New York

23 March 2016

Secretary-General's video message to Sufi Night of Peace Concert

Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General

Assalam Aleikum.

I am sorry to be out of the country because I am missing what is sure to be a truly unforgettable concert. 

I extend my warmest welcome to tonight’s performers and my gratitude to Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi and the Mission of Pakistan for hosting.  What a wonderful way to celebrate Pakistan’s National Day!

I send my warmest congratulation to the people and Government of Pakistan on this auspicious occasion.

Music is a universal language and Sufi music transcends not only physical borders but also borders of the mind.

Tonight the halls of the General Assembly will resound with the Sufi message of oneness – a message of peace and compassion – of understanding and harmony.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Pakistani Sufi artists have long espoused these values which are so firmly rooted in Islam.

Let us all take strength in the power of these bridge-building messages. 

In the words of the great Punjabi Sufi poet, Bulleh Shah “Let us walk the road of peace.”

Thank you and enjoy the show.

Aap sub ko yo-may Pakistan mubarak ho!