goals of the Platform of Action should be encouraged.] [Men should also be actively involved in promoting the Platform for Action.] Political will, accountability is a prerequisite for achieving gender equality, development and peace.]

* [alternative 3: The primary responsibility for full implementation of the Platform for Action as well as further actions and initiatives contained in these documents lies with Governments. In implementing and advancing the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, an integrated and balanced approach should be adopted, which combines mainstreaming a gender perspective into all legislation, policies programmes with actions specifically targeted at empowerment of women and girls. This approach should encompass policy, legislative and programme measures. These measures must be supported by increased international cooperation, and an enabling environment at the international level as well as the allocation of sufficient resources. They should also be supported by institutional arrangements, adequate data, targets, national accountability, follow-up mechanisms, and measurable goals for the full implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. Establishment of partnerships with civil society, including NGO’s and women’s groups is essential for the achievement of the goals of the Platform for Action. Men should also be actively involved in promoting the Platform for Action. Political will, commitment and accountability is a prerequisite for achieving gender equality, development and peace.]

* [alternative 3: The primary responsibility for full implementation of the Platform for Action as well as further actions and initiatives contained in these documents lies with Governments. Political will and accountability is a prerequisite for achieving gender equality, development and peace. In implementing and taking forward the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a dual strategy should be adopted, which combines mainstreaming a gender perspective into all legislation, policies and programmes with actions specifically targeted at women and girls. They should also be supported by institutional arrangements, adequate data, targets, measurable goals, mechanisms for accountability, monitoring and follow-up for the full implementation of the Platform for Action. Policies, legislation and programmes must reflect and value the full diversity of women and recognise that many women face additional barriers because of such factors as race, age, language, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, disability, socio-economic class, or status as indigenous people, migrants, displaced people or refugees. The importance of international cooperation and the need for an enabling environment at national and international levels as well as allocation of sufficient resources for the effective implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action should be fully recognised. Establishment of partnerships with civil society, including NGO’s and women’s groups is essential for the achievement of the goals of the Platform for Action. Men should also be actively involved in promoting the Platform for Action.]

* [new 3 bis: Such measures could be strengthened by the full implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discriminations against Women, as it is the international instrument key for the promotion and protection of women’s human rights and, therefore, constitutes a legal framework that can support the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action.]

II. Achievements and obstacles in the implementation of the twelve critical areas of the Platform for Action

All paragraphs preceded by an (*) have been discussed. Text in these paragraphs that appears in bold and in brackets has not been agreed.

[* Assessment of achievements and obstacles must be made in relation to the commitments made in the Platform for Action and its 12 critical areas, namely by looking into the actions taken and the results attained, as indicated in national reports as well as in reports of the Secretary-General and other relevant sources. Such assessment shows that, even though significant positive developments can be identified, barriers remain and there is still the need to further implement the goals and commitments made in Beijing. The summary of achievements and of persistent or new obstacles can, therefore, constitute a global framework for the identification of further actions and initiatives to achieve and accelerate the full implementation of the Platform for Action at all levels and in all areas.]

A. Women and poverty

* 4. Achievements: Considerable progress has been achieved in increasing recognition of gender dimensions of poverty [and gender equality as a prerequisite of poverty eradication.] Efforts have been made to integrate a gender perspective into poverty eradication policies and programmes. Progress has been made by pursuing a two-pronged approach of promoting employment and income-generating activities for women and providing access to basic social services, including education and health care. [Policies and programmes have been implemented to strengthen the family in performing its societal and developmental roles including the recognition of the vital role of women in the family and gender equality as essential to family well being.] Micro-credit and micro-financing for women have emerged as a successful strategy for economic empowerment. Policy development has taken account of the particular needs of female-headed households. Research has enhanced our understanding of the differing impacts of poverty on women and men, [move to "F. Women and the economy": including the relationship between remunerated and unremunerated work, and tools have been developed to assist with this assessment.]


* 5. Obstacles: [Many factors have contributed to widening economic inequality between women and men including [unfulfilled commitments to provide development assistance/delete] income inequality, unemployment and deepening of poverty levels of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups. [including rural women, single mothers, indigenous women, migrant and refugee women, internally displaced women, women with disabilities and older women.] Debt burdens, [and high] military spending, [national and ethnic conflicts][armed conflict of international and non-international character] [sanctions, foreign occupation] and low levels of official development assistance as well as the lack of efficient use of resources, among other factors can hinder national efforts to combat poverty. [TURKEY: Women’s increasing burden of unpaid work and lack of remuneration of reproductive work. Insufficient legislative action and therefore lack of positive action and social protection policies to redress the gender segregation and gender-based pay inequalities in the labour market]. [EU: Unequal pay and gender segregation in the labour-market and] [TURKEY: Gender disparities in economic power-sharing and] Unequal access to [EU/TURKEY: and control over] capital, resources and labour markets as well as socio-cultural practices [JUSCANZ: and unequal distribution of unremunerated work between women and men] hinder women’s economic empowerment and exacerbate the feminization of poverty. [JUSCANZ delete: Structural adjustment programme have often meant budget cuts on basic social services, including education and health, aggravating illiteracy and maternal mortality of poor women.] [JUSCANZ: Structural adjustment measures have in some cases led to budget cuts in basic social services, including education and health, impeding efforts to improve women’s literacy and access to health care services.] [EU: The absence of appropriate indicators which track the feminization of poverty and] [JUSCANZ delete: The absence of data disaggregated by sex and age and analyses prevents the accurate assessment of unpaid work among women] [EU: and the development of efficient gender-oriented programmes in order to eradicate poverty. Inadequate wages for social work, largely shouldered by women, and the consequences for income-related social security systems result in the feminization of poverty.] [JUSCANZ: Continuing lack of recognition of the value of unremunerated work as well as lack of data and analyses for policy development have hindered efforts to effectively combat poverty. Armed conflict abounds in many of the poorest areas of the world, creating high levels of female-headed households in poverty.]]

[G77 5 bis: The negative consequences of globalization and structural adjustment programmes, high costs of external debt servicing and declining terms of international trade have worsened the existing obstacles to development, aggravating the feminization of poverty particularly in the developing countries. In this context, the economic crisis that hit several countries, had a devastating impact on women and has further increased the feminization of poverty.]

[RUSSIAN FEDERATION 5 ter: Fundamental economic restructuring experienced by the countries with economies in transition has led to lack of resources for poverty-eradication programmes aimed at empowerment of women.]


B. Education and training of women

* 6. Achievements: Progress was achieved in women’s and girls education and training at all levels especially where there was sufficient political commitment and resource allocation. Measures were taken in all regions to initiate alternative education and training systems to reach women and girls in indigenous communities and other disadvantaged and marginalized groups to encourage them to pursue all fields of study, in particular non-traditional fields of study, and to remove gender biases from education and training. AGREED

* 7. Obstacles: [Economic, social and cultural barriers at local and national levels in many countries contribute to lower enrolment and retention rates for girls than for boys.] In some countries, efforts to eradicate illiteracy and strengthen literacy among women and girls and to increase their access to all levels and types of education [particularly for pregnant adolescents and young mothers,] were constrained by the lack of [political will and] resources to improve educational infrastructure and undertake educational reforms; persisting gender discrimination and bias including in teacher training; gender-based occupational stereotyping in schools, institutions of further education and communities; lack of childcare facilities; persistent use of gender stereotypes in educational materials; and insufficient attention paid to the link between women’s enrolment in higher educational institutions and labour market dynamics. The remote location of some communities [and inadequate salaries and benefits] make attracting and retaining teaching professionals difficult and can result in lower quality education.

* [7 bis placement to be determined] Little progress has been made in eradicating illiteracy in some developing countries, aggravating women’s inequality at economic, social and political levels. In some of these countries the application of [economic reform policies have impacted on] [inappropriate design of] [structural adjustment policies has hit] the education sector [hard], since they resulted in declining investment in education infrastructure.

  1. Women and health

*8. Achievements: Programmes have been implemented to create awareness among policy makers and planners on the need for health programmes to cover all aspects of women’s health throughout women’s life cycle. Achievements include: [placement to be determined: introduction of programmes creating awareness on the positive impact of breast feeding on infants’ health and nutrition and mothers’ health, and other programmes to combat malnutrition on pregnant and lactating mothers, including adolescent mothers;] increased attention to [sexual and] reproductive health and [sexual and] reproductive [rights] of women [as adopted in the report of the ICPD] and,] [as reaffirmed by Governments at the five year review of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) by the special session of the UN General Assembly in July 1999;] [increased knowledge and use of family planning [and] [including] contraceptive methods]; [increased awareness among men of their responsibility in family planning and contraceptive methods]; increased attention to sexually transmitted infections, and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) infection among women and girls; the introduction of a gender perspective in health and health related educational and physical activities, and gender-specific prevention and rehabilitation programmes on substance abuse, including tobacco, drugs and alcohol; increased attention to women’s mental health; and increased attention to health conditions at work, and environmental considerations; [increased awareness of the [particular unmet needs of women caused by] the unequal burden placed on [them] [women] as health care providers within families; increased recognition that gender balance at all levels of the health care system should be promoted.]


9. Obstacles: [JUSCANZ delete and replace with following JUSCANZ insertion:] [JUSCANZ Re-draft of para 9 based on Rev.1] The absence of a holistic approach to health [JUSCANZ: and health] care for women and girls throughout the life-cycle has constrained progress. [HOLY SEE: Endemic, communicable and chronic diseases, including malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, continue to take a toll, especially on women.] [JUSCANZ: and In some countries, insufficient attention to the role of social and economic determinants of health] and was exacerbated by a lack of [JUSCANZ: gender-sensitive gender-specific] health research and technology, [EU: for instance regarding gender-specific symptoms and manifestations; insufficient gender [JUSCANZ: dimension sensitivity] in the provision of health information and services [JUSCANZ:, including those related to environmental and occupational health hazards; for women in many developing countries; [JUSCANZ: and a lack of] data disaggregated by sex and age and user-friendly indicators [JUSCANZ: by sex, age and other factors, as well as gender-relevant indicators.] [JUSCANZ: The predominant focus of health care systems on treating illness rather than maintaining optimal health also prevents a holistic approach.] [HOLY SEE: Poverty and Aa] shortage of financial and human resources, aggravated by [JUSCANZ: restructuring of the health sector [EU: in some cases,] [JUSCANZ: hads] resulted in [JUSCANZ: inadequate infrastructure and service delivery poor quality and insufficient health services, and has also led to reduced services for and less attention to the health of the most marginalized and vulnerable groups of women, including older women, indigenous women, migrant and refugee women, women with disabilities, women living in poverty, and rural women]. [EU: Barriers [JUSCANZ: such as a power imbalance in negotiating sexual activities,] and [JUSCANZ: failure of dialogue [JUSCANZ: lack of communication] between men and women, affect women’s access to health care and education, especially in relation to prevention.] The adjustment of legal regulations and programmes to international standards [EU: in particular in relation to sexual and reproductive health,] remained limited. [JUSCANZ: Progress in reducing high rates of maternal mortality and morbidity has been limited. There continues to be a lack of information about and access to other sexual and reproductive health services, including contraception, as well as a lack of and screening and treatment for breast, cervical and ovarian cancers. There also continues to be inadequate research on and distribution of female-controlled contraceptive methods, such as the female condom and microbicides, that prevent unintended pregnancies and STDs, including HIV/AIDS. [EU: The testing and development of male contraceptives is still insufficient.][JUSCANZ: While some progress has been made, many countries have not reviewed laws containing punitive measures against women who have undergone illegal abortions. Many countries still do not provide those abortion services that are already allowed by law.]

[HOLY SEE alternative: Unacceptable and growing disparities in health between rich and poor countries, rich and poor people, between men and women, are the characteristics of human kind at the start of this new millennium. Cardio-pulminary diseases remain the leading cause of mortality among women. Deadly infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and diarrhoeal diseases, disproportionately affect poor women. Screening and treatment for breast, cervical and ovarian cancers and osteoporosis remains inadequate. The absence of a holistic approach to health care for women and girls throughout the life-cycle and insufficient attention to the role of social and economic determinants of health constrained progress and was exacerbated by a lack of access to clean water, adequate nutrition and safe sanitation and a lack of gender- specific health research and technology. The predominant focus of health care systems on treating illness rather than maintaining optimal health also prevented that holistic approach. Unfulfilled financial commitments for development and a shortage of human resources, aggravated by the privatization of health sectors, in some cases, has resulted in inadequate infrastructure and service delivery which has led to reduced services for, and less attention to, the health of the most vulnerable groups, especially women and girls. Despite attempts to address high rates of maternal, infant and child mortality and morbidity, progress has been limited, especially in poor areas. Women continue to experience occupational health and safety hazards and lack information and knowledge about the effects of environmental hazards to their health, including hazards in their home. There continues to be a lack of information about, and access to, family planning and reproductive health care. Women often do not enjoy the full participation and partnership that is required in productive and reproductive life and are often left to bear sole responsibility for their sexual and reproductive health. Indigenous women and girls continue to face particular challenges to their health including low life expectancy rates and environmental impacts on their health. An understanding of gender-specific symptoms and manifestations, sufficient gender dimension and the provision of health information and care for women, data desegregated by sex and age, and adequate research on sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, are still not sufficient and are underfinanced. In many countries, continued weakness of health infrastructure, staffing, and financing, aggravated by restructuring of the health sector, in some cases, has significantly threatened women's access to health care; led to poor quality of health care for women; and obstructed progress towards complete physical, mental and social well-being for all women and girls.]


D. Violence against women

10. Achievements: [JUSCANZ: There is increased awareness that violence against women and girls is not a private matter but a human rights violation and increased commitment to prevent and combat violence against women and girls. Improved policies and programmes have been developed including domestic violence being recognized as a criminal act in a number of countries, with an increased focus on holding the perpetrator accountable.] Governments have initiated policy reforms and mechanisms such as interdepartmental committees, [Mexico: national programmes,] guidelines and protocols [EU: and multidisciplinary, co-ordinated programmes] to address violence. Governments have also introduced or reformed laws to protect women [HOLY SEE: and girls] from various forms of violence, including sexual assault, [Mexico: marital rape,] harassment and trafficking, [EU: and laws to prosecute perpetrators]. [JUSCANZ: The international community is beginning to recognize violence against women as a serious health issue. Health care workers are seen to have a significant role to play to address this matter.] Progress has been made in [EU: research on the root causes of violence, as well as in] services for abused women, including shelters, hot lines [TURKEY: which are primarily provided by non-governmental organizations and not adequately funded], [US: emergency health services/HOLY SEE: delete] [HOLY SEE: provision of emergency health care and counseling] and [HOLY SEE delete: special police units] [HOLY SEE: police units with special training]. Education for law enforcement, [JUSCANZ delete: medical personnel] [JUSCANZ: health care providers] and welfare workers is being promoted. Educational materials for women and public awareness campaigns have been developed. [EU: Women’s movements and NGOs have had a crucial role in all these processes through awareness-raising campaigns, political pressure and direct provision of services to protect and empower women victims of violence.] [CROATIA: Successful cooperation has been achieved between governmental and non-governmental organizations in the field of preventing violence against women. Women's NGOs have an important role in the daily task of dealing with female victims of all forms of violence.] [JUSCANZ delete: The eradication of female genital mutilation has received international policy support, including the appointment of a Special Ambassador] [JUSCANZ: Many Governments have begun a process aimed at eliminating female genital mutilation (FGM) through educational and outreach programmes, as well as through adoption of legislative measures criminalizing the practice. A Special Ambassador focusing on the eradication of FGM has been appointed] by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). [JUSCANZ: There is new knowledge from research on gender roles, in particular on masculine roles, and of the situation of children growing up in families with violence.]


11. Obstacles: [EU/ JUSCANZ delete: A lack of understanding of the root causes of violence against women hinders efforts.] [EU: Insufficient preventive strategies that would address the root causes of violence against women hinder progress. There is a lack of programmes that would deal with the perpetrators and especially their inability to solve situations of conflict peacefully.] [JUSCANZ: While some of the root causes of violence against women and girls have been identified, including socio-cultural attitudes that reinforce women’s subordination in society, there has been slow progress in addressing these issues. There is an absence of a co-ordinated multidisciplinary approach to responding to violence which should include the health system, work places, the media, the education system, as well as the justice system. Domestic violence, including sexual violence in marriage, still treated as a private matter in some countries. Insufficient awareness of the consequences of domestic violence, how to prevent it, and the rights of victims.] Inadequate data on the various forms of violence [JUSCANZ delete: further] impede informed policy-making. [HOLY SEE delete: Socio-cultural attitudes and values] [HOLY SEE: Continued prevalence of harmful attitudes and traditional practices,] [JUSCANZ: economic inequality often] reinforce women’s subordinate place in society. [JUSCANZ: This makes women and girls vulnerable to many forms of violence, such as female genital mutilation, so-called honor crimes, rape, marital rape, incest, and forced marriages.]. Although improving, the response of legal officials, especially the criminal justice officials, is weak in many countries, while prevention strategies remain fragmented and reactive. [JUSCANZ: There is a lack of appropriate research, policies, and culturally appropriate programmes for particularly vulnerable groups of women, including indigenous women, lesbians, immigrant, refugee, and internally displaced women, and women with disabilities.]

E. Women and armed conflict

12. Achievements: [EU delete: The statutes and rules of the International Tribunal on the Former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda and of the International Criminal Court, adopted in 1998,] [EU/ JUSCANZ: The statutes and rules of the Ad Hoc International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia and the statute of the International Criminal Court adopted in 1998] [JUSCANZ delete: incorporate gender concerns and gender-sensitive prosecutorial policies.] [JUSCANZ: recognize a range of acts of sexual and gender based violence as among the most serious crimes in international law. The need for [HOLY SEE delete: gender-specific] [HOLY SEE: gender-sensitive] procedures and methods in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes, and for the inclusion of women and gender-expertise in the staff and officers of these courts, is also recognized.] There is wider recognition that armed conflict has different impacts on women and men and that a gender-sensitive application of international human rights and humanitarian law [JUSCANZ delete: by the armed forces] is important [JUSCANZ: and has to be strengthened.][EU delete: and, can be strengthened through training.] Women’s [EU/ JUSCANZ delete: potential] contribution to [JUSCANZ: post-conflict,] peace-building, peacemaking and conflict resolution is [JUSCANZ: being increasingly] recognized. Guidelines for the protection of refugee women have been adopted and gender-based persecution has been accepted as a basis for refugee status in some countries. [HOLY SEE: There is increased recognition of the importance of the provision of physical and psychological support for refugee women part those who have suffered gender-specific abuse. Others have addressed the needs of refugee women, including mothers, with respect to basic health care and education and economic opportunities. Humanitarian relief agencies and civil society, including religious organizations and non-governmental organizations, have played a vital role in design and implementation of programmes to address the needs of women and girls, including refugees in conflict and post-conflict situations.] Civics courses on non-violent conflict resolution have been introduced. [JUSCANZ: There is greater recognition of the gender differentiated experiences of humanitarian emergencies and the need to integrate a gender perspective in the planning, design and implementation of humanitarian activities. Steps have been taken to reduce the availability and use of arms, in particular anti-personnel land mines, ][HOLY SEE: in particular anti-personnel landmines through the entry into force of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Antipersonnel Mines and on their Destruction.]


