Who has joined the Water for Life Decade campaign in Europe?


  • Water for life awareness happening
    Joshua Feinberg has joined the “Water for Life” Decade’s campaign. His aim is to set up a stand this summer 2014 in one of the high streets of Copenhagen, Denmark and to hand free water to passersby. The cup/bottle will have a small black cover with the 'Water for Life' logo and website information, the intention is that when this is removed, people will be directed to the site where they can gain more information. He will target the days where it is really hot so as the people will appreciate the cup of free water more and perhaps realize how much access to free and clean water means to them.
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  • CLAVIM Association, Ville d'Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
    From 10 to 30 November 2007, through the initiative "Mal de terre. Mal à l'enfance", CLAVIM (Cultures, Loisirs, Animations de la Ville d'Issy-les-Moulineaux) offered a rich program of shows, events, exhibitions, documentary showings and concerts in many different places throughout Issy in France, with the common thread of water and the aim to raise awareness among the local people of Issy on water-related issues through artistic events. Themes the initiative dealt with were: sustainable development, water scarcity and desertification, agriculture, green energy.
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  • Compagnie Arthemuses 31
    The theatre company "Compagnie Arthemuses 31" joined the Water for Life Decade's Campaign with the initiative "Aiga Viva 2007", an activity aimed at raising awareness of local communities on water-related issues. Around the area of Val d'Aran (Toulouse), 30 associations joined Arthemuses 31 by walking, riding horses or biking, in an artistic and cultural program based on conferences, exhibitions, concerts near water sources in thirty different places (fountains, washhouses etc.) and entertainment for children. Press articles summarizing the results of the initiative are available online in French.
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  • Etablissement Scolaire Privé Daniel
    The Etablissement Scolaire Privé Daniel joined the Water for Life Decade's campaign with the initiative "Water is a gift from God". Several projects related to the value of water and the lack of water in different parts of the world have been implemented to create awareness on water issues among the students. It included fundraising for a well in Burkina Faso and creating a mosaic explaining the water cycle on a wall of the school restaurant among others.
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  • Hotel Magellan, Paris
    The Hotel Magellan has decided to invite its guests to save water every time it is possible during their stay in the hotel. Special measures have been undertaken, such as water saving systems on taps, showers and toilets flushes, as well as information notices in all bathrooms explaining how to use towels and bath linen such as to use it properly and ask for change only when it is really necessary. The hotel has illustrated this information notice with the logo of the Water for Life Decade.
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  • Water, Common Heritage of the World
    The Mouvement Jeune Notariat (Young Notaries Group, France) is organizing the congress "Water, Common Heritage of the World", to be held in Venice, Italy, from 11 -15 November 2015, and where the key theme is water. This Congress aims to provide specific solutions to Notaries dealing with water problems. The Young Notaries Group has joined the Water for Life campaign and will include the Decade’s logo on its web site, publications and reports.
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  • Big Jump Challenge 2015
    The Big Jump Challenge is a youth campaign for the European River Swimming Day carried out by GETIDOS (GEtting ThIngs DOne Sustainably). The Big Jump Challenge is the youth campaign for Big Jump and helps to find a partner team from another EU country to organize a partner jump. It draws attention to the shortcomings of policy makers in implementing the EU Water Framework Directive, and hold politicians accountable to improving the quality of Europe’s freshwaters by 2015 and beyond.
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  • Big Jump Challenge 2012
    The Big Jump Challenge 2012 called young people to jump into rivers and lakes to raise awareness on water quality in Germany. The challenge has been an activity since 2005 and aims to help with this awareness raising activity to fulfill the European framework until its deadline in 2015. This education campaign has been organized by the Social Entrepreneurship Research Group GETIDOS. The initiative joined the Water for Life Decade's Campaign and the Decade's logo is featured in the initiative's website.
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  • "Einfach ganz ANDERS" (Simply Very Different)
    Einfach ganz ANDERS (Simply Very Different) is a project developed by a non-profit organization "Eine Welt Netz NRW" in Germany. The project develops commercial learning materials to inform pupils about the global use of water and to offer them opportunities to engage in water protection. The learning material will be used as support materials for educational activities in schools. This initiative has joined the Decade’s campaign and been authorized the use of the Decade’s logo.
