11th & 12th Meetings (AM & PM)

Non-Governmental Organizations Committee Defers Action on 5 Entities, while Recommending Status Upgrade for Another

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations today deferred its consideration of five groups requesting consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, while recommending the reclassification of one accredited non-governmental organization — World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (United States) — from “roster” status to “special” consultative status.

It deferred a similar reclassification request from another group, Widows for Peace through Democracy (United Kingdom), pending questions posed to it by one of the Committee’s members.

In addition, the Committee took note of 352 quadrennial reports from various organizations.  Action on a number of other reports was postponed as Committee members requested more information from the groups about their projects, partners, expenditures, sources of funding and relationship with United Nations system actors, among other things.

The 19-member Committee vets applications submitted by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), recommending general, special or roster status on the basis of such criteria as the applicant’s mandate, governance and financial regime.  Organizations enjoying special consultative status can attend Council meetings and issue statements, while those with roster status can only attend meetings.

This afternoon, a discussion emerged about whether or not to broadcast the presentations of several non-governmental organizations on the Committee’s internal video screen, with several delegations calling for the screens to be turned off and others underscoring the need for transparency.

While the representative of Sudan requested a vote on the matter, several other delegates, including the representative of the United States, rejected the idea of voting on the Committee’s working methods, stressing that no precedent existed for such action.  Expressing his regret over the Committee’s “extreme polarization” on such a minor issue, as well as its wasting of much valuable time, the representative of Sudan decided to withdraw his request for a vote in order to allow the Committee to conclude its work for the day.

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations will meet again at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 7 February, to continue its session.

Consultative Status

The Committee postponed its consideration of the following non-governmental organizations (NGOs):

Vang Pao Peace Institute (United States) — as the representative of China asked for a website address and a list of projects outside Thailand and the representative of India asked for an annual report for the last two years.  The representative of the Russian Federation requested clarification on the importance of General Vang Pao and why the organization was so named.  The representative of Burundi requested details on private donors.  The representative of the United States said the Committee could not ask for names of individuals and that NGOs were not required to have a website.  The representative of Burundi said he had not asked for names, but for general information on those making private donations.  The representative of Uruguay said it was not necessary to have a website and asked for details on what kind of report India’s representative asked for.  The representative of China said he understood that having a website was not required, but there was little information available on the organization.  He said he was not requesting that the organization had a website, but was only seeking for further information.  The representative of India reiterated that the organization provided annual reports.  If the group did not have an annual report, then it should say so.  Likewise, if it did not have a website, it should communicate that information.

We Care for Humanity (United States) — as the representative of India said that board members included people from abroad, requesting clarification.  The representative of the United States said there was some confusion.  She said the organization had answered that question in 2016, noting that the board members who were from abroad were, in fact, advisers.  The representative of India said he had seen those details, but wanted a clarification and a list of the names of directors, board of directors and executive officers.

Women’s Freedom Forum, Inc. (United States) — as the representative of Iran requested details on activities in the provided list of countries and clarification on its focus on just some countries in the Middle East.  He also asked for recent financial information.

Womens Voices Now Inc. (United States) — as the representative of Iran asked how the organization selected the films it promoted.

World Association for Sexual Health (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Nicaragua asked for details on international projects.  The representative of Iran requested further information.


The Committee recommended for reclassification from roster to special consultative status the following non-governmental organization:  World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (United States).

The Committee postponed consideration to recommend reclassification from roster to special consultative status the following non-governmental organization:  Widows for Peace through Democracy (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Turkey asked for details on the results of a regional meeting held in Ghana.


The representative of Iran noted that the non-governmental organization The Green Light Project Inc. (United States), which the Committee had recommended during its 1 February meeting the granting of special consultative status, had included incorrect information in its application.  He said the group, in fact, had an affiliate, which ran counter to information provided in its application.

