Agadir, Morocco

01 November 2010

The Secretary-General's Video Message to the Agadir International Forum on the National Initiative of Human Development

Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General

Excellencies and distinguished participants,

I am pleased to send my greetings to this meeting.

Last month, in Rabat, His Majesty King Mohamed VI told me that achieving all the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 will be a major indicator of the success of his reform efforts for Morocco.

I compliment the King of Morocco on his initiative.

I am glad that I had the chance to see for myself the accomplishments of the first five years of his National Initiative for Human Development.

Morocco's comprehensive sectoral reforms –in education and health, agriculture and fisheries, tourism, transport and green technologies –stand to benefit all its citizens.

Yet, some groups deserve particular attention to enable them to overcome social or geographic isolation, and share in their country's achievements.

I therefore commend the focus of the National Initiative on reaching the poorest populations in all corners of the country –from isolated rural communities to those on the urban fringes.

I welcome, too, Morocco's efforts to build the capacity of local governments and civil society organizations.

Morocco has achieved significant results in rural infrastructure in water and electricity, and is on track to meet its development targets, although additional effort is needed in education and in children's and maternal health.

The country's experience tells us that the Millennium Development Goals can be achieved.

I hope this Forum will contribute to South-South cooperation so other countries can emulate Morocco's successes and accelerate their own development.

The United Nations will continue to be your close partner. I wish you a most successful meeting.