13. Obstacles: [EU/JUSCANZ delete: The absence, at all levels, of women from decision-making positions related to peacekeeping, peace-building, post-conflict reconciliation and reconstruction presents serious obstacles.] [JUSCANZ: The lack of women at all levels of decision-making positions hinders peacekeeping, peace-making and post-conflict peace-building. In particular no women are serving as special envoys or special representatives of the Secretary General.] The [HOLY SEE delete: changing] pattern of conflict, marked by [HOLY SEE: increased military spending,] the [JUSCANZ: deliberate] targeting of civilians, [JUSCANZ: including women, children and humanitarian personnel,] [HOLY SEE: the forced displacement of people, family disintegration, the recruitment of child soldiers, foreign occupation] and the [JUSCANZ delete: involvement][JUSCANZ: increased role] of non-State actors, has had an adverse impact on women and girls. [EU: Gender-based violence, including systematic rape and forced pregnancy, [HOLY SEE: which are defined as war crimes in Section 7.1 of the Statutes of the International Criminal Court,] is an increasingly used strategy in armed conflicts. Women are still particularly affected by the consequences of the use of anti-personnel mines. The limited participation of women, at all levels, in decision-making positions related to peace-keeping, peace-building, post-conflict reconciliation and reconstruction presents serious obstacles. Lack of training of the different actors dealing with women in situations of armed conflict or refugees, as regards their specific problems, hinders their solution.] Wide access to weapons [HOLY SEE: including landmines], facilitated by the proliferation of and trade in arms, and particularly small arms, has [Mexico: not only] further aggravated armed conflicts, [Mexico: but has also encouraged the outbreak of new armed conflicts, or its persistence, in some parts of the world.][EU: which have a particularly damaging effect on women and families.] [JUSCANZ: There are continued violations of international humanitarian law, international refugee law and human rights, including continued violation of women’s human rights.]


F. Women and the economy


14. Achievements: [JUSCANZ: Some] Governments have [JUSCANZ delete: enacted] [JUSCANZ: introduced a variety of measures, including enacting] legislation to comply with [JUSCANZ: or promote where appropriate] international labour conventions that [JUSCANZ delete: promote] [JUSCANZ: address] women’s economic [EU: and social] rights, equal access to [EU: and control over] economic resources and equality in employment. [JUSCANZ: Increased participation of women in the labour market and subsequent gain in economic autonomy. Growing public awareness and support for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the context of a developing global economy. Increased opportunities to reach middle and higher level management positions in some countries.] Women’s share of employment has substantially increased, especially in the service sector. [JUSCANZ: Some] Governments have made provisions to address discriminatory and abusive behaviour in the workplace and to prevent unhealthy working conditions and have established funding mechanisms to promote women’s roles in entrepreneurship, [JUSCANZ: access to credit,] education [EU: and training, including scientific and technical skills] [EU delete: science, technical fields] and decision-making. Legislation [JUSCANZ: has been enacted and other measures have been taken] on maternity and [JUSCANZ delete: paternity] [JUSCANZ: parental] leave and child and family care benefits [JUSCANZ delete: has been enacted][JUSCANZ: by some governments] [Mexico: or strengthened] to address [JUSCANZ delete: women’s [EU: and men’s] multiple roles in the family and at work] [JUSCANZ: the need to reconcile employment and family responsibilities]. Research has been conducted on barriers to economic empowerment and access to new information technologies faced by women.


15. Obstacles: Benefits of the growing global economy have been unevenly distributed. [EU delete: creating] [EU: This has led to] wider economic disparities, [EU: further segregation in the labour market, atypical modes of employment, like temporary or casual work, with the difficulty of enforcing labour standards] [HOLY SEE: the feminization of poverty,] unsafe working environments and persistent [HOLY SEE: exploitation of child labour,] gender inequality, [EU: especially] [JUSCANZ: including] in the [JUSCANZ: formal and] informal economy and rural [JUSCANZ delete: sector][JUSCANZ: areas.] [JUSCANZ: The importance of a gender perspective in the development of macro-economic policy is still not widely recognized. The low presence of women in the formulation and execution of economic policy and their under-representation in decision-making bodies, including international financial institutions, is an aggravating factor.] Many women still work in the rural [JUSCANZ delete: sector][JUSCANZ: areas] and informal economy as subsistence producers, [EU: and in the service sector] with low levels of income and little [HOLY SEE: job and] social security. [EU/JUSCANZ delete: Women with comparable skills to men lag behind men in income and career mobility in the formal sector] [EU: Women with comparable skills to men are confronted with a gender wage gap and hit the glass-ceiling]. [JUSCANZ: In most countries, women with comparable skills to men lag behind men in income and career mobility in many occupational groups. In the formal sector, equal pay for women and men for equal work, or work of equal value, has not yet been realized. Gender discrimination in hiring and promotion, and sexual harassment in the work place persist.] [EU/JUSCANZ/Mexico delete: Few countries have legislated in favour of women’s ownership of land and other property.] [Mexico: In some countries, women’s rights to ownership of land and other forms of property and to inheritance is not recognized yet in national legislation.] [EU: There are still some countries that deny women’s equal rights to ownership and control of land and other property.] [JUSCANZ: There are some countries that still do not recognize women’s right to ownership of land and other property.] [EU/ JUSCANZ delete: Failure to recognize that women have both productive and reproductive roles has meant that women have greater responsibilities and burdens as well as more unpaid work.] [JUSCANZ: Failure to recognize that women are engaged in both productive and reproductive activities has meant that women’s higher workloads and unequal share of unpaid work have persisted. Funding cuts to healthcare and other institutional programmes have led to increased family responsibilities for women. Many women are subjected to pregnancy testing for employment, and face discrimination at work related to pregnancy.] [EU: Progression in the profession, in most cases, is still more difficult for women, due to the lack of structures and measures that take into account maternity and family responsibilities. [HOLY SEE delete: Persistent gender stereotyping may lead to a weak status of male workers as fathers and to an insufficient encouragement for men to reconcile professional and family responsibilities.] [ HOLY SEE: Due to persistent gender stereotyping, fathers have found it difficult to reconcile professional and family responsibilities. Some men who share family responsibilities and fulfill their role as fathers have experienced a perception of a lower standing in employment, and therefore discourages other men from taking on these roles.] Lack of family-friendly policies regarding the [HOLY SEE delete: organization of work] [HOLY SEE: employment] increases these difficulties. [HOLY SEE: Effective] Implementation of legislation and practical support systems is still inadequate. The combination of remunerated work and care-giving within [HOLY SEE delete: household] [HOLY SEE: family] and the community still leads to a disproportionate burden for women, as long as there is insufficient sharing of tasks and responsibilities with men. It is still also women who perform the larger part of unremunerated work.]


G. Women in power and decision-making

* 16. Achievements: There has been growing acceptance of the importance to society of the full participation of women in decision-making and power at all levels and in all fora, including inter-governmental, governmental, and non-governmental sectors. In some countries, women have also attained higher positions in these spheres. An increasing number of countries applied affirmative and positive action policies, including quota systems or voluntary agreements in some countries, measurable goals and targets, developed training programmes for women’s leadership and introduced measures to reconcile family and work responsibilities of both women and men. National mechanisms and machineries for the advancement of women as well as national and international networks of women politicians, parliamentarians, activists and professionals in various fields have been established or upgraded and strengthened. AGREED


* 17. Obstacles: Despite general acceptance of the need for a gender balance in decision-making bodies at all levels, a gap between de jure and de facto equality has persisted. Notwithstanding substantial improvements of de jure equality between women and men, the actual participation of women at the highest levels of national and international decision-making has not significantly changed since Beijing 1995. Women continue to be underrepresented at the legislative, ministerial and sub-ministerial levels, as well as at the highest levels of the corporate sector and other social and economic institutions. Traditionally assigned gender roles limit women’s choices in education and careers and compelled women to assume the burden for household responsibilities. Initiatives and programmes aimed at women’s increased participation in decision-making were hindered by a lack of: human and financial resources for training and advocacy for political careers; [gender-sensitive attitudes towards women and society, awareness of women to engage in decision-making in some cases]; accountability of elected officials and political parties for promoting gender equality and women’s participation in public life; [clear and transparent appointment and selection criteria for decision-making posts; social awareness of the importance of balanced participation of women and men in decision-making; willingness on the part of men to share power; sufficient dialogue and co-operation with women’s non-governmental organizations, along with the failure to adapt organizational and political structures to make them women friendly.]


H. Institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women

18. Achievements: National machineries have been instituted or strengthened and recognized as the institutional base acting as "catalysts" for promoting gender equality, gender mainstreaming and monitoring of the implementation of the Platform for Action [and of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.] In many countries, progress has been achieved in terms of the visibility, status, outreach and coordination of activities of these machineries. Gender mainstreaming has been widely acknowledged as a strategy to enhance the impact of policies to promote gender equality. The goal of the strategy is to incorporate a gender perspective in all legislation, policies, programmes, and projects. These machineries, despite their limited financial resources, have made a significant contribution to the development of human resources in the field of gender studies and also contributed to the growing efforts for the generation and dissemination of data disaggregated by sex and age, gender-sensitive research and documentation. Within the UN system much progress has been made in the mainstreaming of a gender perspective including through the development of tools and the creation of gender focal points.

19. Obstacles: A lack of [strong political will,] adequate financial and human resources are the main obstacle confronting national machineries. This is further exacerbated by insufficient understanding of gender equality and gender mainstreaming among government structures, as well as prevailing gender stereotypes, discriminatory attitudes, competing government priorities and in some countries unclear mandates and marginalized location within the national government structures in addition to paucity of authority and insufficient links to civil society. The activities of the national machineries were also hindered by structural and communication problems within and among government agencies.


I. Human rights [JUSCANZ/G77: of women]

20. Achievements: Legal reforms have been undertaken and discriminatory provisions have been eliminated in civil, penal and personal status law governing marriage and family relations, [JUSCANZ: violence,] women’s property and ownership rights and women’s political, work and employment rights. [JUSCANZ: In a growing number of countries legal measures have been taken to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.] Steps have been taken to realize women’s de facto enjoyment of their human rights through the creation of an enabling environment, including the adoption of policy measures, the improvement of enforcement and monitoring mechanisms and the implementation of legal literacy and awareness campaigns, [EU: as well as the effort to eliminate harmful traditional practices such as female genital mutilation. Women’s NGOs have contributed to heighten awareness that women’s rights are human rights and to generate support for the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the statute of the International Criminal Court.] The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women has been ratified or acceded to by 165 countries [Mexico: and its full implementation has been promoted by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. The 54th session of the General Assembly adopted the Optional Protocol of the Convention, which up to today has been signed by 25 States.] [JUSCANZ: The] Optional Protocol to the Convention [JUSCANZ: providing women with access to an international mechanism to claim violation of their rights] has been [EU delete: adopted and] [JUSCANZ: subsequently] signed by 25 States [JUSCANZ delete: parties]. [EU: Efforts have also been made to mainstream a gender perspective into the work of the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights and in the Commission on Human Rights.] [JUSCANZ: Progress has been made on mainstreaming the human rights of women and a gender perspective in the UN system; for example, this is now a regular agenda item at the UNCHR as well as being integrated into other agenda items.]


21. Obstacles: [G77: Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, ethnic cleansing, armed conflict and foreign occupation continue to cause threat to the enjoyment of women of their human rights and fundamental freedom.] [JUSCANZ: The goal of the universal ratification of CEDAW by the year 2000 has not been met. There continues to be a large number of reservations to CEDAW, some of which are against the object and purpose of the convention or otherwise incompatible with international law. There is a continued gap between existing legal standards and their application in practice.] [Mexico: The persistence of traditional and stereotyped attitudes, has favored that] Discriminatory legislation still exists and family, civil and penal codes, [EU: as well as labour laws,] [JUSCANZ delete: are still not fully gender sensitive] [JUSCANZ:. still have not fully integrated a gender perspective.] [JUSCANZ:. In a number of countries women still lack equality in fundamental areas like land ownership, child custody, and inheritance rights.] [EU: In some countries, gender discrimination has even been enforced by law.] Legislative and regulatory gaps [EU delete: persist, perpetuating] [EU: as well as lack of implementation and enforcement, perpetuate] de jure as well as de facto inequality and discrimination. [G77: In many countries,] Women have insufficient access to the law, resulting from [JUSCANZ: illiteracy,] lack of legal literacy, [EU: information] and resources, insensitivity and gender bias of [G77: and lack of awareness of women’s human rights by] law enforcement officials and the judiciary and the persistence of [HOLY SEE: harmful] traditional and [HOLY SEE: negative] stereotypical attitudes. [EU: There is still a lack of awareness of the human [HOLY SEE: dignity and] rights of women.] [JUSCANZ: There is a lack of protection of women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and non-recognition of women’s and girls’ reproductive rights as human rights as included in the Beijing Platform for Action, paragraph 95. Some women continue to encounter barriers to justice and enjoyment of their human rights because of such factors as their race, age, language, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, disability, socio-economic status, or status as indigenous people, migrants, displaced people or refugees or other status.] [HOLY SEE: Some women continue to encounter barriers to their right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including sexual and reproductive health. Some women also face barriers to the enjoyment of their reproductive rights, which embrace certain human rights as outlined in the Platform for Action.]


J. Women and the media


22. Achievements: [EU/ JUSCANZ delete: The placement of women in various] [EU: Women have achieved some] high level decision-making positions [EU/JUSCANZ delete: has taken place][JUSCANZ: . The] establishment of local, national and international women’s media networks has [JUSCANZ delete: ensured][JUSCANZ: contributed to] global information dissemination, exchange of views and support to women's groups active in media work. The development of information and communication technologies, especially the Internet, has provided improved communication opportunities [for the empowerment of women and girls] [JUSCANZ delete: and has influenced the participation of women in the media] [JUSCANZ: which enabled an increasing number of women to contribute to knowledge sharing, networking and electronic commerce activities]. The number of women’s media organizations and programmes has increased, facilitating the aims of increased participation and promotion of positive portrayals of women in the media. Progress has been made to combat negative images of women by establishing professional guidelines and voluntary codes of conduct encouraging fair gender portrayal and the use of non-sexist language in media programmes.


23. Obstacles: [JUSCANZ delete: Women are still not employed in sufficient numbers in key decision-making positions to influence media policy.] Negative images of women, stereotyped portrayals and pornography have increased in some instances, and [JUSCANZ/Mexico delete: journalists] [JUSCANZ: areas of journalism] [Mexico: media professionals] remain [JUSCANZ delete: who are] biased against women. [JUSCANZ delete: The field of information and communications technologies is based on male norms [EU delete: and Western culture.] [HOLY SEE: Poverty, the lack of access and opportunities, illiteracy and] [EU delete: Language barriers, prevent some women from using the Internet.] Development of and access to Internet infrastructure is limited [EU: particularly for women] and depends on political will, cooperative efforts and financial resources. [JUSCANZ: Women are still are not employed in sufficient numbers in key decision-making positions to influence media policy.]


K. Women and the environment


24. Achievements: [EU/JUSCANZ/G77: Some] National environment policies and programmes have incorporated gender perspectives. Women’s participation in decision-making [JUSCANZ/G77: in some cases] has been enhanced, with more women assuming high-level and other posts in environmental agencies. Governments have formed partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs). [Mexico delete: In recognition of the link between poverty, [JUSCANZ: health] and environmental degradation,] [Mexico: Likewise, in recognition that overcoming poverty is a pre-condition to advance towards the sustainable development and to revert the tendencies of the environmental degradation,] Governments have included income-generation activities for women, as well as training in natural resource management and environmental protection [JUSCANZ: and have begun research on the impact of the environment on women’s health]. Projects have been launched to preserve and utilize women’s traditional knowledge in the management of natural resources. [JUSCANZ: The traditional ecological knowledge of indigenous women, is increasingly seen as the foundation for widespread practice by younger generations of sustainable development and preservation of bio-diversity.]


25. Obstacles: [JUSCANZ delete: There is a lack of public awareness about environmental issues and of the benefits of gender equality for promoting environmental protection.] [JUSCANZ: Women’s lack of access to technical skills, resources and information and the lack of information about environmental risks faced by women has impeded progress in environmental decision-making. Research, action and public awareness remain limited regarding the differential impacts and implications for women and men of environmental problems and their proposed solutions.] Environmental policies and programmes [JUSCANZ delete: lack a gender perspective and fail to account for women’s roles and contributions to environmental sustainability.] [JUSCANZ: often fail to account for women’s integral role in promoting sustainable and ecologically sound consumption and production patterns and approaches to natural resource management.] The shortage of women [JUSCANZ: including indigenous and rural women] in the formulation and execution of environmental policy and their under-representation in decision-making bodies [JUSCANZ delete: is an aggravating factor.] [JUSCANZ: and an absence of deliberate strategies and institutional mechanisms to assess and address environmental risks faced by women are aggravating factors.]


L. The girl child

26. Achievements: [HOLY SEE: Some] Progress was made in primary and, to a lesser extent, in secondary and tertiary education for girls, owing to [JUSCANZ delete: the creation of more gender-sensitive school environments] [JUSCANZ: schools becoming more responsive to the [HOLY SEE: particular] needs of girls and boys], support mechanisms for pregnant girls and teenage mothers, increased non-formal education opportunities [JUSCANZ: including through sport, drama, and cultural activities] and enhanced attendance at science and technology classes. Increased attention was given to the health of the girl child, including the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents. An increasing number of countries introduced legislation to ban female genital mutilation and imposed heavier penalties [JUSCANZ delete: on sex abusers and those involved in the commercial sexual exploitation of [HOLY SEE: children, especially] the girl child.] [JUSCANZ: on those involved in sexual abuse, trafficking, and exploitation of the girl child, including for commercial ends .]


