Monsieur le Président

Monsieur le Sécrétaire Général,

Je tiens à joindre la voix de la Roumanie à ceux qui ont vivement félicité S.E. M. Julian Robert Hunte pour son éléction à l'importante position de Président de notre Assemblée Générale, tout en lui souhaitant plein succès et l'assurant de l'entier appui de ma délégation.

Les débats politiques de cette Session de l'Assemblée Générale se tiennent dans un context international qui requière de notre part un long regard critique sur la manière donc les Nations Unies sont capables de répondre aux défis auxquels nous nous confrontons.

Les récentes attaques terroristes de Bagdad qui ont eu pour victimes l'Ambassadeur Sergio Vieira de Mello, d'autres braves membres de la communauté onusienne ainsi que des Irakiens qui s'étaient engagés à restaurer la stabilité dans leur pays, ont prouvé une fois de plus que la seule langue dont les fanatiques font usage est le crime et la terreur. La meilleure manière de rendre hommage à la mémoire de ces victimes de la terreur est d'accomplir avec détermination accrue la mission à laquelle ils avaient dédié leur vie.

Aujourd'hui, les Nations Unies sont appelées à continuer de jouer un rôle majeur au service du bien.

Au cours de la dernière décennie, l'Organisation des Nations Unies a beaucoup accompli, en dépit des difficultés qui semblaient insurmontables et de certaines limitations évidentes. Parfois ces obstacles n'étaient dus qu'au manque de perspectives partagées à l'égard des problèmes auxquels nous nous confrontions. Pourtant nous avons réussi à maintenir la gestion de la sécurité mondiale.

Mister President
Mister Secretary-General,

As always at the UN, we are faced with the challenge brought about by differing views towards common problems. There is nothing new here, except for the magnitude of the consequences. We cannot afford to do nothing simply because we do not agree on everything. The UN is not about agreeing on everything - it is about building consensus. And we can do just that if we concentrate on negotiating not language, but substance.

Irrespective of how important the debate might be we should not be distracted today by talk of a uni-polar world, or a multi-polar world, or even a bi-polar world. We should rather concentrate on how governing our world can be in a way that benefits the individual, in a way that brings about opportunity and in a way that pre-empts, deters or fights back terrorism and aggression.

If we are true to the principle of an international community dedicated to preserving peace and increasing prosperity, we should discuss how to achieve higher levels of international understanding, rather than the relevance of the UN system today. For we have to remember that true security is shared security, and true prosperity is shared prosperity.

To achieve this, we should also keep in mind that legitimacy brings credibility that would lead to predictability; and predictability brings long-term commonality of views that are the cornerstone of coalitions.

This is why we share the assessment of the Secretary General, that "the United Nations is not an end to itself. Rather it is an instrument for achieving common ends."

Romania and the Security Council
Our belief that we, the member States, must keep the UN working, with efficiency, with purpose, and with result, and that we must focus on the essential, prompted Romania to put forward our candidature for membership of the Security Council from next January. We thank the Eastern European Group and others for their support.

This is a responsibility that we do not under-estimate. Our mission will be to uphold the validity of the UN as an essential international actor in preventing and resolving conflicts, eliminating poverty and promoting human rights.

As befits a state that will soon be a member of both the European Union and NATO, we believe in the multilateral approach to tackling terrorism, the proliferation of WMD, organized crime, and violation of human rights.

As a country that has struggled to rebuild a democratic society based on the rule of law, market economy and respect for human rights, we understand the complex challenges of transition now facing other countries. This is not an easy process but in our view is the only way to guarantee durable economic prosperity and social cohesion for the citizen. We want to see a strengthening of the UN's central role in co-ordinating worldwide efforts to this end.

Romania's international profile is defined by our location, our history and capability in Europe and by our transition experience. We are determined to play a responsible role in connecting the West with the East of the continent; in reaching out to countries on the Eastern shore of the Black Sea, in the Caucasus and the greater Middle East. We pledge to contribute to spreading Euro-Atlantic values beyond NATO and EU areas by consistently promoting the culture of dialog and regional co-operation.

Global threats to peace and security
Terrorism; the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; the rising number of failing states; global disparities: these are some of the most worrying hallmarks of our times. The speed and unevenness of global processes intensify the complexity and pervasive nature of these threats to our security and prosperity.
We already possess an important range of tools to tackle threats like terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. These should now be implemented in a more responsible and effective manner. For example, the Counter-Terrorism Committee should be given more professional resources in order to be more effectively acting to streamline national legislation on uprooting the financial sources of terrorism and monitoring its implementation. International non-proliferation legal regimes should be strengthened in order to prevent determined proliferators from breaching their international obligations. And countries of proliferation concern, could be subjected to diplomatic and economic pressure, which is most effective, when applied multilaterally.

