
Le Comité de sanctions contre Al-Qaida ajoute les noms de quatre personnes et deux entités sur sa liste de sanctions contre Al-Qaida

Le 29 septembre 2015, le Comité du Conseil de sécurité faisant suite aux résolutions 1267 (1999) et 1989 (2011) concernant Al-Qaida et les personnes et entités qui lui sont associées a approuvé l’inscription des entrées ci‑après sur la Liste des individus et entités associés à Al-Qaida faisant l’objet de sanctions – gel des avoirs, interdiction de voyager et embargo sur les armes – conformément au paragraphe 1 de la résolution 2161 (2014) du Conseil de sécurité adoptée en vertu du Chapitre VII de la Charte des Nations Unies:


QDi.361 Name: 1: AMRU 2: AL-ABSI 3: na 4: na Title: na Designation: na DOB:  approximately 1979 POB: Saudi Arabia Good quality a.k.a.: a) Amr al Absi b) Abu al Athir Amr al Absi Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu al-Athir b) Abu al-Asir c) Abu Asir d) Abu Amr al Shami e) Abu al-Athir al-Shami f) Abu-Umar al-Absi Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Homs, Syrian Arab Republic (location as at Sep. 2015) Listed on: 29 Sept. 2015 Other information: Shura council member of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI) (QDe.115) and in charge of ISIL’s media arm. ISIL’s provincial leader for Homs, Syrian Arab Republic as of mid-2014. Dubbed as the ISIL’s “kidnapper-in-chief”.

QDi.369 Name: 1: MU’TASSIM 2: YAHYA 3: ‘ALI 4: AL-RUMAYSH Title: na Designation: na DOB: 4 Jan. 1973 POB: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Rayhanah b) Abu-Rayhanah c) Handalah d) Abu-Rayhanah al-'Ansari al-Jeddawi Nationality: Yemeni Passport no.: Yemeni passport number 01055336 National identification no.: Saudi Arabian alien registration number 2054275397, issued on 22 Jul. 1998. Address: na Listed on: 29 Sept. 2015 Other information: Financial and foreign fighter facilitator for Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115).  Member of Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) (QDe.129) since at least Jun. 2014.

QDi.370 Name: 1: TARAD 2: MOHAMMAD 3: ALJARBA 4: na Title: na Designation: na DOB: 20 Nov. 1979 POB: Iraq Good quality a.k.a.: Tarad Aljarba Low quality a.k.a.: Abu-Muhammad al-Shimali Nationality: Saudi Arabian Passport no.: Saudi Arabian passport number E704088, issued on 26 Aug. 2003 (expired on 2 Jul. 2008) National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 29 Sept. 2015 Other information: Border emir of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115) as of Apr. 2015, and ISIL’s leader for operations outside of the Syrian Arab Republic and Iraq as of mid-2014. Facilitated the travel from Turkey to the Syrian Arab Republic of prospective ISIL fighters from Australia, Europe, and the Middle East. Managed ISIL’s guesthouse in Azaz, Syrian Arabic Republic as of 2014.

QDi.373 Name: 1: LAVDRIM 2: MUHAXHERI 3: na 4: na Title: na Designation: na DOB: a) 3 Dec. 1989 b) approximately 1987 POB: Kaqanik/Kacanik Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a)  Abu Abdullah al Kosova b) Abu Abdallah al-Kosovi c)  Abu Abdallah al-Kosovo Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na  Address: Syrian Arab Republic (location as at Sep. 2015) Listed on: 29 Sept. 2015 Other information: Kosovar Albanian terrorist fighter in Syrian Arab Republic and unit leader of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115). Wanted by INTERPOL.

B.Entities and other groups


A.k.a.: a) Mujahidin of Eastern Indonesia b) East Indonesia Mujahideen c) Mujahidin Indonesia Timor d) Mujahidin Indonesia Barat (MIB) e) Mujahidin of Western Indonesia F.k.a.: na Address: Indonesia Listed on: 29 Sept. 2015 Other information:  Terrorist group linked to Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115), Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) (QDe.092), and Jemmah Anshorut Tauhid (JAT) (QDe.133). Operates in Java and Sulawesi, Indonesia and also active in Indonesia’s eastern provinces. Its leader is Abu Wardah, a.k.a. Santoso (not listed).


A.k.a.: a) Jund al Khalifa b) Jund al-Khilafah fi Ard al-Jaza’ir c) Jund al-Khalifa fi Ard al- Jazayer d) Soldiers of the Caliphate in Algeria e) Soldiers of the Caliphate of Algeria f) Soldiers of the Caliphate in the Land of Algeria F.k.a.: na Address: Kabylie region, Algeria Listed on: 29 Sept. 2015 Other information: Emerged on 13 September 2014. Most known for its abduction and subsequent beheading of French national Herve Gourdel. Claimed responsibility for attacking police and gendarmes in Algeria and continued planning future attacks.

En application du paragraphe 35 de la résolution 2161 (2014), le Comité a affiché sur son site Web le résumé des motifs ayant présidé à l’inscription du nom cité ci-dessus, à l’adresse suivante:

La liste du Comité est actualisée régulièrement compte tenu des informations communiquées par les États Membres et les organisations internationales et régionales.  Une version actualisée de la Liste des individus et entités associés à Al-Qaida est disponible sur le site Web du Comité à l’adresse suivante:

La liste récapitulative du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies est mis à jour suivant toutes les modifications apportées à la liste des sanctions contre Al-Qaida. Une version mise à jour de la Liste récapitulative est accessible à l’adresse suivante:

À l’intention des organes d’information. Document non officiel.