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  • Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
    The Naturwissenschatliche Rundschau (Natural Sciences Magazine) joined the Decade and included information about the Water for Life Decade and its logo in issue 3/07 of their magazine. In Issue 9/2009 a short article "Aktionsdekade Wasser für das Leben" also informed about the Decade and its objectives.
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  • Establishing environmental sustainability in rowing
    The Institute Team for the World - Environmental Alliance 2004+, in cooperation with the Greek Rowing Federation, has created and published a printed and electronic brochure in Greek “Establishing environmental sustainability in rowing“ to provide directions/suggestions for environmentally friendly practices when rowing. The guide aims to raise awareness about the importance of water among young rowers and has been distributed amongst the rowing clubs in Greece. The initiative has joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign and the Decade’s logo has been placed on the front page of the brochure.
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  • M.G.S. Panserraikos, Greece
    M.G.S. Panserraikos is the oldest athletic club in the city of Serres, located in northern Greece. Its mission is to promote mass sports, in the context of sportsmanship, accessibility and teamwork building. On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, M.G.S. Panserraikos is planning to undertake a cross-sport campaign for the promotion of the "Water for Life" Decade in order to raise awareness of the objectives of this International Decade for Action. The logo will be used in informative activities which will be targeted at children’s football academies and water sports.
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  • 'Acqua Spreco Zero' - Waste Water Zero project
    The 'Acqua Spreco Zero'- Waste Water Zero project in Rome, Italy, is a social responsibility initiative for environmental sustainability which takes place in schools and has involved 60 Institutes and about 35.000 students between 6 and 13 years old to date. The initiative has been implemented by Next Generation Act, a non for profit association that promotes responsibility towards future generations. About 2.000 water flux reducters have been installed in the dining halls and bathrooms; 3.000 didactical panels have been displayed in classes and common spaces; and about 35.000 flyers on water use best practices have been distributed. Students have produced artworks about water and its correct use; during the 1st edition they produced poetries, strips and tales (totally about 450 writings) which were collected in the publication 'Acqua in venti righe' and distributed to all the participants during a public ceremony; during the 2nd edition, students produced artworks (more than 50 paintings, installations and videos) which were displayed in the final exhibition 'World Water Vision' open to the schools and the general public; the 3rd edition focused on the theme "Save the Water. Save the Future" and students contributed with their vision through a communications campaign. The project joined the Water for Life Decade's campaign and the Decade' logo has been used in all didactical and communication tools distributed in the participating schools in 2010, 2011 and 2012.
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  • CoolTour 2013 - 8 to 15 September 2013
    CoolTour 2013 is a cultural festival organized by Associazione Liberi Libri which is held from 8 to 15 September 2013 in Rovato, Lombardy, Italy. Every night, a different event will take place, ranging from theatre to music concerts, from film projections to scientific conferences, everything turning around a common theme: Water. CoolTour 2013 has joined the Water for Life Decade's campaign and the Decade's logo is featured in different information materials produced.
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  • 1st edition of the Notte dei Musei 2009
    In the framework of the first edition of the "Notte dei Musei", which took place in Rome, Italy, on 16 May 2009, the Next Generation Act Association, in collaboration with Comune di Roma, Assessorato alle politiche culturali, Assessorato all'ambiente and ACEA, produced and distributed a series of brochures to encourage a wiser use of water. The initiative joined the 'Water for Life' Decade with an artistic performance "Le dee di Roma e il mito dell'acqua" around the historical meaning of water in the ancient Rome. The initiative also included the installation of water flow reducers in the restrooms of 19 civic museums. These initiatives aimed at raising awareness among the general audience of the meaning and impact of an environmentally friendly use of water.
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  • "The Blue Kiss" (Il Bacio Azzurro)
    Invidea Network S.R.L. is producing a film titled "The Blue Kiss" (Il Bacio Azzurro). The film promotes a symbolic, spiritual and lyrical sense, tracing the path of water as the substance and soul that unites the people of the world. The film has the objective of developing public awareness for water as the primary resource of all humanity, which should never be abused. The Decade's logo will be included in the titles and closing credits for the feature-length film, on the film website, publicity posters and all other communications (news releases, invitations, brochures, etc.).