Review of Quadrennial Reports

The Committee then took note of the new quadrennial reports for the period 2012 to 2015 containing submissions by the following NGOs:

Report E/C.2/2017/2 — 15 non-governmental organizations:  Abiodun Adebayo Welfare Foundation; African Agency for Integrated Development (AAID); African Aid Organization; African Centre for Community and Development; Al-Haq, Law in the Service of Man; All India Shah Behram Baug Society (for Scientific and Educational Research); Arab Penal Reform Organization; Asabe Shehu Yar Adua Foundation; Association Tunisienne des Droits de l’Enfant; Association des Jeunes pour l’Agriculture du Mali; Association pour l’Intégration et le Développement Durable au Burundi; Charitable Institute for Protecting Social Victims, The; Climate Action Network Association e.V.; Mondial de Congres Diplomatiques des Aumoniers pour la Paix Universelle des Droits Humains et Juridiques; and Edmund Rice International Limited.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.1 — 15 non-governmental organizations:  Alliance for Africa Ltd/Gte; Arab Centre for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession; Asociacion Mujeres Unidas para el Microcredito; Association Dunenyo; Egyptian AIDS Society; Endeavour Forum Inc.; Fondation Ostad Elahi-Ethique et Solidarite Humaine; Foundation for GAIA; Global Economist Forum; Global Hope Network International; Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership/Partenariat mondial pour l’électricité durable; Globe Aware; Guru Angad Dev Sewa Society, Punjab, Ludhiana; Human Rights Association for Community Development in Assiut; and IDP Foundation, Inc.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.2 — 13 non-governmental organizations:  Alliance for Arab Women; Instituto Internacional de Ciencias Politicas - IICP — IISP; Islamic Women’s Institute of Iran; Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice; Krityanand UNESCO Club Jamshedpur; Le Conseil des Jeunes Congolais de l’Etranger; Liberian United Youth for Community Safety and Development; Major Alliance Education Centre; Match International Centre; New Future Foundation, Inc.; Nigeria-Togo Association; Organisation Technique eropéenne du Pneumatique et de la Jante ADF; and Organisation camerounaise pour la protection de l’arbre.

Regarding the Iraqi Development Organization, the representative of Sudan asked for details on declarations on its activities in Iraq.

Regarding Mahila Dakshata Samiti, the representative of India requested details on Commission on the Status of Women side events, as mentioned in the organization’s report.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.3 — 14 non-governmental organizations:  Arigatou International; Centa for Organisational Development Ltd/Gte; Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations; IRESC International Radio Emergency Support Coalition; Japanese Workers' Committee for Human Rights; Partnership for Global Justice; Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc., The; Society Studies Centre; Solidarité Agissante pour le Devéloppement Familial; Stichting Global Reporting Initiative; The Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief; The Institute for Conscious Global Change, Inc.; The Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (Gensuikyo); and The Salamander Trust.

Regarding The World Habitat Foundation, the representative of India asked for details on agreements with countries including Guatemala and Iraq.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.4 — 12 non-governmental organizations:  Association de l’Intervention pour les Mères; Cancer Aid Society; Global Hand; IUS PRIMI VIRI International Association; International Catholic Child Bureau; Movement for the Protection of African Child; Peace Operation Training Institute Inc.; Peacebuilding Solutions; Release Legal Emergency and Drugs Service Limited; Women’s General Association of Macau, The; Women’s Health and Education Center; and World Heart Federation.

Regarding Lawyers Without Borders, the representative of China asked that the organization removed Taiwan from its website.

Regarding People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, the representative of China asked for details on the organization.

