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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality


Article 8 - Raising awareness regarding disability
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Third Session


Comments, proposals and amendments submitted electronically


Costa Rica
European Union


UN System Organizations




National Human Rights Institutions

Asia Pacific Forum



Non-governmental organizations

European Disability Forum
Indian NGO Consultative Meeting
International Save the Children Alliance
Japan Disability Forum
Landmines Survivors Network
Physical Disability Council of Australia


Comments, proposals and amendments submitted electronically





Article 5

1. States Parties undertake to adopt immediate and effective measures to:

a. Raise awareness throughout society regarding disability, persons with disabilities and their human rights;

b. Combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities;

c. Promote an image of persons with disabilities as capable and contributing members of society sharing the same rights and freedoms as all others and in a manner consistent with the overall purpose of this Convention.

2. These measures shall include, among others:

a. initiating and maintaining effective public awareness policies designed to nurture receptiveness to the rights of persons with disabilities;

b. promoting awareness in their population, including in all children from an early age and at all levels of the education system, to foster an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities;

c. encouraging all organs of the media to project an image of persons with disabilities consistent with the purpose of this Convention;

d. working in partnership with persons with disabilities and their representative organisations in all measures taken to give effect to the obligations contained in this article.



Draft Article 5

EU Proposal: Incorporate the relevant provisions of this Article into new Article 3 bis. Delete title and separate article number.

1. States Parties undertake to adopt immediate and effective measures to:

EU Proposal: EU suggests the deletion of the chapeau.

(a) Raise awareness throughout society regarding disability and persons with disabilities;

EU Proposal: Add “and foster respect for the rights of persons with disabilities”

(b) Combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities

(c) Promote an image of persons with disabilities as capable and contributing members of society sharing the same rights and freedoms as all others and in a manner consistent with the overall purpose of this Convention.

EU Proposal: Move 2(c) to here as new (d):

(d) encouraging all organs of the media to project an image of persons with disabilities consistent with the purpose of this Convention;

EU Proposal: Delete Paragraph 2 (2d is covered by Article 25)

2. These measures shall include, among others:

(a) initiating and maintaining an effective public awareness campaign designed to nurture receptiveness to the rights of persons with disabilities;

(b) promoting awareness, including in all children from an early age and at all levels of the education system, to foster an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities;

(c) encouraging all organs of the media to project an image of persons with disabilities consistent with the purpose of this Convention;

(d) working in partnership with persons with disabilities and their representative organisations in all measures taken to give effect to the obligations contained in this article.



Draft Article 5

Insert the following paragraph after paragraph 1(b)

Combat practices whether cultural religious or other which discriminate persons with disabilities.



UN System Organizations


See references to international human rights conventions and jurisprudence.



Article 5 Promotion of positive attitudes to persons with disabilities

Recognizing the importance of combating stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities, WHO is committed to provide technical assistance and expertise in promoting positive attitudes towards persons with disabilities. In particular, WHO is committed to working towards a paradigm shift so that health and rehabilitation professionals work in partnership with persons with disabilities rather than simply prescribing treatment to them.


National Human Rights Institutions


Article 5

A text along these lines, perhaps with the addition of the word "appropriate" in paragraph (a), so that the obligation would be to provide an "effective and appropriate remedy", which would provide some flexibility in the fashioning of a suitable remedy.



Non-governmental organizations


Draft Article 5 Promotion of positive attitudes to persons with disabilities

The change in attitudes and the combating of mental and attitudinal barriers is a key element to contribute to the human rights of disabled people. As such, it is a cross-cutting issue which affects all areas of life. It might be considered to move this article to a different part of the Convention, in a section on supporting measures.

EDF proposes to add a specific paragraph on measures addressed to families of children with disabilities.

Finally, some reflection should be given to the wording “positive attitudes”, as this might continue to lead to stereotyping. Awareness raising measures on the rights of persons with disabilities might be a more appropriate phrasing.




Draft Article 5

13. In point 2- b), the list of people who should be made aware should be broadened. The modified text in point b) should be read as “promoting awareness, including in all children, from an early age and at all levels of the education system, including administrators, services providers, media, opinion makers, legislatures and community at large to foster an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities;”



Draft Article 5 – positive attitudes

This article sets out actions that government must take to challenge discrimination. It says that governments must work with people with disabilities in designing campaigns and programmes.

Suggested change
We wish to emphasise the intrinsic value and contribution of all children and adults with disabilities, irrespective of their ability to socialise and their level of self-reliance. This we find important to ensure inclusion of severe and multiple disabled persons.

1. c Promote an image of children and adults with disabilities as valuable and contributing members of society in their own respect, sharing the same rights and freedoms as all others and in a manner consistent with the overall purpose of this Convention.

Suggested additional paragraph
1. d Combat patronising, bullying and neglect on the basis of perceived incapacity of disabled children and adults in public services and society overall

We wish to ensure that governments must also work with children with disabilities, not just adults.
2.d. working in partnership with persons with disabilities, including children, and their representative organisations in all measures taken to give effect to the obligations contained in this article’.



< Draft Article 5> Promotion of positive attitudes to persons with disabilities

JDF’s proposed Amendment

The title of this article should be changed to “Awareness-raising concerning rights of persons with disabilities.”


“Awareness-raising” is used in the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (Rule 1).




This article includes important concepts related to awareness-raising, in recognition of the fact that the process of stereotyping fuels both the development and application of discriminatory practices. This article may have greater impact if addressed later in the treaty, for example in a section addressing supporting measures. (Cf. International Convention to Combat Desertification, Article 19) In addition, the Ad Hoc Committee may wish to re-examine the title of this article in light of concerns (raised by delegates to the Americas regional consultative conference - Quito, Ecuador, 9-11 April, 2003) about the use of the word “positive.” In some instances, “positive” portrayals of people with disabilities may not be accurate, and may inadvertently contribute to societal stereotypes. An alternative title could be “Stereotyping of Groups,” or “Awareness-Raising Measures.”

Draft Article 5(1)(c) provides an alternative formulation for “positive,” and is reflective of the UN Standard Rules provisions on awareness-raising, emphasising the need for awareness of people with disabilities as capable and contributing members of society. (Cf. UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, para. 4 and Rule 1)

Draft Article 5(2)(a) promotes public awareness campaigns “designed to nurture receptiveness to the rights of persons with disabilities.” Rather than “receptiveness,” the Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider the use of the more positive word “respect.”

Draft Article 5(2)(b) also relates to awareness-raising, but it encompasses specific issues related to educational settings, curricula, and teacher training. It therefore seems appropriate to keep this as a separate sub-provision.

Draft Article 5(2)(c) refers to “encouraging” the media. Given the influential role of the media in most societies, “promoting” may be the more appropriate verb.

Draft Article 5(2)(d) echoes Draft Article 4(2) in its focus on partnership with persons with disabilities and their representative organizations with regard to implementation of the article. In further elaborating this concept the Ad Hoc Committee may find useful the discussion of the “role of organizations of persons with disabilities” in the UN Standard Rules. (Cf. UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, Rules 1 and 18(3))



Positive Attitudes: Draft Article 5

PDCA believes that the implementation of this Draft Article will go some way towards addressing the discrimination currently experienced by people with disability.

However, it is our experience that for community education to produce meaningful outcomes, it is important that it is culturally appropriate for the community that is being targeted. We recommend that 1) be redrafted to read:

“…States Parties undertake to adopt immediate, effective and culturally appropriate measures to…”






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