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  • World Water Day 2014: from recreational to drinking water
    The Unit of Public Health at the University of Rome "Foro Italico" , as a follow-up of activities organized in 2013, which included the 5th International Conference on Swimming Pool and Spa held in Rome from 9 to 12 April 2013, will organize on 21-22 March 2014 a congress dedicated to the different kinds of waters (including different uses and resources: from recreational uses in swimming pools or spas, wastewaters, freshwaters, etc.., to the sustainable management of drinking water). The congress will mainly focus on hygiene and public health emerging issues, but will also consider sociological and cultural aspects. The initiative has joined the Water for Life Decade and has been authorized the use of the Decade’s logo for the meeting.
    Contact: Vincenzo Romano Spica


  • Water is life - Let's protect it!
    The "Water is Life - Let's protect it!" initiative, implemented by the Slovak Water Research Institute, the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, the Slovak Water Management Enterprise, the Slovak Water Management Construction and the Association of Employers in the Water Sector of Slovakia, has joined the 'Water for Life' Decade's Campaign. This initiative aims at promoting knowledge exchange among water experts and public awareness raising. They also promote the 'Water for Life' Decade's on a regular basis since 2005, mainly on the occasion of World Water Day, when the national water management conferences take place in Slovakia under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic.
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  • Asociación Ibérica de Tecnología Sin Zanja (IbSTT)
    The Asociación Ibérica de Tecnología Sin Zanja (IbSTT) a technical scientific non-profit organization whose main objective is to promote the development of knowledge and practice of trenchless technology for the benefit of citizens and the environment as in many other countries. IbSTT has joined the decade’s campaign and the logo will be included in its website, press releases, emails and meetings.
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  • Authors and Artists' Management Entity (EGATA)
    EGATA has joined the 'Water for Life' Decade's campaign with the Water Atlas, a game where you can form puzzles or unique maps with different picture and color playing cards.

  • Citizens Debate Forum
    The Citizens Debate Forum is a nonprofit association whose main objective is to promote information and knowledge on topics of general interest for citizens in the context of gender equality, the information society, European citizenship, youth in action, culture, human rights, labor, education, sports, the rights of adults and children, development cooperation, etc. The Citizens Debate Forum has joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign and includes the Decade’s logo in the various activities planned for 2013 thus promoting this initiative.
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  • CONAMA Foundation
    The CONAMA Foundation is a Spanish independent and nonprofit organization that promotes the exchange of knowledge for sustainable development. The Foundation has held the Spanish National Congress for the Environment (CONAMA) every two years since 1992, which is the largest meeting dedicated to sustainable development in Spain. The CONAMA Foundation has joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign and will include the Decade’s logo in its information and awareness raising activities for its next Congress.
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  • Distance learning course "Hydrogeology applied to Projects on International Cooperation for Development and Emergencies". 1st edition: January-July 2014
    Organized by the Centro Internacional de Hidrología Subterránea (FCIHS), the distance learning course "Hydrogeology applied to International Cooperation Projects for Development and Emergencies" will introduce theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of hydrogeology directly applicable in international cooperation for development and emergencies activities. The overall objective of the course is to improve staff training and professionalization in the field of groundwater. This course has joined the Water for Life Decade campaign and the Decade’s logo will be included in the course’s brochure.
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  • Documentation Centre on Water and the Environment (CDAMA)
    In September 2010, the Department of Culture, Environment, Citizenship and large-scale Projects of the Municipality of Zaragoza, Spain, signed a collaboration agreement with the Decade’s Office aimed at combining efforts to enhance the promotion and dissemination of the Decade, helping spread the importance of access to safe water and sanitation in developing countries and promoting a respectful behavior towards water in developed countries. As part of this agreement, the Documentation Centre on Water and the Environment (CDAMA) of the Municipality of Zaragoza develops different activities. Among the most important, and together with the web unit of the Municipality of Zaragoza, it assists in the creation and maintenance of the UN Documentation Centre on Water and Sanitation (UNDCWS), a repository of UN publications on water and sanitation. CDAMA also makes available to its users the most relevant UN publications on these issues, incorporates publications to its online catalogue and regularly organizes thematic exhibitions in order to highlight them. The Documentation Centre on Water and the Environment, as a collaborating center of the Water for Life Office, displays the Decade’s logo on its entrance and on its website.