Regarding World Hunger Year, Inc., the representative of India asked the organization to update its name with the Committee.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.5 — 15 non-governmental organizations:  Agence pour le Développement Intégré au Congo; Al Zubair Charitable Foundation; Association pour le Développement de la Société Civile Angolaise — ADSCA; Captive Daughters; Carter Center, Inc., The; Children International; China Association for Science and Technology; Ecumenical Federation of Constantinopolitans; Institute of International Social Development; Intercambios Asociación Civil; International Association of Penal Law; International Circle of Faith Chaplaincy Corps Ltd/Gte; International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development; International Organization for Victim Assistance; and International Presentation Association.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.6 — 14 non-governmental organizations:  Women and Modern World Centre; ACT Alliance-Action by Churches Together; AIDS Healthcare Foundation; Academic Council on the United Nations System; Action Canada for Population and Development; Africa Humanitarian Action; Agence de Developpement Economique et Culturel Nord-Sud; Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD); Aging Research Center; Alan Guttmacher Institute; Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Institute, Inc.; All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis; AVSI Foundation; and American Planning Association.

Regarding Advocates for Human Rights, the representative of China asked for details on the 30 countries in which the organization operated.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.7 — 13 non-governmental organizations:  Amizade Ltd.; Apne Aap Women World Wide (India) Trust; Architects for Peace Inc.; Asia Crime Prevention Foundation; Asia-Japan Women’s Resource Centre; Asian Consultancy on Tobacco Control Limited; Asociacion Regional de Empresas de Petroleo y Gas Natural en Latinoamerica y el Caribe; Asociación de Amigos de las Naciones Unidas; Association for Social and Environmental Development; Association for the Prevention of Torture; Association of Families and Women in Rural Areas; Association of the Indigenous Peoples in the Ryukyus; and Baltic Sea Forum e.V.

Regarding Amnesty International, the representative of Sudan asked for details on sources and how the information they provided was verified.

Regarding Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, the representative of China asked for corrections on the organization’s website of the inclusion of Taiwan province.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.8 — 14 non-governmental organizations:  Academy of Mining Sciences; Beit Issie Shapiro - Amutat Avi; Biovision Stiftung für ökologische Entwicklung; Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor e.V. ; Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha; CIRID (Centre Independent de Recherches et d’Iniatives pour le Dialogue); Canadian Federation of Agriculture; Canadian Labour Congress; Center for Africa Development and Progress; Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance; Center for International Human Rights; Center for Justice and International Law; Center for Women’s Global Leadership; and Centre for Economic and Leadership Development.

Regarding CIVICUS — World Alliance for Citizen Participation, the representative of Cuba requested details on projects and which countries the organization operated in and the representative of Sudan asked for details on sources of information on human rights violations.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.9 — 14 non-governmental organizations:  Autonomous Women’s Center; Awaz Centre for Development Services; Centre for Environment and Development; Centre for Human Rights and Peace Advocacy; Centre for Social Research; Centro UNESCO di Firenze; Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales Asociación Civil; Cercle de Recherche sur les Droits et les Devoirs de la Personne Humaine;  Chabad - International Jewish Educational and Cultural Network; Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Production of the Argentine Republic; Chicago T.A.S.C. Inc.; Children Education and Social Welfare Society; China Care and Compassion Society; and China Society for Promotion of the Guangcai Programme.

Regarding Centre for Human Rights, the representative of Venezuela asked for details on how the organization received information on violations.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.10 — 13 non-governmental organizations:  Compagnons d’action pour le développement familial; Congregation of Our Lady of the Good Shepherd; Congress of Aboriginal Peoples; Corporación para la Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos — Reiniciar; Corporación para la Investigación, el Desarrollo Sostenible y la Promoción Social; Corps de réflexion et de planification pour l’utilité sociale; Cubraiti; Deutsche Model United Nations e.V.; Disarm Education Fund Inc.; Earth Child Institute, Inc.; Earth Society Foundation, Inc.; Eastern African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advencement of Women; and Ecoagriculture International.

Regarding East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project, the representative of China asked for details of its activities during the reporting period, except for 2014.

