2014 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference. Preparing for World Water Day 2014: Partnerships for improving water and energy access, efficiency and sustainability. 13-16 January 2014

Case study: Results from Partnerships in MED-TEST (Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies)

By Mr. Igor Volodin, Water Management Specialist, Technical Cooperation Division, UNIDO


The MED-TEST project has been designed to address pollution from land-based activities of priority industrial pollution hot spots identified in the Strategic Action Plan of the Mediterranean Sea. The project will primarily address industrial hot spots of the Mediterranean basin in each of the participating countries, which are associated with persistent toxic substances (PTS). The project also seeks to support national governments in effectively implementing national strategies for reducing industrial discharges.

A TEST project is tailored to the unique conditions of the industrial sector, as well as to the institutional framework of the country where it is implemented. Introduction of the TEST integrated approach at the enterprise level follows this sequence: first, the existing situation is improved by advanced management of the existing processes. Secondly, the introduction of new cleaner technology (or if not sufficient, also of optimised end-of-pipe solutions) is considered. Finally, the lessons learned from each TEST project’s implementation is reflected in the respective company’s business strategy.

In order to address the transboundary pollution and biodiversity conservation priorities; industries have recognized the need for partnership and coordination for the implementation of policy reforms, priority interventions and investments. This initiative is led by UNEP and the World Bank, co-funded by the GEF and involves several UN agencies including UNIDO, IFIs and bilateral and multilateral donors. In the application of the TEST, individual industrial sectors or industries are encouraged to apply best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP) that gradually refocus on problems of direct relevance to the prevention and elimination of pollution from land-based activities.