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  • Foundation Center of New Water Technologies (CENTA)
    The CENTA Foundation aims to turn knowledge into added value by encouraging the competitive development of the water sector and the implementation of more effective and sustainable water public policies in the Spanish autonomous community of Andalusia. The work carried out by the foundation is grouped into three knowledge areas: 1) Water Technologies; 2) Water and Ecosystem Management; and 3) Water Quality. CENTA complements its research activities with various awareness-raising activities to promote and popularize knowledge, environmental education, technology transfer and international cooperation for development. In 2007, CENTA joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign with the "2nd International Conference SmallWat07: Wastewater Treatment in Small Communities" held in Seville, Spain, from 11 to 15 November 2007.
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  • II Science Week, Quart de Poblet, Valencia
    The "Quart és Ciència" Association, which promotes the popularisation of science and technology amongst the citizens of the municipality of Quart de Poblet, Valencia, Spain, has organized its 2nd Science Week. Among the activities scheduled, and in the framework of the International Year of Cooperation, the exhibition "The water sphere" was displayed and the workshop and debate "Water: an engine for development" took place on 5 November 2013. This initiative has joined the Water for Life Decade campaign and its logo is displayed on the website and in the week’s agenda.
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  • "La Valmuza" Foundation
    "La Valmuza" Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded in 2011 that brings together a number of people from different professional backgrounds and experience in the field of development and cooperation. Its work in developing countries focuses on the first level of human needs, addressing basic needs such as food security, access to water and sanitation, basic education and primary health. The Foundation has joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign and will use its logo and the Decade’s materials for information purposes and training in the field of education for development.

  • Master of Water Resources and Environment from the University of Malaga
    The Master in Water Resources and Environment (RHYMA) from the University of Malaga has as an overall objective to initiate students who might be interested in a research career. This is a PhD Program which teaches methods and trends in water resources and environment research. Another general objective is to train professionals on advanced and multidisciplinary water resource techniques, capable of understanding the function of aquifers and evaluating, protecting and managing water resources from a sustainable point of view. The Master has joined the Water for Life Decade campaign promoting it amongst its students. Information about the master for the academic year 2013-2014.
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  • Master on governance, water management and environment
    The Master on governance, water management and environment from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, has joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign engaging itself with international development goals on water and sanitation. In this connection, and within the framework of the studies, researches and specific training aligned with the commitments of the Decade will be promoted.
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  • Master on sustainable river management and integrated water management, University of Zaragoza
    The main purpose of the Master on sustainable river management and integrated water management of the University of Zaragoza in Spain is to establish and reinforce new approaches, criteria and objectives for water management as set by the European Water Framework Directive. Given the new legal and institutional context, the situations of uncertainty and vulnerability and new social demands and expectations, this master offers a range of training activities to current and future managers in charge of public management of ecosystems and water services. This master has been authorized the use of the Water for Life Decade's logo. Information on the academic year 2013-2014 is available on its website.
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  • Mineral waters through their labels
    The conference "Mineral water through their labels" organized by the Society of Friends of the National Natural Science Museum, the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN) and the National Research Council (CSIC), has been rescheduled for 1 April 2014 at 19:00, to be held at the Hall of MNCN. The Society of Friends is also hosting another conference "Mars: Astrogeology, Water and the search for life" on 10 June 2014 at 19.00. The Decade's logo is displayed on the webpages of these two conferences and in the printed version of the Museum's Guide.
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  • Observatory of Human Right to Water
    The Institute of Cooperation and Development of the Complutense University of Madrid has launched the Observatory of the Human Right to Water.The Observatory aims to be a web space dedicated to the dissemination and reflection on the human right to water and sanitation. The Observatory has joined the "Water for life" Decade's campaign and the logo will be included on its website.