27. Obstacles: [G77: The persistence of poverty and [JUSCANZ delete: Traditional] discriminatory attitudes [G77 delete: against] [G77: towards] women and girls, [JUSCANZ: including stereotypical roles] [EU: persisting forms of child labour, including domestic child labour] and inadequate awareness of the specific situation of the girl child, [G77: for example, domestic responsibilities [EU: lack of finance] which] often prevent her from pursuing [G77: or completing her] education, [G77: and training thus contributing] [EU: have] contributed to a lack of opportunities [G77: and possibilities] for girls to [JUSCANZ: develop self esteem and life skills necessary to] become self-reliant and independent. [G77: adults in the future.] [HOLY SEE: The lack of proper parental support and guidance,] [EU: Harmful traditional practices, including early and forced marriage, sexual exploitation and violence often result in unwanted pregnancies and/or HIV/AIDS, which may also lead to expulsion from school and educational training institutes.] Programmes were hindered by [JUSCANZ delete: a lack of] [JUSCANZ: an insufficient allocation of] financial and human resources, [JUSCANZ: a lack of] statistical data disaggregated by sex and age and technical capacity. There were few established national mechanisms to implement policies and programmes for the [G77: promotion of the] girl child and [G77: and on the other hand] coordination among responsible institutions was insufficient. [G77: The increased awareness of the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents has not yet resulted in sufficient provision of necessary information and services.] [JUSCANZ: Counteracting some of the advances in legal protection, there is increased sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of the girl child due to the false assumption to avoid infection with HIV/AIDS. Adolescents continue to lack [HOLY SEE: the education and service needs to enable them to deal in a positive and responsible way with their sexuality, taking into account the rights of the child to access to information, privacy, confidentiality, respect and informed consent, as well as the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents and legal guardians to provide in a legal manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child, appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise by the child of the rights recognized in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.] [HOLY SEE delete: access to sexual and reproductive health information, education, and services needed to address, inter alia, unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. The socialization of children and young people has not been addressed, such that boys and men, and often girls and women, continue to believe the latter are subordinate thus perpetuating existing inequality.]]



III. Current challenges affecting the full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action

* 28. The review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action occurred in a rapidly changing global context. Since 1995, a number of issues have gained prominence and acquired new dimensions which pose additional challenges to the full and accelerated implementation of the Platform in order to realize gender equality, development and peace by Governments, intergovernmental bodies, international organizations, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations as appropriate. [The implication of these current challenges and trends for gender equality need to be analyzed thoroughly. Insufficient political commitment to gender equality at all levels and insufficiently applied methods for assessing progress, as well as limitations in terms of mainstreaming gender concerns, still continue to hamper progress in implementing the Platform for Action.]


29. The globalization process has [JUSCANZ delete: caused] [JUSCANZ: been characterized by] policy shifts in favour of more open trade and financial flows, privatization of state-owned enterprises [JUSCANZ delete: and lower public spending][JUSCANZ Insert: changing roles of the public sector]. This change has transformed patterns of production [EU delete: and accelerated technological advances in communication.] [EU: and affected the lives of women, both as workers and as consumers, while increasing inequality. Until now, the gender impact of changes aiming at a better balance between economic, employment and social policies and sustainable development has not yet been systematically monitored.] [JUSCANZ delete: Globalization has also affected cultural values, life styles, advertising and the media.] [JUSCANZ: Increased international integration as a result of globalization has also had cultural, political, and social impacts.] [EU delete sentence: Momentous political changes, including new forms of governance, [JUSCANZ: growth of international civil society] and more universal realization of human rights has accompanied these trends.] While globalization has brought greater economic opportunities and autonomy to [Mexico delete: some women, others have become more vulnerable.] [Mexico: women in some countries, this process had negative impacts on the lives and situation of women, in particular those of the least economically developed regions.] Although in many countries the level of participation of the female labour force has risen, the increases in employment [JUSCANZ: often] have not been matched by improvements in [JUSCANZ: wages, promotions and] working conditions [JUSCANZ: or marked decreases in the level of women’s poverty. In some cases the majority of these new entrants are women who are employed in low paid, part-time, contingent and contract jobs marked by insecurity and by safety and health hazards; these new entrants are often among the first to lose their jobs and the last to be rehired.] [JUSCANZ: Large differences continue to persist with respect to quality, conditions, and pay in female and male dominated sectors.] [EU: and standard labour legislation is not applied to all workers.] [JUSCANZ delete sentence: [EU delete: Most] [EU: Many] women continue to be employed in low paid, part-time jobs marked by insecurity and by safety and health hazards.] [JUSCANZ delete sentence: [EU: In many countries] Women continue to be among the first to lose jobs and the last to be rehired.]


*30. Increasing disparities in the economic situation among and within countries, coupled with a growing economic interdependence and dependence of States on external factors as well as the financial crises have, in recent years, altered prospects of growth and caused economic instability in many countries, with a heavy impact on the lives of women. These have affected the ability of States to provide social protection and social security as well as funding for the implementation of the Platform for Action. [Such difficulties are also reflected in the shift of the cost of social reproduction and other welfare provisions from the public sector to the household.] [The decreasing levels of funding available through international cooperation has further marginalized and excluded most developing countries and many countries with economies in transition within which women are amongst the poorest and most vulnerable.] [The agreed target of 0.7 per cent of the gross national product of developed countries for overall development assistance has not been achieved, although more, but not sufficient, funding has been allocated for women’s programmes.] [These factors, combined with family disintegration, have contributed to the increasing feminization of poverty which has undermined efforts to achieve gender equality.] [However, in the effort to develop coherent poverty reduction strategies, and in cooperation with other multilateral, governmental and non-governmental actors, the international financial institutions are giving increased attention to the incorporation of a gender perspective.] Limited funding at the state-level makes it imperative that innovative approaches to the allocation of existing resources be employed, not only by Governments but also by their partners in the NGO and private sectors. One such innovation is the gender analysis of public budgets which is emerging as an important tool for determining the differential impact of expenditures on women and men to help ensure equitable use of existing resources. This analysis is crucial to promote gender equality [and ensures equitable use of existing resources.] [It is also imperative to give increased attention to strengthening the family and the traditional support systems it provides.]

new *30 bis: In countries with economies in transition women are bearing most of the hardships induced by the economic restructuring and being the first to lose jobs in times of recession. They are being squeezed out from fast growth sectors. Loss of childcare facilities due to elimination or privatization of state work places, increased need for older care without the corresponding facilities, continuing inequality of access to training for finding re-employment and to productive assets for entering or expanding businesses are current challenges facing women in these countries. (AGREED)

[*30 ter. Women play a critical role in the family. The inadequate support to women and insufficient protection and support to the family in its various forms, affects society as a whole and undermines efforts to achieve gender equality.] [see para. 54]


31. Science and technology, as fundamental components of development, are transforming patterns of production, creating new [EU: qualified] jobs, [EU: job classifications] and ways of working, and contributing to the establishment of a knowledge-based society. Technological change brings new opportunities [EU: for women, if they are actively involved in the definition, design, development, implementation and gender impact evaluation of these changes.] [JUSCANZ: but only if we ensure equitable access, adequate training, and take other measures so that these new technologies benefit those who need them most.][JUSCANZ MOVE TO SECTION 4: New technologies should be harnessed in particular to meet women’s health needs, including reproductive health needs, [HOLY SEE delete: through the development of, inter alia, female-controlled contraceptive methods, microbicides, sexually transmitted diseases, diagnostics, and single dose treatment for sexually transmitted diseases]]. Many women world-wide are effectively using new communications technologies for networking, advocacy, exchange of information [JUSCANZ: and business], [EU: media consultation] and e-commerce initiatives. [JUSCANZ: Governments, non-governmental organizations, communities and the private sector are benefiting from technological advances to exchange information and expertise.] Nevertheless, [JUSCANZ delete: it should be recognized that] [HOLY SEE: many] millions of the world’s poorest women and men still do not have access to these facilities and are at risk of being excluded from this new field and the opportunities it presents.


*32. The patterns of migratory flows of labour are changing. Women and girls are increasingly involved in [many forms of] internal, regional and international labour migration [mainly in farm labour, domestic work and the entertainment industry]. [While this situation increases their earning opportunities and self-reliance, it also exposes women and children, especially girls to inadequate working conditions, increased health risk, the risk of trafficking, [economic and sexual exploitation, forced prostitution, racism, xenophobia,] and other forms of abuse, which [impair their enjoyment of their human rights] constitute violations of human rights, particularly for the poor, uneducated, unskilled and/or undocumented migrants] [Migration for labour often results in separation of women from their families and in particular their children.]


33. In recent years there have been developments towards establishing new, broad alliances and coalitions of Governments, trade unions, professional and consumer associations, [JUSCANZ: employers,] foundations and NGOs within and across countries to promote human rights, codes of conduct, and socially responsible forms of investment [JUSCANZ delete: that would include provisions for gender equality] [JUSCANZ: that reflects a gender equality perspective. There is scope for governments to commit themselves to take additional steps and foster innovative approaches in close collaboration with civil society]. [EU: Many health professionals continue to fail to observe medical ethics when providing services for women and girls.]


[G77 ter: There is a greater acceptance that the increasing debt burden faced by most developing countries is unsustainable and constitutes one of the principal obstacles to achieving progress in people centered sustainable development and poverty eradication. This coupled with the burden of debt servicing has hindered developing countries efforts to achieve economic growth and sustainable development and has adversely affected their ability to implement fully the Platform for Action.]


*34. [JUSCANZ/G77 delete para: Increasing acceptance of gender equality has emerged, based on a [HOLY SEE delete: shared set of] [HOLY SEE: universally accepted] principles, norms, rules and institutional mechanisms and [HOLY SEE: also] on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol. [EU: A gender perspective has been incorporated in the statutes of the International Criminal Court and of the Ad Hoc International Tribunals and is on the agenda of the international debate on how to ensure full and universal implementation of all human rights for all. {in para 12}] [JUSCANZ delete: Nonetheless, many countries have difficulty applying these international norms and standards to the national setting.]

[JUSCANZ alternative: Increasing acceptance of gender equality has emerged, based on a shared set of principles, norms, rules and institutional mechanisms and international law including in particular the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol. However, many state parties continue to have difficulties in implementing the Convention including due to reservations, including some that are incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention.]

[Increasing acceptance of gender equality has emerged, based on a shared set of principles, norms, rules and institutional mechanisms.] [G77 alternative: Even though a number of countries have ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women universal ratification has not been achieved. While there is an increasing acceptance of gender equality, yet many countries have difficulties in implementing provisions contained therein.]

New para. Chapter III:

[G77: The unilateral coercive measures adopted by some countries against others not in accordance with international law and the Charter of UN, continue to be not only a serious obstacle, but also a challenge for the advancement of women in the affected countries. These measures have negative impacts on economic and social development as well as hinder the full enjoyment of all human rights, including the right of everyone to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being and the right to food, medical care and the necessary social services.]


35. [EU delete para] Despite an increased understanding of women’s human rights and appreciation for women’s contribution to society [JUSCANZ/G77: in many countries there is still], gross under-representation of women in decision-making bodies related to politics, the economy and conflict resolution [JUSCANZ: and prevention] mechanisms [G77 delete: persists. The [JUSCANZ delete: absence] [JUSCANZ: under representation] of women] [G77: which] hinders the inclusion of a gender perspective in [G77 delete: these] critical spheres of influence. [G77: Therefore, renewed commitment and new approaches at all levels are necessary to increase women’s participation in decision-making to achieve the objective of full gender equality.] [G77 delete: Given that applied measures to increase women’s participation in decision-making have been insufficient to reach full gender equality, new approaches and a renewed commitment at all levels are necessary.]


36. Demographic trends, including [JUSCANZ/HOLY SEE: lowered fertility rates,] increased life expectancy and lower mortality rates, have contributed to ageing of the population [JUSCANZ: and therefore, an increase in chronic health conditions.] Given the gap between male and female life expectancy, the number of widows and older single women has increased considerably. [JUSCANZ: often leading to their social isolation and higher risks of health and other social challenges. A rise in chronic diseases as a major cause of mortality for women has implications for research, health care facilities and spending, and informal care systems. On the other hand, the current generation of young people is the largest in history. Adolescent girls and young women have particular needs which will require increasing attention.] Societies have much to gain from the knowledge and life experience of older women. Older women should be encouraged to [HOLY SEE: remain active as well as] assume non-traditional roles in public life and decision-making. At the same time, mechanisms to ensure their [JUSCANZ: human] rights and quality of life, as well as address their needs, should be instituted, in view of the weakening of traditional family support systems and diminishing state welfare programmes. [EU: shift end of para to Part IV, as it is action-oriented] [JUSCANZ: There is a need for the society as a whole to [HOLY SEE delete: establish a mechanism] [HOLY SEE: initiate policies and programmes] which support[s] and care[s] for older persons.]


[JUSCANZ new 36 bis: There is a rising epidemic of tobacco use among women, particularly young women. Women who smoke have markedly increased risks of cancer, particularly lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, emphysema and other fatal diseases. Women also experience gender-specific risks from tobacco and environmental tobacco smoke. There is a need for comprehensive solutions to address the epidemic among women and girls, particularly prevention and cessation strategies.]


37. [Mexico: The increasing trend to privatization of health care services in many countries and] The [JUSCANZ: rapid] progression of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, [JUSCANZ: particularly] in the developing world has had a [HOLY SEE delete: strong] [HOLY SEE: devastating] impact on women. [EU: Gender equality is a prerequisite for its prevention, but the lack of recognition of the sexual and reproductive [HOLY SEE: health and reproductive] rights of women means that the prevention of HIV/AIDS is mainly in the hands of men, while girls and young women are particularly at risk./HOLY SEE delete] [JUSCANZ: made it an urgent public health and development issue. With 33 million people affected world wide and 16,000 new infections a day, the virus is outstripping efforts to contain it and reversing hard-won gains of development. Infection rates are increasing among women and adolescent girls. In some regions and within particularly vulnerable groups, HIV infection in women, including youth is increasing rapidly.] The burden of care for people living with HIV, including orphans, falls [HOLY SEE: particularly] on women, as state infrastructures are inadequate to respond to the challenges being posed. Women infected with HIV often suffer from discrimination and stigma [JUSCANZ: and are often victims of gender based violence]. Issues related to [EU: prevention, mutual responsibility,] [CROATIA: the provision of adequate education for prevention of HIV/AIDS,] mother-to-child transmission [HOLY SEE: of HIV], breastfeeding, [HOLY SEE delete: abortion], [JUSCANZ: information and education of youth, [HOLY SEE: curbing high risk behavior], [HOLY SEE delete : negotiating safe sex], women in prostitution, intravenous drug users, support groups, voluntary counseling and testing,] partner notification and provision of essential drugs, including [JUSCANZ delete: azidothymidine (AZT)], [JUSCANZ: drugs for opportunistic infections,] have not been sufficiently addressed. [[HOLY SEE delete/EU: There is also the need for more effective approaches to change of behaviour and to the empowerment of women to demand safe sex and take full control of their sexual relations. There are positive signs in the fight against HIV/AIDS in some countries that behavioural changes have occurred among young people and experience shows that educational programmes directed to young people on sexuality and HIV/AIDS can lead to a more positive view on gender relations, delayed sexual initiation and reduced risk of sexually transmitted diseases.]


[HOLY SEE: 37bis. Mortality and morbidity among adults and children from infectious, parasitic and water-borne diseases, such as tuberculosis, malaria and schistosomiasis, continue to take their toll.]


[HOLY SEE: 37ter. The impact of the long-term and large-scale environmental problems especially in Central Asia and other regions, is affecting the health and well-being of individuals and limiting progress in development.]


38. The increase in casualties and damage caused by natural disasters [JUSCANZ delete: has raised awareness of the inefficiency of the existing approaches and intervention methods in responding to such emergency situations,] in which women, more often than men, are burdened with the responsibility of meeting the immediate daily needs of their families [JUSCANZ delete: .] This situation has increased] [JUSCANZ:, has raised] awareness that a gender perspective must be incorporated whenever disaster [JUSCANZ: prevention ,] mitigation and recovery strategies are being developed [JUSCANZ: and implemented].


39. [JUSCANZ delete: There has been an increase in [EU delete: violent conflict,]] [JUSCANZ: Armed conflicts continue to present a challenge to gender equality and women’s human rights], [EU: the impact of armed conflict on civilian population,] in particular, [JUSCANZ delete: intra][JUSCANZ: internal] -State armed conflict, often rooted in political transition, economic dislocation, fragile civil society [JUSCANZ: , denial of fundamental human rights][EU: increasing ideological extremists] and a weakening of the State. Various forces, including arms and drugs dealers [CROATIA: traffickers in women and girls as well as promulgators of their sexual exploitation] and organized crime syndicates, capitalize on existing tensions [JUSCANZ : and fail to adhere to international human rights and humanitarian law principles]. [EU delete: The majority of the [JUSCANZ delete: casualties] [JUSCANZ: victims] are civilian women and children.] There has also been an increase in [HOLY SEE: forced displacement, psychological, systematic campaigns of terror and intimidation and] [HOLY SEE delete: gender-based violence, including [EU: systematic] rape, [EU: and forced pregnancy] and their consequences in terms of physical, physiological and mental trauma, as well as in continued sexual abuse and possible social exclusion.] [EU/JUSCANZ/TURKEY delete: and the intentional spread of the HIV/AIDS virus as a deliberate weapon of war to annihilate the enemy.] [JUSCANZ: Girls are also recruited or abducted into situations of armed conflict including inter alia combatants, sexual slaves or providers of domestic services.] There are increased efforts at the international level [EU: to assure victims of their human rights procured under international and national laws and to give them access to legal redress, as well as] to bring the perpetrators of war-related gender-based crimes to justice, end their [JUSCANZ delete: immunity][JUSCANZ: impunity, and accept systematic rape as a war crime.] [HOLY SEE: as defined in Section 7.1 of the Statutes of the International Criminal Court] and compensate the victims [JUSCANZ: of all such crimes.] [EU: Whereas women have often been regarded as primarily victims in armed conflict, women are also active in the area of conflict resolution, as well as in rebuilding civilian societies after times of military conflict. A phenomenon related to these conflicts is the large proportion of women in refugee and displaced populations.]


40. [EU/ JUSCANZ delete: Violence against women in all its forms, [Mexico: as a violation of their human rights] has become better understood, more broadly discussed by the public and addressed by various legal and policy measures. Numerous women’s networks continue to advocate the eradication of domestic violence and the position that national authorities be held accountable for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women.] [JUSCANZ: Violence against women in all its forms has become better understood, more broadly discussed by the public and addressed by various legal and policy measures. Numerous women’s networks, the private sector, governments, and international organizations continue to advocate for the eradication of all forms of violence against women and girls. There is a growing acknowledgement that violence against women is a human rights violation therefore national authorities should be held accountable for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women.]

41. [JUSCANZ delete: The changing context of gender relations, as well as the discussion on gender equality and [EU: sexual and/HOLY SEE delete] reproductive rights, has led to increased reassessment of gender roles. This has further encouraged a discussion on the roles and responsibilities of women and men in working towards gender equality and the need for changing [EU delete: the stereotypical] [EU: traditional] roles and identities of women and men.] [EU: In some countries there has been a recognition of the importance of a balanced participation of women and men, both in remunerated work and in professional life, and of the involvement of men in the process of gender equality in a perspective of social change.] [JUSCANZ: The changing context of gender relations, as well as the ICPD and FWCW commitments to promote and protect gender equality and women’s rights, including sexual health and reproductive rights, has made clear that women and men must work together to realize gender equality. This has further encouraged a discussion on the importance of taking into consideration the situation, and position, of both women and men when working towards gender equality. The knowledge of how unequal gender relations in different spheres is produced and reproduced has given important input into how policy, programmes, and projects can be focused towards the root causes of gender discrimination.]