Regarding Christian Conference of Asia, the representative of Turkey asked for names and location of partner organizations.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.11 — 15 non-governmental organizations: African Development Association; Airline Ambassadors International, Inc.; American Association of University Women; Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development; British Humanist Association; Child Family Health International; Comisión para la Investigación de Malos Tratos a las Mujeres; Cooperazione Internazionale; Eagle Eyes Association for Afghan Displaced Youth; Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation; Environmental Development Action in the Third World; European Federation of Older Students at Universities; European Network of Policewomen; European Union Association in the United States; and Famille Debout.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.12 — 15 non-governmental organizations:  Agricultural Missions, Inc.; Family Action Foundation/Accion Familiar; Federacion Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales - FELGT/Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Bisexual State Federation; Federación Española de Mujeres Directivas Ejecutivas Profesionales y Empresarias FEDEPE; Federación de Mujeres Progresistas; Federatie van Nederlandse Verenigingen tot Integratie Van Homoseksualiteit - COC Nederland; Federation of Environmental and Ecological Diversity for Agricultural Revampment and Human Rights, The; Femmes Solidaires; Fondation des Oeuvres pour la Solidarité et le Bien Etre Social - FOSBES ONG; Fondation pour l'étude des relations internationales et du développement; Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi — Onlus; Food & Water Watch; Forest Stewardship Council AC; Foundation ECPAT International (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes); and Foundation for Global Sports Development.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.13 — 12 non-governmental organizations:  Foundation for Human Horizon; Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research; Foundation for the Child and the Family; Foundation for the Social Promotion of Culture (Fundacion Promocion Social de la Cultura); Foundation for the Support of the United Nations; France Terre d’Asile; Fraternite Notre Dame, Inc.; Freemuse - The World Forum on Music and Censorship; Fundacao de Assistencia Medica Internacional; Fundacion Cultural Baur, A.C.; Fundación Argentina a las Naciones Camino a la Verdad; and General Research Institute on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Regarding The Journalists and Writers Foundation, the representative of Turkey asked for a postponement of consideration of the quadrennial report pending the Economic and Social Council’s decision on the Committee’s recommendation that the status be dissolved for that organization.

Regarding Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief, the representative of China asked for details on its projects.

Regarding Front Line, The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, the representative of China asked for details on its activities.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.14 — 15 non-governmental organizations:  Geneva Infant Feeding Association; Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition; Global Eco-Village Network; Global Family for Love and Peace; Global Policy Forum; Global Social Observatory; Globethics.net Foundation; Goi Peace Foundation; Good Neighbors International; Gran Fraternidad Universal (Universal Great Brotherhood); HOPE Worldwide, Ltd.; Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS, Inc.); Hong Kong Federation of Women; Horizon Foundation; and Housing Works Inc.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.15 — 14 non-governmental organizations:  Human Rights Information and Training Center; Ibero American Institute of Aeronautic and Space Law and Commercial Aviation; Impact for Change and Development; Indian Development Foundation; Indian Social Institute; Indigenous Information Network; Indigenous Peoples Survival Foundation; Innovation: Africa; Institut Jules-Destrée; Institute for Interreligious Dialogue; Institute for the Development in Education, Arts and Leisure; Institute of Asian Culture & Development; Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology; and Institute of Social Studies Trust.

Regarding Human Rights Now, the representative of China asked for details on the organization’s work with helping Fukushima victims.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.16 — 11 non-governmental organizations: Inter-American Statistical Institute; International AIDS Society; International Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals; International Association for Democracy in Africa; International Automobile Federation; International Buddhist Relief Organisation; International Catholic Migration Commission; International Commission of Catholic Prison Pastoral Care; International Council of Environmental Law; International Council on Clean Transportation, Inc.; and International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations.

Regarding International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children, the representative of China asked for the organization’s usage of and position on Taiwan and to use the correct terminology for Hong Kong.

Regarding International Council on Social Welfare, the representative of China asked for the organization’s usage of and position on Taiwan and to use the correct terminology for Hong Kong.

Regarding the International Federation for Human Rights Leagues, the representative of China asked for clarification on the organization’s relation with the Human Rights Council.