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  • ONGAWA, Engineering for human development
    ONGAWA is holding the seminar "Human Right to Water and Sanitation" on 20-21 November 2013 in Madrid, Spain. ONGAWA is organizing this seminar around two sessions: (1) On Wednesday 20 November, session "Public-Private Partnerships in the field of universal access to water and sanitation in rural areas"Available in Spanish aims at opening a space for sharing knowledge and experiences on the remaining challenges on water and sanitation in rural areas. The session will consider inclusive partnerships as an innovative strategy to multiply the impacts from a human rights and effectiveness approach. (2) On Thursday 21 November, session "Right to Water and Sanitation and Sustainable Development Goals Post-2015"Available in Spanish seeks to facilitate knowledge and contributions from Spanish cooperation and human rights actors to the Sustainable Development Goals Post-2015 process in water and sanitation and help reflect upon the implementation of targets and indicators being defined. This seminar has joined the Water for Life Decade campaign and the Decade’s logo is included in the program.
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  • Smart Aquae Campus and Aquae Campus Event
    Smart Aquae Campus and Aquae Campus Event are two initiatives organized by the Aquae Foundation taking place on 5 and 6 June 2014. These two initiatives aim to protect and raise awareness on the environment and water issues, whilst promoting the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and citizen participation around these issues.
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  • Spanish Association of Ecological Portable Toilets Rental Companies (AESPE)
    The Spanish Association of Ecological Portable Toilets Rental Companies is an association created in August 2007 whose main purpose is to promote and protect the interests of its members, who are engaged in the manufacturing, leasing and rental of portable toilets. AESPE works to promote the commitment and political awareness of national and local authorities to achieve greater involvement of public authorities and civil society in the proper management of wastewater. To this end, it implements various educational and awareness campaigns aimed at improving citizens’ social behavior and habits. AESPE has joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign and the Decade’s logo is exhibited in its webpage.
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  • Spanish Association of Hydrogeologists (AEH)
    The Spanish Association of Hydrogeologists (AEH) organizes the 10th Symposium on Hydrogeology in Granada, Spain, from 16 to 18 October 2013. The purpose of this association is to bring together professionals whose activities are related to the study of aquifers’ physics and geology, its hydraulic behavior, groundwater’s physicochemical or biological characteristics, research and exploration, and any other opportunities for a better understanding and use of groundwater within the hydrological cycle. The initiative has joined the Decade and has been authorized the use of the Decade’s logo.
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  • Spanish Groundwater Foundation
    The Spanish Groundwater Foundation is a nonprofit organization under the framework of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment which has a national and international scope in cooperative activities. The Foundation has joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign with the project "Invisible Water", an outreach project that consists of 13 documentaries related to all aspects of groundwater: scientific, technical, environmental, groundwater exploitation and uses, management, cooperation, etc. Chapter 1 of the documentary series "Invisible Water. A reality beneath our feet" was presented in Madrid on 25 April 2013.
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  • 10th Symposium of Hydrogeology
    The Spanish Association of Hydrogeologists (AEH), which joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign several months ago, held the 10th Symposium of Hyrdogeology in Granada, Spain from 16 to 18 October 2013. The symposium is a forum in which professionals expose and discuss issues of concern. To this end, the Symposium included a series of presentations and a panel discussion aimed to provide attendees with the newest trends involving water in general and groundwater in particular.
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  • The Alliance for Water
    The Alliance for Water has joined the Decade’s Campaign. Driven by the Ecology and Development Foundation (ECODES) , the Alliance for Water was created in 2006 as an initiative linking governments, water suppliers, research and knowledge centers, social organizations and citizens, both in Spain and Central America, to ensure the implementation of the human right to water and sanitation in Central America in the framework of the Millennium Development Goals. The Alliance for Water aims to ensure that five million people in Central America - one third of the population that lacks access to clean water - have access to safe and sufficient water to ensure an adequate standard of living, and basic sanitation services that improve the health of the population and provide a sustainable environment.
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  • The Spanish Association of Scientific Films and Images (ASESIC)
    ASESIC organized on 19 February 2013 the conference "In the year of water: they live in the water and you don’t see them"Available in Spanish. The conference took place in the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Madrid, Spain.

    Following on this, AESIC is organizing two events in the framework of the XIII Science Week which will take place in Madrid, Spain, from 4 to 17 November 2013:
    • - On 6 November 2013 at 19:00h "The water that transformed Spain. The dams holding our water". With the support of different documentaries, this session will show how dams are constructed.