[JUSCANZ new 41 bis: There is an increased awareness that gender equality cannot be fully realized through institutional arrangements alone, and certainly one of the most valuable means of realizing empowerment of women is education.]

IV. Actions and initiatives to overcome obstacles and to achieve the full and accelerated implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action

All paragraphs preceded by an (*) have been discussed. Text in these paragraphs that appears in bold and in brackets has not been agreed. Paragraphs that have been discussed and remain pending are indicated.

*42. In view of the evaluation of progress made five years since the Beijing Conference in implementing the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action [as contained in the report of the Conference], contained in chapter II, as well as the current challenges affecting its full realization, outlined in chapter III, Governments now recommit themselves to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and also commit to further actions and initiatives to overcome the obstacles and address the challenges. Governments, in taking continued and additional steps to achieve the goals of the Platform, recognize that the full enjoyment of all human rights [including the right to development] and fundamental freedoms by all women and girls is essential for realizing gender equality, development and peace in the twenty-first century.

*43. Organizations of the United Nations system and the Bretton Woods institutions, as well as the World Trade Organization, other international and regional intergovernmental bodies, parliaments, civil society, including the private sector and NGOs, trade unions and other stakeholders are called upon to support government efforts and, where appropriate, develop complementary programmes of their own to achieve full and effective implementation of the Platform for Action. AGREED

*43.bis Governments and intergovernmental organizations recognize the contribution, [autonomy] and complementary role of NGOs in ensuring the effective implementation of the Platform for Action and should continue to strengthen partnerships with NGOs, particularly women’s organizations in contributing to the effective implementation and follow-up of the Platform for Action.

*43.ter Experience has shown that the goal of gender equality can be fully achieved only in the context of renewed relations among different stakeholders at all levels. [The full participation of women on the basis of equality in all spheres of society is essential for good governance, political legitimacy and effective management of social and economic resources.]

*44. Achieving gender equality and empowerment of women requires redressing inequalities between women and men and girls and boys and ensuring their equal rights, responsibilities, opportunities, and possibilities. Gender equality implies that women’s as well as men’s needs, interests, concerns, experiences and priorities are an integral dimension of the design, implementation, [national and international monitoring], follow-up and evaluation of all actions in all areas of development in society.

*44.bis DISCUSSED AND PENDING (to be merged with 53 bis)

EU 44 bis Also essential in the designing of policies and implementation of further actions and initiatives is the fact that these must be addressed at all stages of the life-cycle- childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age – and must further reflect the full diversity of women, recognizing that many women face additional barriers because of such factors as their race, language, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, disability, socio-economic class or status as indigenous people, migrants, displaced people or refugees.


45. The endorsement of the Platform for Action by Governments and the international community indicates an agreement to a common development agenda with gender equality as an underlying principle. Moreover, it establishes that sustainable human development for all societies is possible only when women become full and equal partners in and benefit from development policy-making and practice.

G77 45: The endorsement of the Platform for Action indicates an agreement by Governments and the international community indicates an agreement to a common development agenda with gender equality as an underlying principle. Moreover, it reflects the views that people centred establishes that sustainable human development for all societies is possible only when all women have equitable access to financial and economic resources and become full and equal partners in and benefit from development policy-making and practice.

EU 45: The endorsement of the new and further initiatives to the Platform of for Action by Governments and the international community indicates an agreement to a common development agenda with for gender equality and women’s empowerment as an underlying principle. Moreover, it establishes that sustainable human development for all societies is possible only when women become full and equal partners in and equally benefit from development all policy-making and practice.

JUSCANZ 45: The endorsement of [By adopting] the Platform for Action by Governments and the international community indicates an agreement [agreed] to a common development agenda with gender equality as an underlying [a core] principle. Moreover, it establishes they agreed that sustainable human development for all societies is possible only when women [of all ages] become [are] full and equal partners in and benefit from development policy-making and practice in all spheres of society and the economy.

Holy See 45: The endorsement adoption of the Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women Platform for Action by Governments and the international community indicates an agreement to a common development agenda with gender equality as an underlying principle. Moreover, it establishes that sustainable human development for all societies is possible only when women become full and equal partners and benefit from development policy-making and practice.

*46. The efforts towards ensuring women’s participation in development have expanded and need to combine a focus on women’s conditions and basic needs with an holistic approach based on equal rights and partnerships, promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, [including the right to development of all women and girls] [recognizing that these human rights of all women and girls – civil, cultural, economic, political and social, including the right to development – are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated]. Policies and programmes should be formulated to achieve the goal of people-centred sustainable development, secure livelihoods [strong support systems for families] and adequate social protection measures, including safety nets, [strengthen family support systems] equal access to and control over financial and economic resources, and eliminate increasing and disproportionate poverty among women. All economic policies, institutions and resource allocation should adopt a gender perspective to ensure that development dividends are shared on equal grounds.

*46 bis: Increased efforts are needed to provide equal access to education, health, and social services and to ensure women’s and girls’ rights to education and the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health and well-being throughout the life cycle, as well as adequate, affordable and universally accessible health care [and services], including sexual and reproductive health, particularly in the face of the HIV/AIDS pandemic; they are also necessary with regard to the growing proportion of older women.

*47. Given that a majority of the world’s women are subsistence producers and users of environmental resources, there is a need to recognize and integrate women’s knowledge and priorities in the conservation and management of such resources to ensure their sustainability. Programmes and infrastructures that are gender-sensitive are needed in order to effectively respond to disaster and emergency situations that threaten the environment, livelihood security, as well as the management of the basic requirements of daily life. AGREED

*47 bis: Sustaining the livelihoods of populations in States with limited or scarce resources, including Small Island Developing States is critically dependent on the preservation and protection of the environment. Women’s customary knowledge, management and sustainable use of biodiversity should be recognized. AGREED


48. The maintenance of international peace and security, the securing of social justice and human rights and the promotion of better standards of living are the central goals of Governments and the international community. Global, lasting peace cannot be attained without the full participation of women in peace processes at the national and international levels, particularly in decision-making. Gender considerations must play an integral part in conflict resolution efforts and in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all actions in all areas of peace-building.

G77 48: The maintenance of international peace and security, securing social justice and human rights, promoting and protecting all human rights including the right to development, the right of women and girls under foreign occupation, better standards of life, as well as combatting violence against women and girls in situations of armed and other conflict, including the use of systematic rape as a weapon of war, must be are the central goals of Governments and the international community. Global, lasting peace should cannot be attained with without the full participation of women and the adoption of a gender approach in conflict resolution, in peace processes, peace-keeping and peace-building, including post conflict reconstruction programmes and development assistance at the local, national, regional and international levels, particularly in decision-making. Gender considerations must play an integral part in conflict resolution efforts and in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all actions in all areas of peace-building.

EU 48: The maintenance of international peace and security, securing realising social justice and human rights, promoting democracy, rule of law, good governance and better standards of life are the central goals of Governments and the international community. Global, lasting peace cannot be attained without the full participation of women in peace processes at the national and international levels, particularly in decision-making. A gender considerations perspective and women’s active role must play be an integral part in conflict resolution efforts and in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all actions in all areas of peace-building, rehabilitation and post-conflict transformation.


G77 48 bis. The implementation of the platform for Action, which aims at the empowerment and full realization of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all women, will be enhanced by strengthening international cooperation and understanding through inter-alia the full recognition of cultural diversity and dialogue among cultures and civilization which the international community recognizes as essential for the achievement of the purposes of the United Nations.

*49. Political will and commitment at all levels are crucial to ensure mainstreaming of a

gender perspective in the adoption and implementation of comprehensive and action oriented policies in all areas. Policy commitments are essential for further developing the necessary framework which ensures women’s equal access to and control over economic and financial resources, training, services and institutions as well as their participation in decision making and management. Policy making processes require the partnership of women and men at all levels. Men and boys should also be actively involved and encouraged in all efforts to achieve the goals of the Platform for Action and its implementation. AGREED

*50. EU proposed merged text:

A non-discriminatory and gender-sensitive constitutional and/or legislative framework that ensures women’s de jure equality, and creates an enabling environment to translate rights into reality is necessary. Equality before and under the law and equal protection by or under the law, together with an adequate and timely means for redressing violations, knowledge about rights and access to resources, and a supportive gender-sensitive law enforcement system and judiciary will accelerate achievement of the goal of women’s full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and gender equality. Furthermore, appropriate regulatory measures and legislative reform processes which address globalization, privatization and liberalization need to ensure equal access to and control over economic benefits, rights and opportunities for all women and men. This is particularly important for issues of social protection, property ownership, inheritance and access to productive resources, and basic resources such as land, water, sanitation and food security and should be supported by public education campaigns.


51. Violence against women is a major obstacle to the achievement of gender equality, development and peace and has become a major human rights concern. Actions to eradicate violence against women at the domestic, national and international level are essential. Armed conflict and emergency situations impose serious threats to the lives of women and children. Therefore, the adoption and implementation of gender-sensitive national and international legislation eliminating violence against women in situations of armed conflict is essential. International instruments, ongoing negotiations and international discussions aimed at the limitation of armed conflict and discouraging gender-based violence, including rape, help create an enabling environment for the achievement of gender equality, development and peace.

G77 51: All forms of Violence against women and girls are an is a major obstacle to the achievement of the objectives of gender equality, development and peace and are has become a major human rights concern. Actions to eradicate all forms of violence against women at the domestic, national and international level are essential and girls, both in private and public lives, gender based, violence, such as rape, sexual abuse and exploitation, violence deriving from cultural prejudice, in particular the harmful effects of certain traditional or customary practices, violence resulting from racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, pornography, ethnic cleansing, foreign occupation, religious and anti-religious extremism and a terrorism must be implemented at the local, national regional and international levels. Armed and other conflicts, genecide and post genocide situations, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and wars of aggression and emergency situations impose serious threats to the lives and well being of women, adolescents and children. Therefore, the adoption and implementation of international instruments and gender-sensitive national and international legislation eliminating violence against women in situations of armed conflict are essential to creating an enabling environment for the full achievement of gender-equality, development and peace. International instruments, ongoing negotiations and international discussions aimed at the limitation of armed conflict and discouraging gender-based violence, including rape, help create an enabling environment for the achievement of gender equality, development and peace.

JUSCANZ 51: Violence against women [and girls] is a major obstacle to the achievement of gender equality, development and peace and has become [is] a major human rights concern [and to the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms.] Actions to eradicate eliminate all forms of violence against women at the domestic, national and international level are essential. Armed conflict and emergency situations impose serious threats to the lives of women and children. Therefore, the adoption and implementation of gender-sensitive national and international legislation eliminating violence against women in situations of armed conflict, are essential it is essential that national and international legislation regarding the protection of human rights and the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls in situations of armed conflict are gender-sensitive. International instruments, ongoing negotiations and international discussions aimed at the limitation of armed conflict and discouraging eliminating gender-based violence, including rape, help create an enabling environment for the achievement of gender equality, development and peace.

Holy See 51: Violence against women is a major obstacle to the achievement of gender equality, development and peace and has become a major human rights concern. Actions to eradicate violence against women, including prostitution, pornography, trafficking, sexual and other forms of exploitation at the domestic, national and international level are essential. Armed conflict and emergency situations impose serious threats to the lives and security of women and children, especially refugees and internally displaced persons. Therefore, the adoption and implementation of gender-sensitive national and international legislation eliminating violence against women in situations of armed conflict are essential. International instruments, ongoing negotiations and international discussions aimed at the limitation of armed conflict and discouraging gender-based violence, including rape, help create an enabling environment for the achievement of gender equality, development and peace.

EU 51: Violence against women and girls both in private and public spheres is a major obstacle to the achievement of gender equality, development and peace and the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Actions to eliminate all forms of violence at all levels are essential. The adoption and implementation of gender-sensitive national and international legislation is essential.


EU 51. bis Armed conflict and emergency situations also impose serious threats to the lives of women and children. Therefore, the adoption and implementation of gender-sensitive national and international legislation eliminating violence against women in situations of armed conflict are essential. (Idea moved to para 51) International instruments, ongoing negotiations and international discussions aimed at the limitation of armed conflict, and discouraging outlawing of gender-based violence, including rape, are essential and help create an enabling environment for the achievement of gender equality, development and peace.

51 ter:

Holy See (second 51bis from compilation text): Women’s contributions to the welfare of the family, the social significance of maternity, motherhood and the role of parents in the family and in the upbringing of children continue to be inadequately recognized. Despite repeated commitments to strengthen and support the family, family disintegration is still a major cause of the feminization of poverty and other social problems disproportionately affecting women and girls.

G77: The family is the basic unit of society and is a strong force of social cohesion and integration and its stability should be strengthened. It plays a key role in providing social care. In different cultural, political and social systems, various forms of the family exist, the rights, capabilities and responsibilities of family members must be respected. Women’s contribution to the welfare of family, the crucial significance of maternity and the role of parents in the family and in the upbringing of children continue to be inadequately recognized. Women also continue to bear disproportionate burden in the household responsibilities. Such imbalance needs to be consistently addressed through appropriate policies and programmes, in particular those geared towards education and through legislation where appropriate.

EU: In different cultural, political and social systems various forms of families exist. Women’s contribution to the welfare of families as well as to the development of society continue to be inadequately recognized. In order to achieve full partnership, both in public and in private spheres, an equal sharing between women and men of work and family responsibilities is needed.

*52. EU proposed merged text:

Strong national machineries for the advancement of women and promotion of gender equality require political commitment at the highest level and all necessary human and financial resources to initiate, recommend and facilitate the development, adoption and monitoring of policies, legislation, programmes and capacity-building for the empowerment of women and to act as catalysts for open public dialogue on gender equality as a societal goal. This would enable them to promote the advancement of women and mainstreaming a gender perspective in policy and programmes in all areas, to play an advocacy role, and to ensure equal access to all institutions and resources , as well as enhanced capacity building for women in all sectors. Reforms to meet the challenges of the changing world are essential to ensure women’s equal access to institutions and organizations. Institutional and conceptual changes are a strategic and important aspect of creating an enabling environment for the implementation of the Platform for Action.

*53. Programme support to enhance women’s opportunities, potentials and activities need to have a dual focus: one the one hand, programmes aimed at meeting the basic as well as the specific needs of women for capacity building, organizational development and empowerment; and on the other, gender mainstreaming in all programme formulation and implementation activities. It is particularly important to expand into new areas of programming to advance gender equality in response to current challenges. AGREED

*53 bis: DISCUSSED AND PENDING (to be merged with 44 bis)

G77 53 bis: Girls and women of all ages with any form of disability are generally among the more vulnerable and marginalized of society. There is therefore need to take into account and to address their concerns in all policy making and programming. Special measures are needed at all levels to integrate them into the mainstream of development.

*54. Effective and coordinated plans and programmes for the full implementation of the

Platform requires a clear knowledge on the situation of women and girls, and a clear research based knowledge and data disaggregated by sex, short and long-term time-bound targets and measurable goals, follow-up mechanisms to assess progress. [Efforts are also needed to ensure capacity building for all actors involved and to increase transparency and accountability of actions taken towards these goals at the national level]


55. The realization of the goals of gender equality, development and peace at the national and international level needs to be supported by the allocation of human and financial resources for specific and targeted activities, as well as through the explicit attention to these goals in all budgetary actions at the national and international level.

G77 55: The realization and the achievement of the goals of gender equality, development and peace need to be supported by the allocation of all necessary human, financial and material resources at the local, national, regional and international level as well as by increased international cooperation. The explicit attention to these goals in all budgetary processes at the national and international level is essential.

EU 55: The realization of the goals of gender equality, development and peace at the national and international levels needs to be supported by the allocation of human and financial resources for specific and targeted activities, as well as through the explicit attention to these goals in all budgetary actions at the national and international level budgets.

JUSCANZ 55: The [full] realization of the goals of gender equality, development and peace [human rights of all women and girls] at the national and international level needs to be supported by the allocation of human and financial resources for specific and targeted activities, as well as through the explicit attention to these goals in all budgetary actions at the national and international level.

* 55 bis: (TO BE MOVED BETWEEN PARAS 46 AND 46 BIS) Recognizing the persistent and increasing burden of poverty on women in many countries, particularly in developing countries, it is essential to continue from a gender perspective to review, modify and implement integrated macro-economic and social policies and programmes, including, inter alia, those related to structural adjustment and external debt problems, to ensure universal and equitable access to social services, in particular to education, and affordable quality health care services and equal access to and control over economic resources. AGREED


The following paragraphs (except paras. 56 d to 56 e ter, 56 f, and 56 k, as indicated with *) have not yet been discussed. The text in italics is the version taken from document E/CN.6/2000/PC/L.1/Rev.1

Actions to be taken at the national level

  1. Governments must act to:

EU: Former 58 c) Design policies that protect and promote women’s enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and create an environment that does not tolerate violations of the rights of women and girls;

(a) Expand and encourage the use of specific, time-bound targets to achieve gender balance in the participation of women and men in all areas and at all levels of public life, especially in decision-making positions, and all political activities, including in electoral processes;

EU: a) Expand and encourage the use of specific, time-bound targets to achieve gender balanced in the participation of women and men, in all areas and at all levels of public life, especially in decision-making positions, and all political activities, including in electoral processes;

Holy See: (a) Expand and encourage the use of specific, time-bound targets to achieve gender balance provide equal opportunity for women to participate in the participation of women and men in all areas and at all levels of public life, especially in decision-making positions, and all political activities, including in electoral processes;

Turkey: (a) Expand and encourage the use of specific, time-bound targets to achieve gender balance in the participation of women and men in all areas and at all levels of public life, especially in decision-making positions, political parties and all political activities, including in electoral processes; with a provisional minimum target of 30 % representation of women by 2003 and equal representation by 2005

JUSCANZ: (a) Expand and Encourage the use of specific, time-bound targets [short- and long-term measurable goals and regularly monitor progress] to achieve gender balance in the participation of women and men[, including young women and men], in all areas and at all levels of public life, especially in decision-making positions, and all political activities, including in electoral processes;

JUSCANZ (a-bis) Address the barriers faced by women, particularly among marginalized women, in accessing and participating in politics and decision-making, including lack of training, women’s double burden of paid and unpaid work, societal attitudes and stereotypes;

(b) Set explicit time-bound targets for women’s full and equal participation in key policy-making levels in strategic and development institutions, including ministries of finance and planning, agriculture, education, health and environment;

EU: (b) delete

G77: (b) Set explicit short and long term time bound targets to promote progress towards the full and equal participation of women in key policy making levels in strategic and development institutions and all government ministries.

Holy See: (b) Set explicit time-bound targets for women's full and equal participation opportunity to participate in key policy-making levels in strategic and development institutions, including ministries of finance and planning, agriculture, education, health, environment;

JUSCANZ: (b) (Set explicit time-bound targets [Encourage the use of measurable goals] for women’s full and equal participation in key [at all] policy-making levels in strategic and development institutions, including ministries [and institutions];

(c) Set quotas for women’s participation in local development bodies as part of the decentralization processes taking place in many countries around the world;

EU: © delete.