Sustainable development and security: challenges of globalisation
Challenges to the security and stability of our world also emerge as globalisation processes expand. Sustainable development is increasingly related to sustainable peace and security.
Globalization is inevitable. Provided that it is combined with good governance, proper developmental assistance and awareness of environmental issues as well as fair trade through open markets, it is a force for progress.
But global disparities are not disappearing. The ratio of per capita incomes of the richest and poorest countries now stands at more than seventy to one. So it is especially disappointing that the WTO talks in Cancun ended in deadlock. We would call on all parties to redouble their efforts in December to resume dialogue and close the gap. The success we need is not just that of freer and more open markets, but also that of equitable trade, creating added value to regions, nations and communities.
Sustainable development demands first that we manage globalization responsibly, in order that it benefits all.
It is time to focus on implementing the concrete goals of eradicating poverty and accelerating development. The challenge will be to prioritise our work. Our focus at the High Level Ministerial Meeting on Financing for Development at the end of next month should remain squarely on achieving results.

From conflicts to peace
We must redouble our efforts to put an end to the conflicts and we must find a way to rebuild those countries that have survived conflict but are struggling to survive peace.

Africa is a particularly worrying example of how dangerous it can be to ignore the consequences of conflicts. The grave humanitarian crises on that continent are foreboding a bleak future for many countries, and foment despair and far-reaching frustrations. The international community has to be more engaged in addressing poverty, intolerance and ethnic hatred. We would like to see the UN enhancing its peace operation capabilities and putting particular emphasis on the reconstruction and rehabilitation processes.

We have done this in Afghanistan. Yet it remain a test of our ability and willingness to secure successful offensive of democracy in the fight against terrorism. I think we have enough at stake to stand by this commitment.
In the Middle East, the new wave of violence is preventing the full implementation of the agreed "Road map". Romania strongly condemns suicide bombings that are carried out by the enemies of peace and security in the area.

We urge the new Palestinian Government to act effectively against further terrorist attacks targeting Israel and its citizens; it is equally important that the Israeli Government stands by its commitments in the framework of pursuing a political solution to this bitter conflict. We fully support the actions of the Quartet that are meant to contribute to overcoming this dangerous situation and shall follow with utmost interest the ministerial meeting that is supposed to take place this week.

In Iraq, we believe it is time for the international community to work together to stabilise and reconstruct this tragic country, whose people have suffered under tyranny so much for so long. The successful conclusion of negotiations on the new resolution concerning Iraq is not a mere option - it is a must.

We need now to concentrate on what matters most: the steps that must be taken next by the international community to empower the Iraqi people; to ensure the democratic functioning of institutions in this country and stability in the greater Middle East as a whole. As a participating country in the Coalition Provisional Authority, Romania is already engaged and ready to continue to contribute to achieving these goals. We are looking forward to participating to the coming ministerial conference on the assistance for the Iraqi people in Madrid this October.

Conflict prevention
Many conflicts in the world stem from the breakdown of nation states. Porous borders, weak national institutions, and the development of alternative allegiances based on religious, economic and other factors, often lead to the collapse of state structures.

The principal feature of such states is the absence of political legitimacy, coupled with an uncontrolled or unaccountable security sector, and contempt for the rule of law. This leads to violent conflict over control of resources or between different ethnic groups, violation of human rights and humanitarian law. Illegal arms become readily accessible, organized crime and violence flourish, and economic prospects die.

A good example of where the international community has been successful in preventing the relapse of a post-conflict situation is South East Europe. The past year has seen real progress in this region, due principally to increased efforts from the countries themselves in partnership with the regional community and with support from international organizations and partners.

But certain problems persist. It is vital to press ahead with full commitment to meeting the responsibilities and timelines that have already been accepted and to creating truly democratic and multi-ethnic societies. Combating organised crime and illegal trafficking, including the most degrading one that turns human beings into commodities, is a priority in our regional approach.

The need to reform and adapt U.N.
We need to look at all these challenges with a new determination to tackle them making full and effective use of the tools available to us within the UN system.

There has been much discussion of the ability of the UN to respond to crisis; the disadvantages of the present working methods of its structures and mechanisms that were conceived more than half a century ago call for a radical reform. The real debate is is about effectiveness, adaptation and evolution. It is about our common will, as responsible members of the international community, to act together. Everything else - especially the badly needed strategies - will just follow, and this will make it possible to approach the new and old threats alike.

Collective Action and Partnership
The United Nations must increasingly serve as a catalyst for collective action. This requires close co-operation among its Member States, dialogue and partnership with the vibrant constellation of new non-state actors, namely civil society, non-governmental organizations, business community, academia. Finally, the Organization must become more effective, efficient and accessible to the world's people.

We must weigh up our differences, gauge our ability for joint intervention and act in coordination. Just as the nature of current problems affects people in everything they do, so too must we put people at the center of everything we do.

Thank you.