Regarding the International Association of Media Communication and Research, the representative of Cuba asked for examples on initiatives to support the Sustainable Development Goals.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.17 — 14 non-governmental organizations:  Assemblea delle Donne per lo Sviluppo e la Lotta Contro L'Esclusione; International HIV/AIDS Alliance; International Human Rights & Anti-Corruption Society; International Institute for Human Rights, Environment and Development; International Lactation Consultant Association; International Longevity Center Global Alliance, Ltd.; International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism; International Native Tradition Interchange, Inc; International POPs Elimination Network; International Police Association; International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims; International Youth Hostel Federation; Internationale Organisation Für Volkskunst; and Isis - International Women's Information and Communication Service.

Regarding the International Humanist and Ethical Union, the representative of China requested asked for a correction on the organization’s usage of Taiwan.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.18 — 15 non-governmental organizations:  African Canadian Legal Clinic; Drug Abuse Information Rehabilitation and Research Centre; International Council on Alcohol and Addictions; Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice delle Salesiane di Don Bosco; Japanese Association for the Right to Freedom of Speech; Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning; Jeunesse Horizon; KARP; Kejibaus Youth Development Initiative; Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Children; Kerman Raad; Kindernothilfe, Help for Children in Need; Kosmos Associates, Inc; Kuwait Association for The Basic Evaluators for Human Rights; and Kyung Hee University.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.19 — 14 non-governmental organizations:  LDC Watch; LICHT FÜR DIE WELT-Christoffel Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; Land is Life, Inc.; Lutheran World Federation; Make Mothers Matter–MMM; Manavata; Medecins du Monde–International; Mediators Beyond Borders; Mother Care Foundation (MOCAF) NGO; Mother’s Union; Mountain Institute; Mouvement International d'Apostolate des Milieux Sociaux Independants; Movimiento Cubano por la Paz y la Soberania de los Pueblos; and Mundo Sin Guerras.

The representative of Iran asked the organization Minority Rights Group for more information on the methodology used for ranking countries on its website, and why some countries had been excluded.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.20 — 15 non-governmental organizations:  NGO Coordination post Beijing Switzerland; NGO Health Committee, Inc.; National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.; National Coalition Against Racial Discrimination; National Council of Women in Great Britain; Network of Non-Governmental Organisations of Trinidad and Tobago for the Advancement of Women; Ngoma Club; Nippon International Cooperation for Community Development; Norwegian Refugee Council; ODHIKAR-Coalition for Human Rights; Observatorio Mexicano de la Crisis, Asociación Civil; Okedongmu Children in Korea; Okogun Odigie Safewomb International Foundation; Organisation pour la Communication en Afrique et de Promotion de la Cooperation Economique Internationale — OCAPROCE Internationale; and Pacific Disability Forum.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.21 — 15 non-governmental organizations:  Chamber of Computer Logistics People Worldwide; Les Enfants de Frankie; National Advocates for Pregnant Women Inc; Pan European Forest Certification Council; Partnership for Indigenous Peoples Environment; Peace Education Foundation; Peace Parks Foundation; People for Successful Corean Reunification; People to People; People with Disabilities Uganda; Pesticide Action Nexus Association; Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres – Associação; Plateforme pour le Developpement Durable des Caraibes; Population Connection; and Population Council.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.22) — 14 non-governmental organizations:  International Risk Governance Council (IRGC); Pos Keadilan Peduli Ummat; Pragya; Project One, Inc; Public Union of the Citizens “International Centre of Education of Georgian and German Women”; Quaker Earthcare Witness; Rainforest Partnership; Relief International; Research Centre for Feminist Action (Centro de Investigacion Para la Accion Femenina); Right To Play; Rural Development Organization; Saratoga Foundation for Women Worldwide, Inc.; Scalabrini International Migration Network, Inc.; and Search for Common Ground.

The representative of China asked the organization Restless Development to correct a reference to Taiwan on its website’s country list.