EU: Merge (b) & (c) Set explicit time-bound targets for women’s equal access to and full and equal participation in key policy-making levels in strategic and development institutions, including all key ministries of finance and planning, agriculture, education, health, environment, as well as local development bodies, encouraging participatory governance as an instrument for women’s empowerment.

Turkey: Merge (b) and (c) Set [ Turkey: targets and implement measures] [EU: for women’s access to and full participation in key policy making levels in strategic, [Turkey: legal] , and development institutions including ministries of finance and planning, agriculture, education, health, [Turkey: justice] [Turkey: through positive actions, when necessary] [Turkey: delete: local development bodies as part of the decentralization processes taking place in many countries around the world;]

Turkey: b bis merged (b) and (c) : Develop and support education and training programs to empower women, including women voters and candidates

Holy See: (c) Set quotas goals for women's participation, on a basis of equal opportunity, in local development bodies as part of the decentralization processes taking place in many countries around the world;

JUSCANZ: Set quotas [Encourage the establishment of measurable goals] for women’s participation in local development bodies [authorities] as part of the decentralization processes taking place in many countries around the world;

*56 (d): Ensure policies that guarantee equal access to education and elimination of gender disparities in education, including vocational training, science and technology and completion of basic education for girls, especially for those living in rural and deprived areas, and opportunities for continuing education at all levels for all women and girls. (AGREED)

* 56 d bis: Support the implementation of plans and programmes of action to ensure quality education and improved enrolment retention rates for boys and girls and the elimination of gender discrimination as well as gender stereotypes in educational curricula and education material, as well as in the process of education. (AGREED)

* 56 d ter: [Provide a supportive learning environment for girls and boys that promotes gender equality, peace and human rights and respect for [cultural, religious and [all] other forms of diversity] [all forms of diversity]. (Remarks: there was general consensus until "respect for…")

* 56 d quarter: [TO BE MOVED UNDER PARA 62] Design and implement policies and programmes, to fully address specific needs of women and girls with disabilities, to ensure their equal access to education at all levels, including technical and vocational training and adequate rehabilitation programmes, to health care and services and employment opportunities, to protect and promote their human rights and, where appropriate, eliminate existing inequalities between women and men with disabilities. (AGREED)

* 56 e: Accelerate action and strengthen political commitment to close the gender gap in primary and secondary education by 2005 and to ensure free compulsory and universal primary education for both girls and boys by 2015 as advocated by several global conferences and eliminate policies which have been proven to worsen and perpetuate the gap. (AGREED)

*56 e bis: (Proposed by G77: Continue to undertake and carry out policies and programmes aimed at reducing the female illiteracy rate.) (Agreed to be considered along with para. 63h of PC/L.1/Rev.1 under para. 63)

* 56 e ter: Develop gender sensitive curricula from kindergarten to elementary schools to vocational training and universities in order to address gender stereotyping as one of the root causes of segregation in working life. (AGREED)


[Continue efforts to implement fully national action plans modelled on the Platform for Action developed to follow-up the Fourth World Conference on Women and, as appropriate, adjust or develop national plans for the future]

  1. Repeal all discriminatory legislation by 2005;

EU: (g) delete. JUSCANZ agrees with EU proposal to combine (g) and (h)

Holy See: (g) By 2005 repeal all discriminatory legislation that discriminates against women by 2005;

JUSCANZ: (g-bis) Take action to end discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation; review and repeal laws that criminalize homosexuality, since such laws contribute to creating a climate which encourages discrimination and violence against women who are, or are perceived to be, lesbians; and address violence and harassment against them;

Holy See 56 g bis: Maternity, motherhood, parenting and the role of women in procreation must not be a basis for discrimination nor restrict the full participation of women in society;

(h) Create and maintain a non-discriminatory, as well as a gender-sensitive, legal environment, and eliminate legislative gaps that leave women and girls without protection of their rights;


EU: Merge (g) and (h) : Create and maintain a non-discriminatory, as well as a gender sensitive legal environment by reviewing legislation with the view to removing discriminatory provisions by 2005 and eliminating legislative gaps that leave women and girls without protection of their rights and without effective recourse against gender-based discrimination.

(i) Review all existing, as well as future legislation to ensure compatibility and full compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women;

EU: (i) Review all existing, as well as future legislation to ensure compatibility and full compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and withdraw reservations to the CEDAW convention which are incompatible with the object and purposes of the Convention.

Holy See: (i) Review all existing, as well as future legislation to ensure gender equality; compatibility and full compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; (move to new 58 bis)

JUSCANZ: (i) [Take measures to ensure compatibility and compliance] Review all [of] existing, as well as [and] future legislation to ensure compatibility and full compliance with [and policy with the object and purpose of] the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women;

EU: (i) bis Consider signing and ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

JUSCANZ: (i-bis) Ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, limit the extent of any reservations to it and withdraw all reservations which are incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention or otherwise incompatible with applicable international treaty law;

EU (i) ter Develop, review and implement laws, practices and procedures to prohibit and eliminate discrimination on the basis of sex, race or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.

(j) Adopt incentive systems for the private sector and for educational establishments that facilitate and strengthen compliance with non-discriminatory legislation;

EU: delete. Could be moved to paragraph 58. JUSCANZ: delete.

* 56 (k): Develop, adopt and fully implement laws and other measures as appropriate, such as policies and educational programmes, to eradicate harmful customary or traditional practices [including female genital mutilation, forced marriage and honour crimes] that are violations of the human rights of women and girls, obstacles to the full enjoyment by women of their human rights and fundamental freedoms and to intensify efforts, in cooperation with local women’s groups, to raise collective and individual awareness on how traditional or customary practices violate women’s human rights.

(l) Treat all forms of violence against women as a public offence punishable by law;

G77: (l) Treat all forms of violence against women and girls as a criminal offense punishable by law; and to ensure its implementation.

EU: (l) Treat all forms of violence against women as a public criminal offence punishable by law, including violence based on discrimination on the basis of race or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.

Holy See: (1) Treat all forms of violence against women as a public offence punishable by law;

JUSCANZ: (l) Treat all forms of violence against women [of all ages] as a public offence punishable by law, [with perpetrators sentenced appropriately; make training available to all law enforcement and justice personnel to enforce and apply these laws; introduce actions aimed at helping and motivating perpetrators to break the cycle of violence;]

(m) Establish family courts and adopt legislation to handle criminal matters relating to domestic violence;

EU: (m) delete. Redraft: Establish legislation to handle criminal matters relating to domestic violence and ensure that such cases are brought to justice swiftly.

Turkey: (m) Establish family courts and legislation to handle criminal matters relating to domestic violence, including marital rape and sexual abuse;

JUSCANZ: (m) Establish family courts and adopt legislation [and/or strengthen appropriate mechanisms] to handle criminal matters relating to domestic [or family] violence, [including marital rape and physical and/or sexual assaults of women and girls;]

Holy See: (m bis) Develop or strengthen policies which address family disintegration and insecurity;

JUSCANZ: (m-bis) Take immediate action, with the full participation of indigenous people, to address the particular impact of violence on indigenous women, in order to implement culturally appropriate programmes and services to eliminate all forms of violence;

(n) Introduce effective legislation in all States to protect women against violence and harmonize all laws to ensure that victims of such violence are not harmed again;

EU: (n) Introduce effective legislation in all States to protect women against violence and against further abuse and harmonize all laws to ensure that victims of this violence are not harmed are not indirectly punished for bringing a complaint against abuse or leaving an abusive relationship.

Turkey: (n) Introduce effective legislation in particular protection orders, in all States to protect women against violence and harmonize all laws to ensure that victims of such violence are not harmed again and provide legal aid, shelter and social, medical and psychological support;

JUSCANZ: (n) Introduce effective legislation in all States to protect [all] women [and girls] against [all forms of] violence, and harmonize all laws [encourage the reporting of such violence, and ensure that cases are quickly brought to justice; promote access to legal aid, shelter, and social, medical and psychological support,] to ensure that victims of such violence are not harmed again; and adopt innovative approaches to prevent domestic violence against women and girls with particular regard to the protection of children, working in partnership with the private sector, communities, and NGOs;

G77: (n) Take necessary measures to protect all women and girls against all forms of violence by providing access to legal aid, protective, medical, psychological and other support services and to encourage all women to report all incidents of violence against them by integrating a gender perspective in law enforcement and judicial systems to ensure gender sensitive treatment of all cases and victim’s freedom from further harm, harassment and revictimisation;

G77 n bis: Undertake research to develop a better understanding of the root causes of all forms of violence against women in order to design programmes and take measures towards eliminating these forms of violence;

EU: (n) bis: Set up a coordinating mechanism, such as a national rapporteur, to encourage the exchange of information and to report on findings and trends in violence against women, in particular trafficking.

JUSCANZ: (n-bis) Recognize and address through policies and programmes, race-based violence as another form of violence against women and girls, and racism as another cause of violence against women and girls;

G77: n bis (Based on JUSCANZ proposal) Take measures to address through policies and programmes, racially motivated violence against women and girls;

JUSCANZ (n-ter) Eliminate trafficking, particularly of women and girls in all its forms as it is a violation of human rights, through a three part anti-trafficking strategy consisting of prevention, protection and assistance for trafficking victims and prosecution of traffickers;

G77: n ter (Based on JUSCANZ proposal) To devise and enforce effective measures to combat all forms of trafficking in women and girls through an anti-trafficking strategy consisting of prevention campaigns, exchange of information, assistance and protection for the victims and prosecution of traffickers and their collaborators;

JUSCANZ: (n-quater) Consider preventing, within the legal framework and in accordance with national policy, victims of trafficking, particularly women and girls, from being prosecuted for their illegal entry or residence, taking into account that they are victims of exploitation;

(o) Adopt national legislation consistent with the Convention on Biological Diversity to protect the knowledge, innovations and practices of women in indigenous and local communities relating to traditional medicines, biodiversity and indigenous technologies;

EU: (o) Adopt national legislation, where appropriate, consistent with the Convention on Biological Diversity to protect the knowledge, innovations and practices of women in indigenous and local communities relating to traditional medicines, biodiversity and indigenous technologies.

G77: (o) Adopt national legislation where necessary in accordance with national legislative procedures consistent with the Convention on Biological Diversity to protect the knowledge, innovations and practices of women in indigenous and local communities relating to traditional medicines, bio-diversity and indigenous technologies;

Holy See: (o) Adopt national legislation consistent with the Convention on Biological Diversity to protect the knowledge, innovations and practices of women in indigenous and local communities relating to traditional medicines, biodiversity and indigenous technologies; (move to new 58bis)

JUSCANZ (Pending)

JUSCANZ: (o-bis) Accelerate research into gender aspects of current environmental concerns and promote women’s involvement in environmental decision-making and priority–setting;

(p) Integrate mental health services into primary health-care systems and train health workers to recognize and care for girls and women of all ages who have experienced any form of gender-based violence;

JUSCANZ: (p) Integrate mental health services into primary health-care systems, promote women’s and girls’ mental well-being, and the development of programmes to address mental health issues relating to inter alia, violence, conflict, marginalization, discrimination, and social and economic inequality, and train health workers to recognize and care for girls and women of all ages who have experienced any form of gender-based violence;

(q) Review and revise existing health legislation to reflect the new demands for service and care by women and girls as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and new knowledge about women’s needs for specific mental and occupation health programmes and for the ageing process;

EU: (q) Review and revise, when necessary or appropriate, existing health legislation and services to reflect the new demands for service and care by women and girls as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and new knowledge about women’s needs for specific mental and occupation health programmes and for the ageing process;

Holy See: (q) Review and revise existing health legislation to reflect the new demands for service and care by women and girls as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic as well as and new knowledge about women's needs for specific mental and occupational health programmes and for the ageing process;

Turkey: (q) Review and revise existing health legislation and services to reflect fulfill commitments as outlined in the Platform for Action, to ensure highest possible standard of care and to respond to the new demands for service and care by women and girls as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and new knowledge about women’s needs for specific mental and occupation health programmes and for the ageing process and needs of women of all ages in such areas as sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS, mental health and occupational health;

JUSCANZ: (q) Review and revise existing health legislation [and/or policies] to reflect [commitments to ensure the highest attainable standard of health, including sexual and reproductive health, and to respond to] the new demands [needs] for service and care by women and girls as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and new knowledge about women’s needs for specific mental and occupation [al] health programmes and for the ageing process;

EU (q) bis Adopt policies to ensure primary health care and reproductive health services of the widest achievable range of scale, in order, namely, to bridge the gap of unmet needs in contraception and promote safe motherhood.

Holy See: (q) bis Adopt policies to address, on a prioritized basis, emerging and continued health challenges, such as malaria and other diseases identified by WHO as having major impact on health, including those having the highest mortality and morbidity rates; Ensure that the reduction of maternal morbidity and mortality is a health sector priority and that women have ready access to essential obstetric care, well-equipped and adequately staffed maternal health-care services, skilled attendance at delivery, emergency obstetric care, effective referral and transport to higher levels of care when necessary, post-partum care and family planning;

JUSCANZ: (q-bis) Ensure that women of all ages can fully realize their sexuality, free of coercion, discrimination and violence by, inter alia, developing legislation, disseminating information and promoting accessible and affordable services;

EU (q) ter Address unsafe abortion as a major cause of maternal death and injury; and, in circumstances where it is not against the law, health systems should train and equip health service providers and should take other measures to ensure that abortion is safe and accessible.

Turkey: q ter Address unsafe abortion as a major cause of maternal death and injury; and, train and equip health service providers and take other measures for the provision of safe and accessible abortion and post-abortion services.

Holy See: (q)ter Ensure universal access for women throughout the life-cycle, on a basis of equality between women and men, to social services related to health care, including education, clean water and safe sanitation, nutrition, food security and health education programmes;

JUSCANZ: (q-ter) Give high priority to implementing without delay the ICPD+5 key future actions called for by the General Assembly in its resolution S-21/2 on 2 July 1999 in partnership with NGOs; JUSCANZ (q-quater) Enact legislation and/or adopt measures to ensure non-discrimination against and respect for the privacy of those living with HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, including women and young people, so that they are not denied the information needed to prevent further transmission and are able to access treatment and care services without fear of stigmatization, discrimination or violence;

JUSCANZ (q-quint) To meet the need to deal with the health impact of unsafe abortion as a major public health concern and a significant cause of maternal injury and death, and in circumstances where abortion is not against the law, health systems should train and equip health-service providers and take other measures to ensure that such abortion is safe and accessible, as well as take additional measures to safeguard women’s health, and as required by paragraph 106(k) of the Platform for Action, consider reviewing laws containing punitive measures against women who have undergone illegal abortions;

JUSCANZ (q-sext) Promote and improve comprehensive gender-specific tobacco control strategies for women, young women and girls, which would include inter alia, education, prevention and cessation programs and services, and the reduction of people’s exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and support the development of the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control;

(r) Incorporate gender equality perspectives into budgetary processes;

EU: Delete.

JUSCANZ: (r) Incorporate gender equality perspectives into budgetary processes; Take into account the differential impact on women in the design of macro-economic policy by incorporating a gender equality perspective and developing the necessary analytical and methodological tools and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation;

JUSCANZ: (r-bis) Implement programs that promote women’s participation in economic decision-making;

JUSCANZ (r-ter) Ensure meaningful participation in decision making by indigenous women to ensure culturally appropriate policies, programs and services, the use of indigenous languages, accessibility, the collection of appropriate data and research, and training for indigenous women;

  1. Incorporate an allocation for gender equality programmes in national budgets;
  2. EU: delete

    JUSCANZ: (s) Incorporate an allocation for gender equality programmes in national budgets; Incorporate a gender equality perspective into national and other bugetary processes in order to promote equitable, effective and appropriate resource allocation and ensure adequate budgets to support gender equality programmes.

  3. Establish specific allocations in national budgets for supporting development programmes for women;
  4. EU: delete. (r), (s) & (t) could be merged and moved as y) bis

    JUSCANZ: delete. (Covered by (r) and (s) amendments)

  5. Create social security systems for poor women in view of the uncertainties and conditions of work associated with globalization;

EU: (u) delete. Redraft (u): Create and ensure equal access to social protection systems, taking into account the specific needs of poor women, demographic changes and changes in society, to provide safeguards against the uncertainties and changes in conditions of work associated with globalization and ensure that new, non-standard forms of work are not sub-standards in terms of social protection.

Turkey: (u) Create social security system for poor women, particularly women in agricultural and informal sectors, in view of the uncertainties and conditions of work associated with globalization.

JUSCANZ: (u) Create social security systems for poor women in view of the uncertainties and conditions of work associated with globalization; Create and ensure equal access to social protection systems, taking into account the specific needs of women living in poverty, demographic changes and changes in society, to provide safeguards against the uncertainties and changes in conditions of work associated with, globalizations and work to ensure that new, non-standard forms of work are not sub-standard in terms of social protection. (JUZCANZ amendment to EU text)

EU: (u) bis Facilitate employment for women through fiscal measures and adequate social protection, simplification of administrative procedures and other measures (such as access to risk capital, credit schemes and other funding) facilitating the establishment of micro enterprises and SMEs (ECE)

JUSCANZ: (u-bis) Ensure and safeguard the basic rights and interests of women as workers and take action to develop ways to support women’s equal participation in the labour force through inter alia, improving access to technologies and training; addressing sex differences in occupational health and safety; combating employment discrimination with respect to hiring and promotion, employment benefits and social security, working conditions, occupational segregation and harassment; and promote concrete support to enable workers to meet their employment and family responsibilities;(Pending)

JUSCANZ: (u-quarter) Affirm that national labour laws as they apply to new and/or irregular forms of work give appropriate protection to women workers, while maximizing employees and employers choices about forms of work; (PENDING)

(v) Ensure that national legislative and administrative reform processes linked to land reform, decentralization and reorientation to a market economy give women equal rights with men to economic resources, including access to credit, ownership and control over land and other assets;

EU: (v) Ensure that national legislative and administrative reform processes linked to land reform and land rights, decentralization and reorientation to a market economy, give women equal rights with men to economic resources, including property and inheritance rights, access to credit, ownership and control over land and other assets;

JUSCANZ: (v) Ensure that national legislative and administrative reform processes [including those] linked to land reform, decentralization and reorientation [transition] to a market economy give [respect] women’s equal rights with men to economic resources, including [property and inheritance rights,] access to credit, [markets, capital, natural resources and appropriate new technology, ownership and control over land and other assets;

  1. Create new, or reinforce existing, institutional mechanisms to work with national machineries and NGOs and strengthen societal support for gender equality;

EU: delete.

Holy See: (w) Create new, or reinforce existing, institutional mechanisms to work with national machineries and non-governmental organizations and strengthen societal support for gender equality;

JUSCANZ: Create new, or reinforce existing, institutional mechanisms [at all levels of government,] to work with national machineries to and NGOs and strengthen societal support for gender equality, [in partnership with civil society];

(x) Establish effective equal opportunities commissions;

EU: (x) delete.

