• A doctor weighs a baby infront of the child's mother.

    Duration: March 2014 - December 2017
    Budget: US$4,870,751
    Implementing Agencies: UNODC (lead), UNDP, UNFPA, UNLIREC, PAHO

    The programme was the first in Trujillo to advance an integrated, multi-stakeholder approach to address the multitude of insecurities faced by vulnerable and at-risk communities. With an emphasis on prevention, the programme combined policy measures with community-based initiatives to significantly improve the daily lives of those living in fear of armed robbery, extortion, human trafficking, sexual violence, drug trafficking, and gang-related violence. The success of the programme produced transferrable practices that were replicated within and beyond the country under the leadership of the government.


  • A smiling male doctor, wearing a stethoscope and blue jacket, tends to a new born baby crying on a bed.

    Duration: January 2007 - September 2010
    Budget: US$2,062,343
    Implementing Agencies: UNICEF, PAHO, UNFPA

    The programme developed the capacities of children, adolescents and women living in the provinces of Apurímac and Ayacucho to reach their full potential. Traumatized by violence and abject poverty, the programme provided a comprehensive approach beginning with improvements in maternal health and early childhood development, to the provision of good quality education and better living conditions without violence.


  • Duration: June 2006 - March 2009
    Budget: US$1,576,484
    Implementing Agencies: FAO, WFP, UNICEF, PAHO, UNDP

    The programme advanced a culture of prevention in remote areas prone to recurrent natural disasters.  By promoting community-level response mechanisms and by using locally sourced materials, the programme fostered the engagement of local communities, benefited from their knowledge and commitment, and gained the support of local authorities towards disaster risk management.


  • The photo pictures a newborn baby

    Duration: May 2002 - April 2004
    Budget: US$707,000
    Implementing Agencies: UNICEF

    To ensure equitable access to health care for women and children in the province of Apurímac, the programme implemented an integrated strategy to reduce the number of maternal and perinatal deaths; decrease the rate of chronic malnutrition in children under three; improve access to quality health and nutrition services for mothers and children; and provide information about health, nutrition and hygiene to vulnerable women.