E.C.2/2017/2/Add.23 — 15 non-governmental organizations:  Shinji Shumeikai; Ship and Ocean Foundation; Sigma Theta Tau, National Honorary Society of Nursing, Inc.; Sir William Beveridge Foundation; Smile Foundation; Social Action Forum for Manav Adhikar; Social Service Agency of the Protestant Church in Germany; Society for the Protection and Assistance of the Socially Disadvantaged Individuals, The; Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child; Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries; Solar Cookers International; Soroptimist International; Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Council; Stichting Rutgers WPF; and Stichting Spanda.

The Committee also took note of the following deferred quadrennial reports submitted by non-governmental organizations in consultative status, contained in document E.C/2017/CRP.3:  Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 2011–2014; Amman Center for Human Rights Studies 2010–2013; Associated Country Women of the World 2011–2014; Association for Progressive Communications 2011–2014; Caritas Internationalis (International Confederation of Catholic Charities) 2011–2014; Conectas Direitos Humanos 2010–2013; Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service 2010–2013; Credo-Action 2011–2014; Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe 2010–2013; Forum for Women and Development - FOKUS 2011–2014; Franciscans International 2011–2014; Lassalle-Institut 2011–2014; OISCA International, South India Chapter 2011–2014; Priests for Life 2011–2014; Society for Threatened Peoples 2005–2008; and Society for the Protection of Unborn Children 2011–2014.

Committee members posed questions related to a number of the reports on that list.

Regarding the 2011–2014 report of the organization AARP, the representative of China requested a “straightforward answer” to whether or not the group considered Tibet to be an integral part of China.

Regarding the 2008–2011 report of Amnesty International, the representative of Cuba asked the organization to provide information on the cases it had reported to the Security Council during the period under review.  However, the Chair then advised the Committee that the organization had withdrawn its report.

On the 2010–2013 report of Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, the representative of Turkey asked the group to provide information about the conferences and seminars it had organized or co-organized during the reporting period.

Regarding the 2007-2010 report of Freedom House, the representative of China asked for more information about several of the organization’s side events, while the representative of Iran requested details about its activities in the area of economic, social and cultural rights.

On the 2011–2014 report of The Heritage Foundation, the representative of Cuba requested more detailed information on the sources used by the organization in drafting its annual report and how it verified its data.

Regarding the 2009–2012 report of Human Rights Watch, the representative of China asked for more specific information about the group’s participation in the Human Rights Council’s work.

Regarding the 2011–2014 report of the International Bar Association, the representative of Cuba asked for more information about the group’s anti-corruption strategy and about the impact of a related workshop it had held in Bolivia.

On the 2009–2012 report of International Commission of Jurists, the representative of China asked the group to list the criteria and sources it used.

On the 2001–2004 report, 2005–2008 report and 2009–2012 report of the International Press Institute, the representative of China recalled that the Committee had asked the organization the same question — whether or not it acknowledged Tibet to be a part of China — several times, and once again requested further clarification on that matter.

Regarding the 2011–2014 report of Medical Women's International Association, the representative of China said the group had not yet corrected its misuse of Taiwan on its website.

On the 2011–2014 report of Nonviolent Peaceforce, the representative of China requested specific details about actions taken by the organization in support of the Millennium Development Goals in partnership with local civil society organizations.

Regarding the 2011–2014 report of Pax Christi International, International Catholic Peace Movement, the representative of China requested the organization to correct references to Taiwan on its website and to provide further information about presentations it had made at the Commission on the Status of Women’s fifty-eighth session.

On the 2011–2014 report of Physicians for Human Rights, the representative of China requested more information about several large Government grants received by the organization, including how such funds were used.

Regarding the 2009–2012 report of Reporters Sans Frontiers International-Reporters Without Borders International, the representative of China drew attention to references on the group’s website to Taiwan and Hong Kong as countries and asked it to correct them.

For information media. Not an official record.