EU: Merge (w) and (x): Create or reinforce existing institutional mechanisms, such as effective equal opportunities commissions to work with national machineries and NGOs, and strengthening support for gender equality in society and effectively reaching all women.

JUSCANZ: Establish effective equal opportunities commissions [or other institutions to promote equal opportunities;]

EU (x) bis: Ensure that mandates, roles and responsibilities of institutional mechanisms are well defined and disseminated; provide them with the necessary sustainable human and financial means; and ensure their presence at the highest level in all governmental departments and all other decision-making bodies so that gender mainstreaming is integrated in all policy areas and accountability of the government to gender equality policies is extended to these areas.

(y) Design all government information policies and strategies in a gender-sensitive manner;

EU: (y) bis Merge (r), (s) and (t): Incorporate gender equality perspectives into all budgetary processes, including by ensuring adequate budgets to support gender equality programmes.

(z) Provide adequate resources in national budgets for national machineries for the advancement of women so that they can implement their mandates;

EU: (z) delete.

JUSCANZ: (z) Provide adequate resources in national budgets for [to] national machineries for the advancement of women so that they can implement their mandates;

(aa) Provide national statistical offices with institutional and financial support in order that their services may be demand-driven and enable them to respond to requests for data disaggregated by sex and age for use in the formulation of gender-sensitive statistical indicators for monitoring and impact assessment;

EU: (aa) delete. It could be moved to paragraph 62.

JUSCANZ: (aa) Provide national statistical offices with institutional and financial support in order that their services may be demand-driven and to enable them to respond to requests for [to collect, compile and disseminate] data disaggregated by sex and age [and other factors as appropriate, in formats that are accessible to the public and to policy-makers] for use in the formulation of gender-sensitive statistical indicators for [gender-based analysis,] monitoring and impact assessment [and support new work to develop statistics and indicators on remunerated and unremunerated work, including in the informal sector, violence against women, and women’s health concerns;]

Holy See: 56(aa)bis Provide funding to further develop statistical data on health including medical research on heart disease and epidemiological studies that are gender specific and conduct clinical trials involving women to establish basic information about dosage, side-effects and effectiveness of drugs, including contraceptives which conform to ethical standards for research and testing;

Holy See: 56(aa)ter Promulgate recent and reliable data on mortality and morbidity of women and conduct further research regarding how social and economic factors affect the health of girls and women of all ages as well as research about the provision of health services to girls and women and the patters of their use of such services and the value of disease prevention and health promotion programmes for women;

(bb) Develop national capacity to undertake policy-oriented research and impact studies by universities and national research/training institutes to enable knowledge-based policy-making;

EU: (bb) delete. It could be moved to paragraph 62

(cc) Publish crime statistics regularly to increase transparency and map trends in law enforcement concerning violations of the rights of women;

EU: (cc) delete. It could be moved to paragraph 62

JUSCANZ: (cc) Publish crime [sex-disaggregated] crime statistics regularly to increase transparency and map trends in law enforcement concerning violations of the [human] rights of women [and girls;]

(dd) Introduce measures to limit access to weapons by 2005.

EU: (dd) delete.

JUSCANZ: Introduce measures to limit access to weapons by 2005 Continue efforts to prevent and reduce the excessive and accumulation and transfer of small arms and light weapons and to combat illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, parts, components and ammunition in order to decrease impacts on civilian populations particularly women and children;

JUSCANZ: (dd-bis) Mainstream a gender perspective into national immigration and asylum policies, regulations and practices and consider taking steps to recognize gender-based persecution as grounds for granting asylum in order to extend protection to those women whose claim for protection is based on gender-related persecution. (Pending)

57. Governments and non-governmental organizations must act to:

EU: 57. Governments, the private sector and non-governmental organizations and other actors of the civil society must act to:

  • Merge paras 57 & 58, since other actors than NGOs are necessary for actions under 57

JUSCANZ 57. By Governments, and non-governmental organizations, [the private sector, and other actors of civil society:] [JUSCANZ PROPOSES THAT ALL PARAS UNDER 57 AND 58 FALL UNDER 57 LIST OF ACTORS AS AMENDED]

(a) Encourage coalitions among NGOs, grass-roots organizations and traditional, community and religious leaders for the protection and promotion of women’s human rights;

EU: (a) Encourage coalitions collaboration among NGOs, grassroots organizations and traditional, community and religious leaders, for the protection and promotion of women’s the human rights of women;

Holy See: (a) Encourage coalitions among NGOs, grassroots organizations and traditional, community and religious leaders for the protection and promotion of women's fundamental human rights and the dignity and worth of the human person (Charter of the United Nations);

Turkey: (a ) Encourage coalitions among NGOs, grassroots organizations and traditional, community and religious leaders for the protection and promotion of women’s human rights;

JUSCANZ (a) Encourage coalitions among [Support the development of partnerships among all levels of governments,] NGOs, grassroots organizations, traditional, community and religious leaders [organizations and others] for the protection and promotion [promotion and protection] of [all] women’s [and girls’] human rights [and the eradication of poverty];

JUSCANZ (a-bis) Adopt a holistic approach to women’s physical and mental health throughout the life cycle that includes not only health services, but also health promotion, education and disease prevention activities that address biological, behavioral, social and economic determinants of health;

Holy See: 57(a)bis Promote programmes and policies that acknowledge the social significance of maternity, motherhood and the role of parents in the family and in the upbringing of children;

(b) Review health sector reform initiatives and their impact on women’s health, in particular on rural and poor urban health service delivery, and ensure that all women have full and equal access to health services;

EU: (b) delete. Redraft: Review and constantly monitor the impact of health sector reform initiatives on the full enjoyment of human rights by women, in particular with regard to rural and urban health service delivery to the poor, and ensure that reforms secure full and equal access to health services for women including reproductive and sexual health.

Holy See: (b) Review health sector reform initiatives and their impact on women's health, in particular, on rural and poor urban health care service delivery and ensure that all women have full and equal access to health care services;

JUSCANZ: (b) With the full participation of women, Rreview health sector reform initiatives and [assess] their impact on women’s health, in particular on rural and poor urban health service delivery; ensure that all women have full and equal access to health services; [improve the responsiveness of health systems to the diversity of women’s needs; and examine the possibility of using information and communication technologies, such as telehealth, to overcome barriers to accessing health services;]

JUSCANZ: (b-bis) Strengthen measures to improve the nutritional status of all girls and women, recognizing the life-long implications of nutrition and the link between mother and child health, by promoting and enhancing support for programs to reduce malnutrition, such as school meal programs and micro-nutrient supplementation, giving special attention to the gender gap in nutrition;

(c) Re-orient health information, services and training for health workers to incorporate gender-sensitivity and reflect user’s perspectives with regard to interpersonal and communications skills and user’s right to privacy and confidentiality;

EU: c) Reorient health information, including information on methods of family planning, services and training for health workers to incorporate gender-sensitivity and reflect user’s perspectives with regard to interpersonal and communications skills and user’s respect for women’s right to privacy, and confidentiality and informed choice;

Holy See: (c) Re-orient health information, services and training for health workers to incorporate gender-sensitivity and reflect user's perspectives with regard to interpersonal and communications skills and user's right to privacy and confidentiality; (delete because this repeats of paragraph 106f of the Platform)

Turkey: (c ) Re-orient medical institutions, health information, services and training for health workers to incorporate gender-sensitivity and reflect user’s perspectives with regard to interpersonal and communications skills and user’s right to privacy and confidentiality women’s perspectives and right to privacy, confidentiality and informed consent;

JUSCANZ: (c) [To meet the health needs of all women and girls] Rreorient health information, services and training for health workers to incorporate gender sensitivity and reflect [respect women’s and girls’] user’s perspectives with regard to interpersonal and communications skills and user’s [as well as safeguard and respect their] right to privacy[,] and confidentiality [and informed consent];

EU: (c) bis: Design and implement programmes, with the full involvement of young people, to educate and inform them on sexual and reproductive health issues. (from agreed conclusions CSW 43, ‘women and health’)

EU: (c) ter : Design and implement programmes to reduce the number of early pregnancies and support pregnant adolescents and teenage mothers, in particular to prevent them dropping out of school.

(d) Develop and use practical tools and indicators for gender mainstreaming, including gender-sensitive research, statistics and information.

JUSCANZ: (d) Develop and use [frameworks, guidelines and other] practical tools and indicators for [to accelerate] gender mainstreaming, including gender-sensitive [based] research, [analytical tools and methodologies, training, case studies,] statistics and information;

EU: (d) bis Provide opportunities for women, including women of all ages, with diverse backgrounds to gain political experiences by encouraging their participation and creating positive conditions for their entry into local and regional politics as well as into national politics. (ECE)

JUSCANZ: (d) bis: Provide opportunities for women of all ages, with diverse backgrounds to gain political experiences by encouraging their participation and creating positive conditions for their entry into local and regional politics as well as into national politics;

JUSCANZ: (d)ter: Examine and address the root causes of trafficking in persons, especially women and girls, focusing on, inter alia, lack of education, chronic unemployment, discrimination, lack of viable economic opportunities, feminization of poverty, and the demand for trafficking;


58. Governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and other actors of the civil society, must act to:

JUSCANZ: 58. By Governments, non-governmental organization, the private sector and all other actors of the civil society [JUSCANZ PROPOSES THAT ALL PARAS UNDER 58 CONTINUE UNDER PARA 57 LIST OF ACTORS AS AMENDED]

EU: 58. By Governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and other actors of the civil society:

  • EU would like to switch the order of sub-paragraph a) & b):

(a) Establish the creation of institutional networks to support the career development and promotion of women;

EU: (a) bis Adopt innovative and practical measures to enhance the employability of women and improve the quality of their employment.

EU (a) Take action to bring about a balanced representation of women and men in all sectors and occupations in the labour market and Establish encourage the creation of institutional networks to support the career development and promotion of women to break the glass ceiling.

JUSCANZ: (a) Establish the creation of [Expand or create] institutional networks to support the career development and promotion of women [to break the glass ceiling and to take other actions to bring about a balanced representation of women and men in all sectors and occupations;] (SWITCH WITH/MOVE TO (b))

(b) Support women in senior positions to act as role models and mentors for other women and compile national rosters of possible women leaders;

JUSCANZ: (b) [Encourage] Support women in senior positions to act as role models and mentors for other women and compile national rosters of possible women leaders; (JUSCANZ SUPORTS EU TEXT AND SWITCH WITH/MOVE TO (a))

EU: (b) bis Take initiatives to remove structural, legal and behavioural barriers preventing gender equality in the world of work, covering in particular important problem areas, such as gender bias in recruitment; inequality in sharing work and family responsibilities between women and men; unequal treatment of workers’ rights and benefits in terms of their application to women and men; sex differences in occupational health and safety; and unequal career opportunities (glass ceiling). (ECE)

JUSCANZ: (b-bis) Develop and/or strengthen programmes and policies to support women entrepreneurs, including those engaged in new and emerging enterprises, through access to information, training, vocational training, new technologies, networks and financial services;


EU b) bis Initiate positive steps to promote equal pay for equal work or work of equal value and to diminish differentials in incomes between women and men.

(c) Design policies that protect and promote women’s enjoyment of all human rights and create an environment that does not tolerate violations of the rights of women and girls.

EU: ( c ) delete. It could be moved to paragraph 56

Holy See: (c) Design policies that protect and promote women's enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and create an environment that does not tolerate violations of the those rights and freedoms of women and girls.

JUSCANZ: (c) Design [and implement] policies [and programs] that support women’s enjoyment of all human rights and create an environment that does not tolerate any violations of the rights of women and girls [, and specifically include training and legal literacy programs, which build and support the capacities of women’s organizations to advocate for women’s and girls’ human rights].

EU (c) bis Design, implement and promote family friendly policies, including affordable, accessible and quality care services for children and other dependants, as well as parental and other leave schemes.

JUSCANZ: (c-bis) Adopt and promote a holistic approach to responding to violence against girls, youth, women and older women that is sensitive to diversity and include the education of health providers and the provision of appropriate health and social services, educational programmes to overcome attitudes that reinforce women's subordination and stereotyped roles, programmes and education in the workplace, the promotion of economic equality and the empowerment of women.

EU (c) ter Organize public information campaigns to sensitize public opinion and other relevant actors on the principle of equal sharing between women and men of work and family responsibilities (ECE)

EU (c) quarter. Former 56 j) Adopt Consider introducing incentive systems for and in the private sector and for educational establishments that facilitate ensure and strengthen compliance with non-discriminatory legislation;

EU (c) quint. Encourage the education of girls in science, mathematics, new technologies of information and technical subjects and encourage women, namely through career advising to consider employment in high growth and high wage sectors and jobs. (ECE)

EU (c) sex. Develop a set of policies and programmes providing access to specific training, life-long learning and retraining, including in information and communication technology and entrepreneurial skills, which would be tailored to women’s needs according to the different stages of their lives and of family formation. (ECE)

EU (c) set. Analyze and respond to the major reasons why men and women are affected differently by the process of job creation and job elimination associated with economic transition and structural transformation of the economy, including globalization. (ECE)


Holy See 58bis. By States parties, where appropriate:

Holy See (a) Adopt national legislation consistent with the Convention on Biological Diversity to protect the knowledge, innovations and practices of women in indigenous and local communities relating to traditional medicines, biodiversity and indigenous technologies; (former 55o)

Holy See (b) Review all existing as well as future legislation to ensure compatibility and full compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women;


Actions to be taken at the international level

59. The United Nations, including the regional commissions, the United Nations system, international and regional organizations must act to:

EU: 59. By the United Nations, including regional commissions, the United Nations system, including the Bretton Woods Institutions international and regional organizations and Non Governmental Organizations:

  • Merge para. 18 with 19

(a) Assist Governments to develop an integrated programme of support for the 12 critical areas of concern contained in the Platform;

EU: (a ) Assist Governments to develop, if they have not yet done so, and further implement national action plans for the implementation of the PfA. An integrated programme of support for the 12 critical areas of concern contained in the Platform;

JUSCANZ: delete (a) reformulate: Assist Governments to build institutional capacity and develop national action plans, or further implement existing action plans, for the implementation of the Platform for Action;

JUSCANZ: (a-bis) Assist non-governmental organizations, especially women’s organizations, to build their capacity to help monitor, advocate for and implement the Platform for Action;

(b) Allocate resources to regional and national programmes in the above-mentioned areas;

EU: (b) Allocate resources to regional and national programmes in the above-mentioned to implement the PfA in its 12 critical areas.

JUSCANZ: (b) Allocate resources to regional and national programmes in the above-mentioned areas [to implement the PFA in its 12 critical areas];

Turkey (b): Allocate sufficient resources to regional and national programmes in the above-mentioned areas;

EU (b) bis Mainstream a gender perspective in the integrated and coordinated follow-up to all UN major Conferences and Summits and in the ongoing debate on the future of the UN and on UN reform.

Russian Federation: b (bis) To assist Governments in countries with economies in transition to further develop and implement plans and programmes aimed at economic and political empowerment of women;

(c) Support women’s NGOs in providing services as one strategy to increase Government’s capacity to meet commitments made at the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development and the follow-up to the Conference (Cairo+5) regarding access to quality and affordable health services, including sexual, reproductive health care and family planning information and services, as well as maternal and essential obstetric care.

EU: ( c ) delete. Could be moved to paragraph 63

JUSCANZ: ( c ) delete. COVERED IN JUSCANZ 56 (q-ter)

Holy See: (c) Support women's NGOs in providing complimentary services as one strategy to increase Government's capacity to meet international commitments made at the International Conference on Population and Development and ICPD + 5 the Fourth World Conference on Women, regarding access to quality and affordable health services, social services related to health care, including education, clean water and safe sanitation, nutrition, food security, sexual and reproductive health care and family planning information and services that are free from any form of coercion, as well as maternal and essential obstetric and neo-natal care.

EU (c)bis Encourage all human rights mechanisms, including treaty bodies, to continue to systematically take a gender perspective into account in the implementation of their mandates, and to include in their reports information on and qualitative analysis of human rights of women and men.

JUSCANZ: (c-bis) Continue to implement and monitor, with the full participation of women, plans of actions, ECOSOC Agreed Conclusions and other initiatives to mainstream a gender perspective into all policies and programmes of the UN system, including through the integrated and coordinated follow-up to all major UN conferences and summits and in the on-going debate on UN reform, as well as to ensure the allocation of sufficient resources and maintenance of gender units and focal points to achieve this end;

EU: (c)ter Review the mandate of the CSW to further develop its role and working methods in monitoring and advancing implementation of the Beijing PFA;

JUSCANZ: (c-ter) Provide and disseminate an analysis of the linkages between the Beijing Platform for Action and all relevant major UN conferences and summits;

60. The organizations of the United Nations system, including the Bretton Woods institutions and NGOs must act to:

EU: 60 By the organizations of the United Nations system, including the Bretton Woods institutions and non-governmental organizations: Merge para. 60 and 61

Holy See: 60. By the organizations of the United Nations system, including the Bretton Woods institutions, international financial institutions and non-governmental organizations:

(a) Assist Governments in developing gender-sensitive responses to humanitarian crises resulting from armed conflict, natural disasters and environmental degradation;

EU: (a) Assist Governments in developing gender-sensitive responses to humanitarian crises resulting from armed conflict, natural disasters and environmental degradation and update, disseminate and implement national and international guidelines specifically designed to this end.

(b) Ensure women’s full and equal participation in sustainable reconstruction efforts;

EU: (b) Ensure and support women’s full and equal gender balanced participation in peace negotiations, peace building and at all stages of design, planning and implementation of sustainable reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts.

Holy See: (b) Ensure women's full and equal participation in sustainable reconstruction efforts;

JUSCANZ: (b) [Recognize and increase the] Ensure women’s full and equal participation [of women, particularly marginalized women, at all levels of decision making and implementation in development activities and peace processes, including conflict prevention, resolution, post-conflict reconstruction, peace-making, peace-keeping and peace-building] in sustainable reconstruction; (MOVE TO 62(g))

EU b)bis Consider funding and other support for empowering women and their organizations in conflict prevention, peace-keeping and post-conflict transformation activities.

(c) Support the work of the international tribunals, in particular with regard to gender-sensitivity;

EU: (c ) delete. Redraft ©: Encourage the International Criminal Tribunals, and the future ICC, in fully implementing the gender based provisions of the respective statutes and encourage them to promote gender balance in and gender training of their staff.

JUSCANZ: ( c ): Support the work of the international tribunals, in particular with regard [to the integration of a gender perspective] gender sensitivity;

(d) Support the activities of women’s networks working to eradicate all forms of violence against women;

EU: (d) Support the activities of women’s networks working to eradicate eliminate all forms of violence against women;

JUSCANZ: (d) delete, and redraft: Strengthen activities aimed at the eradication of all forms of violence against women and girls, including providing support for the activities of women’s networks;

  1. Ensure that all actors are held accountable for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women;

EU: delete. Redraft: Ensure that all Governments are held accountable for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women and take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination and violence against women by any person, organization or enterprise.