    • - On 13 November 2013 at 19:00h "The water that transformed Spain. Water, source of life". With the support of audiovisual materials, engineers, industry experts, environmentalists and documentary filmmakers they will discuss with the audience the importance of water in our lives and the need to save it.

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  • VII International Congress of Land Planning
    The Interprofessional Association of Land Planning (FUNDICOT) has organised the VII International Congress of Land Planning to be held from 27 to 29 November 2014, at the Palacio Municipal de Congresos, Madrid, Spain. This conference aims to disseminate good practices and provide recommendations for land development that is environmentally sustainable, balanced and socio-economically cohesive. In organising this congress, FUNDICOT has joined the “Water for life” Decade’s campaign.
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  • Water and Sustainability Platform
    The Observatory of Sustainability (OSE), Spain, in collaboration with the Expo Zaragoza 2008, has developed the Water and Sustainability Platform. Its purpose is to ensure greater information sharing and participation of all stakeholders and the whole society in water management, with the aim of structuring the knowledge on water and sustainability and the mission of disseminating and encouraging debate in society, new trends, behavior and water management. The Platform joined the Water for Life Decade campaign and contributed to the dissemination of successful experiences in the rational use of water and served as a venue for sharing ideas and experiences through the dissemination of information and knowledge.

  • Water in the National Park Sierra de Guadarrama: Water for Life
    The National Park Sierra de Guadarrama’s Visitor Center "Valle de la Fuenfría" has joined the decade’s campaign organizing free activities in schools within its area aimed at teaching to assess the role of water as a fundamental natural resource and understand the problems of pollution and misuse of this resource.
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  • Workshop "World Water Day: Water and Energy"
    On the occasion of World Water Day, the Center for Public Health of Benidorm organized on 21 March 2014 a workshop targeted at the general public and stakeholders involved in water management titled “World Water Day: Water and Energy". The workshop was also an opportunity to promote World Water Day and the Water for Life Decade.
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  • Yacullay, The Right to Water and Sanitation
    Yacullay, The Right to Water and Sanitation, is a program that began in 2013 and will end in 2015. It is executed by the Spanish branch "Medicus Mundi Alava" and the Peruvian organization ’Rural Educational Services’. This program has launched a photo competition about the Human Right to Water where the winning photographs and a selection of other participants will be shown in an exhibit to be held in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) and Lima (Peru).
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  • ZINNAE, Urban Cluster for the efficient use of water
    ZINNAE was set up with the purpose of consolidating the city of Zaragoza in Spain as a setting for knowledge, demonstrating and experimenting with the efficient use of water, enabling local companies to be more innovative, therefore, more competitive. This enables the city to attract the innovative activity of actors belonging to this sector, from the rest of Spain and the world. ZINNAE is seeking to bring together the main economical agents that are linked with an efficient use of water in the city of Zaragoza. Such as companies from varied backgrounds (water saving technology, water measuring and meter reading technology, companies linked with the water supply, sanitation and treatment, water facilities, etc.), the main research and training centers in the city, as well as all the local public administrations. ZINNAE has joined the Water for Life Decade campaign and, among other activities, has included the Decade’s logo in its promotional video
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United Kingdom

  • Kent County Council
    The Kent County Council joined the Water for Life Decade's campaign through its initiative "Energy and Water Investment Fund". This initiative supports the delivery of corporate environmental titles, which includes reduction in water consumption. The Council has invested in upgrading washroom facilities across schools and council buildings in an effort to reduce water usage from their estate buildings. This has mainly been replacement of standard taps with percussion or sensor activated taps. Lo/dual flush cisterns and sensor activated or waterless urinals have also been replaced. Moreover, it has installed one rainwater capture system at a Youth centre where vehicle washing was using large amounts of water and the project expects to save 80% in mains water use.
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  • The Enlightenment Cafe: New Atlantis
    Multi award-winning theatre company, LAStheatre’s latest immersive production, New Atlantis, will premiere in London in January 2015 at The Crystal - a futuristic, sustainable venue. The show explores humanity’s relationship with water in the year 2050 through a fictional intergovernmental organisation called New Atlantis, with the audience invited to take a pivotal, active role as its front line ’agents’. New Atlantis has joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign including the logo on its website.
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