JUSCANZ: Supports EU text with amendments and move to 56

(f) Launch an international "zero tolerance" campaign concerning violence against women by the end of 2001.

EU: (f) Consider launching an international "zero tolerance" campaign for on violence against women by the end of 2001;


JUSCANZ: (f-bis) Work with governments to ensure that gender equality dimensions of development are included in development planning including through the UN Development Assistance Frameworks, Country Development Frameworks and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Processes;

61. The organizations of the United Nations system must act to:

(a) Convene an international task force to develop an international consensus on common indicators on all types of violence and ways to measure violence by the end of 2001;

EU: (a) delete. Could be moved to paragraph 62

JUSCANZ: (a) delete.

(b) Achieve the goal of 50/50 gender distribution in all posts at the professional level and above, in particular at the higher levels in their secretariats, in hiring of consultants in peacekeeping missions and in all activities and report thereon;

EU: (b) Achieve the goal of 50/50 per cent women on all posts, including at the professional level and above, in particular at the higher levels in their secretariats, in hiring of consultants including in peace-keeping missions and peace negotiations, and in all activities and report thereon;

JUSCANZ: delete (b), reformulate: Accelerate implementation of measures designed to improve the status of women in the UN Secretariat, specifically the achievement of the goal of 50/50 gender balance, including setting targets at the departmental level and enhancing management accountability mechanisms;

  1. Introduce, develop and monitor special activities, measures and affirmative action for women staff in areas of recruitment and promotion until the goal is reached.

JUSCANZ: delete (c ), COVERED IN JUSCANZ 61(b)

Holy See: (c) bis Ensure that all activities of the United Nations system which impact on the family contribute to its protection.

JUSCANZ: (c-bis) Emphasize the provision of training on gender mainstreaming, including gender impact analysis, and on the human rights of women, to all UN personnel and officials at headquarters and in the field, especially in field operations, and ensure appropriate follow-up to such training;

JUSCANZ: (c-ter) Take a leadership role through the statistical services of the U.N. system, in developing methods for, and compiling statistics on the full range of contributions of women and men to society and the economy, and the socio-economic situation of women and men, in particular in relation to poverty, and paid and unpaid work in all sectors;

JUSCANZ: (c-quat) Continue, within their mandates, to assist States Parties, upon their request, in implementing the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and in this regard, to pay attention to the concluding comments as well as the general recommendations of the Committee;

Actions to be taken at the national and international level

62. Governments and international organizations, including the United Nations system, must act to:

EU: 62. By Governments, regional and international organizations, including the United Nations system and international financial institutions:

EU: Former 56 (aa) Provide national statistical offices with institutional and financial support in order that their services may be demand-driven and enable them to respond to requests for data disaggregated by sex and age for use in the formulation of gender-sensitive statistical indicators for monitoring and impact assessment; Redraft: Urge statistical offices to formulate gender sensitive statistical indicators for monitoring and impact assessment and provide them with institutional and financial support to enable them to provide comparable data disaggregated by sex and age, as well as to carry out regular strategic surveys.

EU Former 56 (bb) Develop national capacity to undertake gender related and policy-oriented research and impact studies by universities, national research/training institutes to enable knowledge-based policy-making;

EU Former 56 (cc) Publish crime statistics regularly to increase transparency and map trends in law enforcement concerning violations of the rights of women and girls.

EU New: Incorporate the gender perspective in key macro economic and social development policies and national development agendas by developing the necessary analytical and methodological tools and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation. (ECE)

(a) Institute action-oriented programmes, with time-bound targets and benchmarks for measuring progress;

EU: Institute action-oriented programmes for the accelerated implementation of the Platform for Action, with time-bound targets, and benchmarks and indicators for measuring progress;

JUSCANZ: (a) Institute action-oriented programmes, with [short- and long-term measurable goals] time-bound targets and benchmarks for measuring progress;

(b) Ensure greater international cooperation in and national attention to acquiring accurate data and developing indicators on violence against women, including women migrant workers;

EU: (b) Ensure greater international cooperation in and national attention to acquiring accurate and comparable data and developing indicators on the situation of women. violence against women, including women migrant workers,

JUSCANZ: (b) Ensure greater international cooperation in and national attention to acquiring accurate data and developing indicators on [issues of importance to women for use in gender analysis and policy-making;] violence against women;

  1. Promote international cooperation to support national efforts in the development and use of gender-related analysis and statistics;

EU: © Promote international cooperation to support national and international efforts in the development and use of gender-related analysis and statistics;

(d) Support or conduct performance appraisals and impact analysis studies of measures undertaken to achieve gender equality;

EU: (d) Support and regularly or conduct gender impact assessments, performance appraisals and impact analysis studies of measures undertaken to achieve gender equality;


EU (d) bis (Former o) Create an adequate statistics base and clearing-house of good practices and lessons learned on the elimination of various forms of violence against women by the end of 2001

Redraft: Develop an international consensus on uniform indicators and ways to measure violence against women and consider establishing a readily accessible database on statistics, legislation, training models, good practices, ethical guidelines, lessons learned and other resources with regard to all forms of violence against women, including women migrant workers. (ECE)

(e) Improve the collection of comprehensive information about women, including HIV/AIDS throughout the life cycle, and of data disaggregated by sex and age;

EU: (e) Improve the collection of comprehensive information and of data disaggregated by sex and age about on the impact of HIV/AIDS on women, including HIV/AIDS throughout the life cycle;

JUSCANZ: (e) [In partnership with relevant institutions,] Iimprove [and systematize the development of indicators and] the collection of [data disaggregated by sex, age and other appropriate factors on health and access to health services; comprehensive information about women , including HIV/AIDS, throughout the life cycle, and of data disaggragated by sex and age; [eliminate gender biases in bio-medical, clinical and social research and conform with internationally-recognized human rights and internationally accepted legal, ethical, technical and scientific standards;]

JUSCANZ: (e-bis) Promote compatibility of policies and programmes with the objectives of ILO’s 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights of Work, and encourage consideration of ILO Conventions which are particularly relevant to ensure women’s rights at work;

(f) Encourage and implement curriculum changes in training for public officials to ensure attention to gender equality goals;

EU (f): Encourage and implement curriculum changes in training for public officials to make them gender-sensitive and to ensure attention to gender equality goals;

JUSCANZ: (f) Encourage and implement curriculum changes in training for public officials to ensure attention to [increase compliance with] gender equality goals;

(g) Ensure that women are involved in decision-making at all levels, including as special envoys and special representatives;

EU: (g) Ensure that women are involved Encourage the involvement of women in decision-making at all levels, including as special envoys and special representatives;

JUSCANZ: (g) Ensure that women are involved in decision-making at all levels [and achieve gender balance in the appointment of women], including as special envoys and special representatives [and to pursue good offices on behalf of the Secretary-General, especially in matters relating to peace-keeping, peace-building, preventive diplomacy, development, and in operational activities, including resident coordinators]; (MOVE TO 61)

JUSCANZ: (g-bis) Develop and maintain consultative processes and mechanisms, in partnership with women’s groups, community and other groups, to ensure that indigenous women, young women, women with disabilities, older women, and minority women are fully involved in and informed about decisions which impact their lives;

(h) Increase numbers of women to at least 30 to 35 per cent in the civilian police forces and the military, in particular at decision-making levels;

EU (h): Increase numbers of women to at least 30 to 35 per cent Take measures to reach gender balanced participation in the civilian police forces and the military, in particular at decision-making levels;

JUSCANZ: Delete (h), redraft: Identify women candidates for assignment to peace-keeping missions and improve the representation of women in military and civilian police contingents in those missions;

(i) Increase policy responses, effective legislation and other measures aimed at eradication of violence against girls, especially against sexual and economic exploitation, prostitution, child pornography, trafficking and harmful traditional practices such as female genital mutilation;

EU (i): Increase policy responses, effective legislation and other measures aimed at eradication elimination of violence against girls, especially against sexual and economic exploitation, including worst forms of domestic child labour, child prostitution, child pornography, trafficking and harmful traditional practices such as female genital mutilation;

Turkey: (i): Increase policy responses, effective legislation and other measures aimed at eradication of violence against girls, especially against sexual and economic exploitation, prostitution, child pornography, trafficking and harmful traditional and customary practices such as female genital mutilation, forced marriages, honor crimes and dowry related violence;

JUSCANZ: (i ) Increase policy responses, effective legislation and other measures aimed at eradication of [Develop and implement programs to eliminate all] violence against [women and] girls especially against sexual and economic exploitation, prostitution, child pornography, trafficking and harmful traditional [and customary] practices, such as female genital mutilation[, forced marriages and so-called honour crimes];

JUSCANZ: (i-bis) Increase cooperation, policy responses, effective legislation and/or other measures aimed at elimination of sexual and economic exploitation of girls, including child prostitution, child pornography, and sale of children;

JUSCANZ: (i-ter) Increase awareness of the extent to which rape and other acts of sexual violence against women and girls are being used as a weapon of war with the aim of preventing such crimes from occurring and take measures to support prosecution of all persons responsible for such crimes and provide avenues for redress to victims;

JUSCANZ: (i-quater) Intensify international cooperation to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, in particular women and children, inter alia in the framework of ongoing efforts to establish new legal instruments, and through cooperation between states of origin, transit and destination;

JUSCANZ: (i-quint) Improve policy responses, effective legislation and/or other measures aimed at eliminating the worst forms of child labor which have a particular impact on girls;

JUSCANZ: (i-sext) Provide financial and other support to NGOs and other actors in civil society in their fight against gender-based violence, including for programs to combat race-based violence against women and girls;

JUSCANZ: (i-sept) Provide protection for women’s human rights defenders and ensure the safety and security of international and local humanitarian personnel involved in women’s rights protection;

(j) Prosecute the perpetrators of all forms of violence against women and girls and sentence them appropriately;

EU (j): Prosecute the perpetrators of all forms of violence against women and girls and sentence them appropriately and introduce actions aimed at helping and motivating perpetrators to break the cycle of violence;

JUSCANZ: delete (j)

Azerbaijan: (j) bis: Ensure release of women taken hostages, including those subsequently imprisoned, in armed conflict;

(k) Improve knowledge and availability of, and accessibility to, remedies against denial or violations of rights, including effective and gender-sensitive courts, out-of-court procedures such as mediation or conciliation mechanisms, independent human rights institutions with explicit mandates on human rights of women and international judicial and quasi-judicial procedures such as the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women;

Holy See: (k) Improve knowledge and availability of, and accessibility to, remedies against denial or violations of rights, including effective and gender-sensitive courts, out-of-court procedures such as mediation or conciliation mechanisms, independent human rights institutions with explicit mandates on human rights of women and international judicial and quasi judicial procedures such as the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women;

(l) Eliminate impunity for breaches of human rights and humanitarian law through strict application of these standards, especially for military personnel, including peacekeeping forces;

JUSCANZ: Pending

EU: (l) bis Ensure that the mandate of any High-Level Presence in a crisis situation (e.g. Special or High Representative) contains a clearly identifiable gender perspective, and ensure that any such High-Level Presence includes in its team a senior adviser on gender issues;

JUSCANZ: (l) bis: Address the root causes of armed conflict in a comprehensive and durable manner in order to enhance the protection of civilians, particularly women and children;

JUSCANZ: (l-ter) Ensure that the special protection and assistance needs of internally displaced women and girls are identified and met, and in this regard encourage the wide dissemination and use, as appropriate, of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement;

(m) Encourage universal ratification of the Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court by 2005 and support development of rules under the Statute to ensure that they incorporate gender-sensitivity;

JUSCANZ: pending

EU: (m) bis Ensure full implementation of the ILO’s 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and encourage universal ratification and full implementation of ILO Conventions which are particularly relevant to ensure women’s rights at work.

(n) Ensure education and training for all actors in contact with victims of violence;

EU: (n) delete. Redraft: Establish clear guidelines for and provide training to all actors, including police and prosecutors and peace-keeping personnel on attitudes and behaviour in dealing with victims of violence, including sexual violence, as well as clear procedures corresponding to different forms of violence. (ECE)

JUSCANZ: (n) delete

(o) Create an adequate statistics base and clearing-house of good practices and lessons learned on the elimination of various forms of violence against women by the end of 2001;

EU: (o) delete. It could be moved after d)


  1. Undertake impact analysis of measures on violence against women;

EU: (p) delete.


(q) Work with private sector partners and media networks at the national level, particularly in the area of information and communications technologies, to ensure that issues of equal access for women and men are taken into account;

EU: q) Work Cooperate with private sector partners and media networks at the national and international levels to ensure equal access for women and men particularly in the area of information and communications technologies, to ensure that issues of equal access for women and men are taken into account;

JUSCANZ: (q) delete.

(r) Establish programmes to build the capacity of women’s NGOs and organizations to use new information and communications technologies in their development activities;

EU: (r) Establish Support programmes to build the capacity of women’s NGOs and organizations to use new information and communications technologies in their development activities;

EU (r) bis Consider how international trade may best contribute to reducing the disproportionate impact of poverty on women and children and to improving labour conditions, including through enhanced protection of core labour standards.

(s) Accelerate the implementation of the 20/20 initiative;

EU: (s) Accelerate the implementation of the 20/20 initiative, ensuring that it integrates a gender perspective and fully benefits women;


(t)Encourage developed countries to reach the target of committing 0.7 per cent of their gross domestic product (GDP) for official development assistance, thereby increasing the flow of resources for gender equality, development and peace;

EU: Pending. Wait for Political Declaration.

JUSCANZ: Pending.

(u) Endorse a gender-sensitive global poverty eradication strategy during the Millennium Assembly in September 2000;

EU: (u) delete. Redraft: Integrate a gender perspective in all activities and documents related to the Millennium Assembly and Summit, including in the consideration of poverty eradication;

JUSCANZ: (u) delete.

EU (u) bis Assess the extent to which poverty eradication programmes have a positive impact on the empowerment of women living in poverty, in terms of access to training and education, employment, inheritance skills and social services as well as access to and control over land, income and credit, and define concrete changes in such programmes in the light of the above assessment.. (ECE a.c.))

(v) Establish social development funds to minimize the negative effects of structural adjustment programmes and trade liberalization on women and the disproportionate burden borne by poor women;

EU: (v) delete. Redraft: Recognizing that gender equality is a pre-requisite for poverty eradication, elaborate and implement, in consultation with civil society, gender sensitive poverty reduction strategies addressing social, structural and macro-economic issues in a coherent and mutually reinforcing manner, in order to mitigate possible adverse effects of structural adjustment programmes and trade liberalization policies.

JUSCANZ: (v) delete.

Russian Federation: (v) Recognizing that gender equality is a pre-requisite for poverty eradication, elaborate and implement, in consultation with civil society, gender sensitive poverty reduction strategies addressing social, structural and macro-economic issues in a coherent and mutually reinforcing manner, in order to mitigate possible adverse effects of structural adjustment programmes and trade liberalization policies as well as to reduce the social costs of the transition process.

Turkey (v) bis: Assist governments in developing policies for transparency and accountability relating to economic restructuring processes and work with government and all relevant bodies to facilitate the gender impact assessment of economic restructuring including privatization.

(w) Support the Cologne initiative for the reduction of debt, particularly the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Initiative, and the provision that funds saved should be used to support anti-poverty programmes that address gender dimensions;

EU: (w) Support the Cologne Initiative for the reduction of debt, particularly the speedy implementation of the enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Debt Initiative, and the provision ensure that funds available, including those saved by the debt initiative should be are used to support anti-poverty programmes that address comprehensive poverty reduction strategies designed in cooperation with civil society and incorporating gender dimensions. Such strategies should be based on the understanding that gender inequalities limit economic growth and social development and that, among others, gender budget initiatives should be taken into consideration;

JUSCANZ: (w) Support the [timely implementation of the enhanced] Cologne initiative for the reduction of debt, particularly among Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Debt Initiative, and the provision that funds saved should be used to support [comprehensive poverty reduction strategies designed in cooperation with civil society] and incorporating gender dimensions; (MOVE TO 63)

(x) Establish "lending windows" with simplified procedures and collateral requirements that specifically cater to the savings and credit needs of women.

JUSCANZ: (x) delete, and redraft: Establish, in partnership with the private sector where appropriate, "lending windows" and financial services with simplified procedures and collateral requirements and other financial vehicles that specifically cater to the savings, credit and insurance needs to women of all ages engaged at all levels of business; (MOVE TO 63)

EU (x) bis Adopt measures to address the specific needs of older women, in order to ensure their full enjoyment of human rights and quality of life and incorporate them as active partners in the realization of "societies for all ages".

JUSCANZ: (x-bis) With the full participation of indigenous women, establish policies and programmes to build their capacity in leadership, mentoring, decision-making, advocacy, conflict resolution, and the use of information and communication technologies;

EU (x) ter Promote and protect the human rights of all migrant women and enact policies to address the specific needs of documented migrant women and, where necessary, tackle the existing inequalities between men and women migrants to ensure gender equality;

EU (x) quarter Address the specific needs of women and girls with disabilities in the fields of employment, education and health, protect and promote their human rights and, where appropriate, tackle existing inequalities between women and men with disabilities.

63. Governments, international organizations, including the United Nations system and relevant actors of civil society, must act to:

JUSCANZ: 63. By Governments, international organizations including the United Nations system, and relevant actors of civil society [and the private sector]:

EU: Former 59 c) Increase Governments capacity, inter alia, by supporting women’s NGOs in providing services as one strategy to increase Government’s capacity to meet commitments to gender equality and the human rights of women, including sexual and reproductive health care rights made at Beijing, the International Conference on Population and Development and ICPD+5 and related UN Conferences. regarding access to quality and affordable health services, including sexual reproductive health care and family planning information and services, as well as maternal and essential obstetric care;

(a) Seek to create partnerships among Governments, international organizations, NGOs, the private sector, civil society, women and men in support of gender equality;

JUSCANZ: (a) Seek to c [C]reate [effective] partnerships among Governments, international organizations, NGOs, the private sector, civil society, [communications and media systems,] women and men in support of gender equality;

EU a) bis Provide a gender-sensitive economic and social policy framework that is just and stable, and supports, stimulates and expands private initiative;

Holy See: (a bis) Provide protection to the family, the basic unit of society;

EU a) ter Establish partnerships with business, trade unions and other NGOs in support of the goals of the Fourth World Conference on Women and the SG’s proposal for a Global Compact;

EU a) quarter Recognize the need for information campaigns and codes of conduct that promote gender-sensitive social responsibility of the private sector;

(b) Undertake capacity-building, including through gender training, for all actors accountable for achieving gender equality;

JUSCANZ: (b) Undertake [Strengthen capacity of all actors responsible for achieving gender equality] capacity building, including through gender training;. for all actors tasked with achieving gender equality;

(c) Develop policies that target men, in particular younger men, on changing attitudes and behaviours concerning gender roles and responsibilities;

EU: © Develop policies that target men, in particular younger men, on changing attitudes and behaviours concerning gender roles and responsibilities; including education programmes for boys;

Holy See: (c) Develop policies that target men, in particular younger men and boys, to help them change negative attitudes, on changing attitudes and behaviours concerning gender roles stereotypes and responsibilities;

JUSCANZ: (c) Develop policies [and support programs] that target [for] men [and boys], in particular younger men, on changing attitudes and behaviours concerning gender roles and responsibilities [which promote gender equality and positive attitudes and behaviors concerning gender roles and responsibilities, including responsible and respectful sexual behavior];

JUSCANZ: (c-bis) Support formal and informal education programs for girls, adolescent girls and young women, and support and enable them to acquire knowledge, develop self-esteem and take responsibility for and control over their own lives;

JUSCANZ: (c-ter) Strengthen and promote programs to support the participation of young women in youth networks between and among developed and developing countries in order to address their needs and concerns;

JUSCANZ: (c-quater) Promote programs for healthy active ageing that stress the independence, equality, participation, and security of older women and undertake gender-specific research and programs to address their needs;

  1. Expand gender-awareness campaigns and gender training among women and men to combat the persistence of traditional stereotypes;

JUSCANZ: (d)Expand [Strengthen] gender-awareness campaigns and gender [equality] training among women and men[, girls and boys] to combat [eliminate] the persistence of harmful traditional stereotypes;

(e) Provide information, education and training and equal access for women and girls to public goods and services;

EU: (e) delete.

Holy See: (e bis) Recognize the social significance of the family and the important role often played by women in caring for members of their family;

Holy See: 63(e)bis – Encourage an appreciation for the central role that religion, spirituality and belief play in the lives of millions of women and men, in the way they live and in the aspirations they have for the future, and in this regard, protect and promote the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion as inalienable rights which must be universally enjoyed;

JUSCANZ: (e-bis) Promote appropriate measures for women’s life-long learning, through both the formal and non-formal systems, including distance education, so as to support their empowerment;

JUSCANZ: (e-ter) With the full participation of indigenous women, develop and implement educational and training programs that respect their history, culture, spirituality, languages and aspirations and ensure access to all levels of formal and informal education, including higher education

JUSCANZ: (e-quater) Organize public campaigns, as appropriate, to inform the public of the unacceptability of violence against women and undertake prevention activities to promote healthy and balanced relationships based on gender equality, as recommended by the General Assembly Resolution A/C.3/54/L.14/Rev.1 ;

(f) Devise and implement programmes to reconcile family and professional responsibilities for both men and women;

EU: f) Devise and implement programmes to reconcile family and professional responsibilities for both men and women, paying particular attention to encouraging men to share responsibilities for care in the family;

JUSCANZ: (f) Devise and implement [Promote] programmes to reconcile family and professional [work] responsibilities for both men and women;

(g) Apply affirmative action measures to give women equal access to capacity-building training programmes to enhance women’s participation in decision-making at all levels, including as planners, managers and executives of anti-poverty, health and environmental protection and resource management programmes;

EU: (g) Apply affirmative action positive measures, to give women equal access to capacity building training programmes to enhance women’s participation in decision-making at all levels and in all fields, including as planners, managers and executives of anti-poverty, health and environmental protection and resource management programmes;

JUSCANZ: (g) Apply affirmative action [positive action] measures to give women equal access to capacity-building training programmes to enhance women’s the participation [of the full diversity of women] in decision-making at all levels [and in all fields,] including as planners, managers and executives; of anti-poverty, health and environmental protection and resource management programmes;

(h ) Reach out to illiterate adult women through massive literacy campaigns using all modern technological means available and maintain acquired knowledge through post-literacy training, aiming at reducing the female illiteracy rate to at least half its 2000 level by 2005;

EU: Wait for the results of Dakar in April.

JUSCANZ: (h) Reach out to illiterate adult women through massive [effective] literacy, campaigns [programs, including for technological literacy,] using all modern technological means available and maintain acquired knowledge through post-literacy training, aiming at reducing the female illiteracy rate; to at least half of its 2000 level by 2005

(i) Examine the causes for the decline in the enrolment of girls and boys at the primary and secondary levels in some countries, the rise in the number of females in tertiary education in many parts of the world and the consequences of these phenomena;

EU: (i) Examine the causes for the decline in the enrolment of girls and boys at the primary and secondary levels in some countries, the rise in the number of females in tertiary education in many parts of the world and the consequences of these phenomena; and design measures to address these causes with a view to ensuring achievement of international targets on education set by Beijing and Copenhagen;

JUSCANZ: [Continue to] E [e]xamine the causes for the decline in the enrolment of girls and boys at the primary and secondary levels in some countries, the rise in the number of females in tertiary education in many parts of the world and the consequences of these [this] phenomena[on];

EU i) bis Ensure equal opportunities for women and girls in cultural, recreational and sports activities at all levels, as well as in participation in all areas of athletics and physical activities at national and international levels, such as access, training, competition, remuneration and prizes;

JUSCANZ: (i-bis) Develop policies and programmes for the protection of children in hostilities, especially girls, in order to prohibit their forced recruitment by all actors, and to promote and/or strengthen mechanisms for the rehabilitation and reintegration of girl recruits, taking into account their specific experiences and needs;

(j) Ensure widespread dissemination of information and knowledge on the application of human rights and humanitarian law standards;

EU: (j) Ensure widespread dissemination of information and knowledge on the application of human rights and humanitarian law standards, in particular on human rights of women;

JUSCANZ: (j) Promote comprehensive human rights education programs by relevant human rights authorities and institutions in partnership with private sector partners and media networks, to E[e]nsure widespread dissemination of information and knowledge on the application of human rights, refugee and humanitarian law and standards, in particular as they apply to women;

EU j) bis Intensify cooperation between States of origin, transit and destination in investigations and judicial processes relating to trafficking. Such cooperation should be supported by an effective exchange of information, involving intergovernmental law enforcement and police organizations and, if appropriate, NGOs. (ECE)

JUSCANZ: (j-bis) Empower women involved in all armed conflict situations including women refugees and displaced women by involving them in the design and management of humanitarian activities and ensuring that they benefit from these programmes on an equal basis with men;

EU j)ter Pursue, as appropriate, national and international strategies to reduce the risk of women and girls, including those who are refugee and displaced, of becoming victims of trafficking; strengthen national legislation by further defining the crime of trafficking in all its elements and by reinforcing the punishment accordingly; enact social policies and programmes, as well as information and awareness raising initiatives, to prevent and combat trafficking and to support the reintegration of victims in countries of origin and provide measures to support, assist and protect trafficked persons in countries of destination.

(k) Facilitate the creation of alliances between governmental authorities, parliaments, the judiciary and women’s rights groups to monitor compliance with non-discriminatory legislation;

EU: (k) Facilitate the creation of alliances Encourage co-operation between governmental authorities, parliaments, the judiciary and women’s rights groups to monitor compliance with non-discriminatory anti discriminatory legislation;

JUSCANZ: Facilitate the creation of alliances between governmental authorities, parliaments, the judiciary and women’s rights groups to monitor compliance with non-discriminatory legislation;

  1. Encourage the media to actively support the realization of the goal of gender equality;

EU: (l) delete.

JUSCANZ: (l) delete. MOVE TO 63(a)

(m) Adopt, or develop further, codes of conduct, professional guidelines and other self-regulatory guidelines for the media and the information industry to ensure women’s equal access and opportunities as producers and consumers of media and information;

EU: (m) Encourage the media and the information industry to adopt, or develop further, codes of conduct, professional guidelines and other self-regulatory guidelines for the media and the information industry to ensure women’s equal access and opportunities as producers and consumers of media and information;


(n) Design approaches to encourage the media, including through the Internet, to reduce and eliminate stereotyping of women and girls and the commercialization of sex and violence against women and girls

EU: delete.

JUSCANZ: (n) delete. SUPPORTS EU 63(q)

Holy See: (n) Design approaches to encourage the media, including through the and Internet web-site operators, to reduce and eliminate stereotyping of women and girls and the commercialization of sex and violence against women and girls;

(o) Develop programmes that support women’s ability to create, access and distribute information, including through access to and use of new information technologies such as the Internet;

EU. Delete.

JUSCANZ: (o) Develop programmes that support all women’s ability to create, access and distribute information, including through access to and use of new information technologies such as the Internet;

EU: Merge (o) & (s) as follows: Develop programmes that support women’s ability to create, access and promote networking, in particular through the use of new information and communication technologies, such as the Internet.

(p) Target journalists and media specialists, media associations, educational and training institutions to promote balanced and non-stereotyped portrayals of women;

EU: delete.

JUSCANZ: (p) delete. SUPPORTS EU 63(q)

(q) Implement radio and advertising campaigns emphasizing the equal value of girls and boys in society;

EU: delete.

JUSCANZ: (q) delete. SUPPORTS EU 63(q)

EU Replace (l), (n), (p) and (q) with the following: Encourage the media, including the internet, to develop, with the participation of women, self-regulatory guidelines to remove gender stereotypes and promote positive images of women and men, taking into account the right to freedom of expression.

(r) Study the role that new information technology can play in advancing gender equality;

EU: Study the role that Develop the potential of new information and communication technology can play in advancing gender equality;

JUSCANZ: ( r ) delete, and redraft: Capitalize on the new information technologies to improve the global sharing of information, research, strengths, lessons learned and best practices related to achieving gender equality and study other roles that these technologies can play towards that goal;

(s) Provide access to technology that enables women’s organizations to build and maintain networks and to generate and share information;

EU: delete. It was merged with (o)

JUSCANZ: (s) [Continue to support] Provide access to technology [and training] that enables women’s organization to build and maintain networks and to generate and share information;]

Holy See: (s bis) Devise new approaches to reduce severe and moderate malnutrition among the most vulnerable groups, including women and girls.

(t) Support NGOs in efforts to develop community strategies to protect women of all ages from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, provide care to infected girls, women and their families and mobilize all parts of the community;

EU: (t) Support NGOs in efforts to develop community mobilization strategies to protect women of all ages from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases; and provide care to infected girls, women and their families and mobilize all parts of the community

Holy See: (t) Support NGOs in efforts to develop community strategies to protect women of all ages from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, while respecting parental rights and responsibilities, provide care to infected girls, women and their families, promote responsible sexual behaviour, including abstinence, and mobilize all parts of the community;

JUSCANZ: (t) As a matter of priority, especially in those countries most affected, and in partnership with Support NGOs[,] in efforts to intensify education, services and develop community-based strategies to protect women of all ages from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, including the provision of male and female condoms, voluntary HIV testing and counselling, and intensify research on and make available as soon as possible other female-controlled methods, such as microbicides, and vaccines; provide care to infected girls, women and their families and mobilize all parts of the community;

JUSCANZ (t) bis: Provide access to adequate and affordable treatment and care for people with STDs and HIV and associated opportunistic infections, such as tuberculosis, and other services, including adequate housing for women and girls living with STDs and HIV, including during pregnancy and breastfeeding; assist boys and girls orphaned as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic;

(u) Provide support systems, including adequate medication, housing and monitoring for women and girls infected by HIV/AIDS;

EU: (u) Provide gender sensitive support systems, including adequate appropriate medication, housing, social protection, care, and monitoring for children, adolescent girls, women and their families infected affected by HIV/AIDS.

JUSCANZ: (u) Provide support systems, including adequate medication [to assist women who are involved in caring for persons affected by serious health conditions, including HIV]; adequate housing including adequate medication, housing and monitoring for women and girls infected by HIV/AIDS;

(v) Discourage, through the media and other means, customary laws and practices, such as early marriage, polygamy and female genital mutilation, that increase women’s and girls’ susceptibility to HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases;

EU delete. Redraft: Encourage, through the media and other means, a high awareness of harmful effects of traditional or customary practices affecting the health of women, some of which increase their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and other sexual transmitted infections and intensify efforts to eliminate such practices.

Holy See: (v) Discourage, through the media and other means, harmful customary laws and practices, such as early marriage, polygamy and female genital mutilation, that increase women's and girls susceptibility to HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases;

JUSCANZ: Discourage [Encourage], through the media and other means, [the elimination of harmful traditional and] customary laws and practices, such as early or forced marriage, [so-called honor crimes,] polygamy, and female genital mutilation, that increase women’s and girls susceptibility to HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases;

(w) Apply international and national labour laws to irregular forms of work, such as outsourcing, part-time labour and informal subcontracting, created by globalization and which remain unprotected by standard labour laws;

EU delete. Redraft: Encourage the application of international labour standards to all forms of work, including those particularly affecting women, such as outsourcing, part-time work, atypical work and informal labour subcontracting, which have increased, inter alia, as a result of globalisation and which, in many cases, remain unprotected by labour standards

JUSCANZ: delete (w), and redraft: Promote and protect women’s rights concerning work, including through the application of national labour laws and international labour laws to the extent ratified by States and consider enhancing protections where required for new and/or irregular forms of work;

Holy See: (w)Apply international and national labour laws to irregular forms of work, such as outsourcing and part-time labour and informal subcontracting, created by globalization and which remain unprotected by standard labour laws;

JUSCANZ: (w-bis) Take measures to develop and implement programs aimed at assisting women-owned businesses to expand through areas such as international trade, technological innovation and investment to succeed in the global knowledge economy;

(x) Re-orient agricultural extension services, including credit, to meet needs of women producers and to strengthen women’s vital role in providing food security;

EU: Re-orient agricultural extension services, including credit schemes, to meet needs of women producers who play a and to strengthen women’s vital role in providing food security and strengthen women’s capacity to engage in and profit from expanding and changing agricultural markets.


(y) Adopt special measures to improve the situation of rural women and to empower them to ensure the socio-economic security of their households;

EU: y) Adopt special measures to improve the situation of rural women and to empower them to ensure the socio-economic security of their households;

JUSCANZ: delete (y) and redraft: Adopt measures to ensure that the work of rural women engaged in agricultural production and enterprises related to farming, fishing and resource management is recognized and valued in order to enhance their economic security, their access to resources, services and benefits, and their empowerment;

(z) Support the intermediary role of NGOs in establishing linkages between financial institutions and disadvantaged women in rural and urban areas;

JUSCANZ: Support the intermediary role of NGOs in establishing linkages between financial institutions and disadvantaged women in rural and urban areas;

JUSCANZ: (z-bis) Promote and encourage substantive partnerships among governments and multilateral organizations, private sector institutions and NGOs to support poverty reduction initiatives focused on women and girls;

(aa) Support the capacity of women’s NGOs to mobilize resources to ensure sustainability of their development activities;

EU: aa) Support the capacity of women’s NGOs to mobilize resources to ensure sustainability of their development activities;

Holy See: (aa) Support the capacity of women's NGOs to mobilize resources to ensure sustainability of their development activities;

JUSCANZ: (aa) Support the capacity of women’s NGOs to ensure sustainability of their development activities;

(bb) Undertake research on emerging trends that are creating new gender disparities, such as migration of women and its effects on household members and the economy, and new conditions of employment and their effects on gender roles and relations;

EU: bb) Undertake Deepen research on emerging trends that are creating new gender disparities, such as new forms of migration of women and its effects on the household members and the economy, and new conditions of employment and their effects on gender roles and relations, in order to provide a solid basis for policy action.

JUSCANZ: Undertake [Continue] research on emerging trends that are creating new gender disparities, such as migration of women and its effects on household members and the economy, and new conditions of employment and their effects on gender roles and relations, and gender differentials in susceptibility to environmental and occupational risk factors, in order to provide a solid basis for policy action

Holy See: (bb bis) Promote a culture of peace and seek to increase the involvement of women in this process.

(cc) Involve more women in conflict resolution negotiations, peacemaking and peace-building;

EU Delete. It is covered in 60 b)

JUSCANZ: delete.

Holy See: (cc bis:) Recognize the importance of the family as a stabilizing factor in society, especially in conflict and post-conflict situations.

(dd) Provide training opportunities for girls to develop their skills in leadership, advocacy and conflict resolution;

EU (dd) Provide training opportunities for girls to develop their skills in leadership, advocacy and conflict resolution and enhance their self-esteem;

JUSCANZ: Provide [Strengthen mentoring programs and] training opportunities for [all] girls [and women] to develop their skills in leadership, advocacy and conflict resolution;

JUSCANZ: (dd-bis) Develop and strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of institutions and decision-making bodies by fully involving indigenous women and increase the participation and influence of indigenous women in decision making at all levels through inter alia the provision of training and the promotion of role models;

(ee) Ensure that differences in the impact of armed conflict on women and men are widely understood and addressed through dissemination of information and public awareness campaigns;

JUSCANZ: (ee) Ensure that differences in impact of armed conflict on women and men [the gender differentiated experiences, including the recognition that women are not only victims of armed conflict, but also partners and contributors to the peace processes] are widely understood and addressed through the dissemination of information and public awareness campaigns [programs, and that this awareness informs planning, policy and decision-making processes;]

EU delete. Redraft: Ensure, i.a. through dissemination of information and public awareness campaigns, that differences in the impact of armed conflict on women and men are widely understood, and take them into account in relevant policies and programmes.

(ff) Design and implement innovative programmes to raise the consciousness of all members of society, in particular children, about the importance of non-violent conflict resolution;

JUSCANZ: (ff) Design and implement innovative programmes to raise the consciousness of [support] all members of society, in particular children, about the importance of[to pursue] non-violent conflict resolution;

(gg) Enhance existing and develop further mechanisms to ensure access to education and health services to refugees, especially women and girls;

EU: gg) Enhance existing and develop further mechanisms, where appropriate, to ensure access to and the provision of gender sensitive education and health services, consistent with international agreements, to refugees and displaced persons, especially women and girls;

Holy See: (gg) Enhance existing and develop further mechanisms to ensure access to appropriate education and health care services to refugees and displaced persons, especially women and girls while respecting the rights and responsibilities of parents;

JUSCANZ: (gg) Enhance existing and develop further mechanisms to ensure access to education, [social] and health services, [including psycho-social as well as sexual and reproductive health services] to refugees [and all other persons in emergency humanitarian situations,] especially women and girls[; ensure that all health workers in relief and emergency situations are given basic training in sexual and reproductive health care information and services;]

(hh) Support the critical role of women’s NGOs in the implementation of Agenda 21 and the integration of a gender perspective in the design and implementation of environmental conservation and resource management mechanisms, programmes and infrastructure.

EU hh) Support the critical crucial role of women’s NGOs in the implementation of Agenda 21, the integration of a gender perspective in the design and implementation of sustainable environmental conservation and resource management mechanisms, programmes and infrastructure.

JUSCANZ: Support the critical role of women’s NGOs in the implementation of Agenda 21, the integration of a gender perspective in the design and implementation in sustainable environmental conservation and resource management mechanisms, programmes and infrastructure.

EU hh) bis Show strong will and commitment and direct investments to gender-sensitive development of sustainable and ecologically sound consumption and production patterns and approaches to natural resource management, and acknowledge women’s role therein.


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