15 February 2005

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Commission for Social Development
Forty-third session
9-18 February 2005



Tentative List of side-events

( 1:15pm to 2:45pm, unless otherwise specified)*


Tuesday 8 February

Conference Room 4; from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Theme: Reclaiming Copenhagen
By: the NGO Committee on Social Development, the Fredrich Ebert Foundation and the Division for Social Policy and Development
Additional information: http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/ngo/forum/invitation.htm.

Wednesday 9 February

 1. Conference Room 6
Theme: Empowering People by Transforming Institutions. An overview of the World Bank’s newly-endorsed Social Development Implementation Plan followed by an interactive dialogue
By: The World Bank
Speaker: Steen Lau Jorgensen, World Bank Director, Social Development Department

 2.Conference Room 4
How Are The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Responding To Global Ageing and How Can Civil Society Play A Role?
By: NGO Committee on Ageing
Speakers: Eveline Hoenigsberger (Consultant, Former Department Head, Ageing and Population Policies, Ministry for Social Security and Generations, Austria), Emmanuel Goued Njayick (Co-founder and Deputy Team Leader of the MDG Global Watch)

3.Permanent Mission of Germany (871 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017), at 6:30 p.m.

Briefing: Role of German Non-Statutory Welfare Organizations in Social Development and Development Cooperation
By: The German Parliamentary State Secretary for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Christel Riemann-Hanewinckel, and the Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations, Ambassador Wolfgang Trautwein

 5. Conference room: 8
Theme: On-line knowledge management and meta-networking for decision making in social policies
By: UNESCO's Management of Social Transformations Programme (MOST)
Speaker: Dr Nazli Choucri, Professor of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Director, GSSD- Global System for Sustainable Development, Associate Director, Technology and Development Program, President, MOST Scientific Advisory Committee

Thursday 10 February

1. Conference Room 8
Theme: Poverty and Social Exclusion
By: CERFE (Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione febbraio '74) and the Social Integration Branch of the Division for Social Policy and Development, DESA
Speakers: Mr. Gabriele Quinti, Mr. Sergei Zelenev

2.Conference Room 5
Theme : Presentation of the Sub-regional Network of Central America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean Countries for the follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development and the Millennium Development Goals
By : The Government of Guatemala, the Division for Social Policy and Development, DESA and the Division for Public Administration and Development Management, DESA
Speakers : Ms. Maria Concepcion Castro Mazariegos, Vice-Minister of Planning, Guatemala

3. Conference Room 7
Volunteerism Revisited
UN Volunteers
Dra. Marcia Carvalho Lopes, Vice Minister, Ministry of Social Development & Hunger Combat, Brazil – Chair; Dr. Nassim Ashraf, Minister of State, Chairman, National Commission of Human Development, Pakistan; Mr. Clovis Beaufleur, Manager, Social and Political Affairs, Pastoral da Crianca, Brazil; Mr. Robert Leigh, Senior Policy Specialist, United Nations Volunteers

 Friday 11 February

 1. Conference Room 4
Theme: Investing in social development: the next step towards the MDGs
By : Fransiscans International, and MDG Global Watch

2. Conference Room C
Theme: Promoting Social Development for all - the European Commission's experience of fostering employment and social cohesion
By: The European Commission
Speaker : Ms. Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Director of International and Horizontal Issues, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equality, European Commission

3. Conference Room 5
Theme : Panel discussion on “"Recovering growth in Latin America: trade presence, productivity and social inclusion"
By: Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF)
Speakers : Mr. Enrique García, Mr. José Antonio Ocampo, Ms. Nancy Birdsall and Mr. Patricio Meller,(Mr. Jeffrey Sachs is still to be confirmed)

4. Conference Room 8
Theme: Strategies for putting the poorest at the centre of development: social inclusion and social protection
By: DESA, HelpAge International, UNDP
Speakers: Johan Schölvinck - Chair
Dasa Silovic - UNDP
Michael Cichon, ILO
Servicus Likwelile, Vice President's Office, Government of UR of Tanzania
Litha M. Ogana and/or Kadija Alia Bah - NEPAD Secretariat
DFID representative (TBC)

5. Conference Room A
Theme: Participation works: international success stories in the fight against poverty
By: The Sub-Committee for the Eradication of poverty, and NGO Committee on Social Development
Speakers: Gretta Fernandes, VIVAT International; Gregore Kantoucer, ATD Fourth World; Dr. Haleh Arbab Correa, Baha’i International Community

Monday 14 February

1. Conference Room C 1:15pm-2:45pm
Theme: Mainstreaming Older Persons Issues at the UN: How can NGOs help?
By : Global Action on Ageing
Speakers: Laura Reanda, International Human Rights Education Group; Nancy Lewis, NGO/CSW Sub-Committee on Older Women; Ann Pawlizco, UNFPA; Robert Vennne, DESA

2. Conference Room 4
Theme: The Experience of the Social Development Fund in Egypt in Eradicating Poverty, and Generating New Job Opportunities for Youth, and Social Development
By: Social Development Fund of Egypt
Speakers: Ms. Amany Youssef, Director of International Department in the Social Development Fund of Egypt

3. Conference Room 7
Theme: Global Employment Trends: Employment, Productivity and Poverty Reduction
By: International Labour Organization
Speaker: Lawrence Jeffrey Johnson, Chief, Employment Trends Team, ILO, Geneva.

Tuesday 15 February

 1. Conference Room 4
Theme: Advancing Health and Health Care for the Ageing through Technology
By: AARP and IAHSA (International Association of Homes and Services for the Elderly)
Co-Chairs : William T. Smith, Member, IAHSA Board of Directors, CEO, Aging in America, New York, NY; Ladan Manteghi, Director, Office of International Affairs, AARP Global Aging Program, Washington, DC

Panellists : Lisa Gaudet, CAST Director and Manager, Office of Remote Care Technology, The Eddy, Troy, NY; Lydia Lundberg, CEO, Elite Care, Oregon and Germany; Craig Lehmann, Dean, School of Health Technology and Management, Stony Brook University, New York

2. Conference Room C
Theme: Social Policy and Marginalized Groups: fracture points in the policy process
By: DESA, HelpAge and the Chronic Poverty Research Centre

3. Conference D
Theme: UN--Civil Society Relations and the Millennium +5 Process
By: Zehra Aydin, Anja Kallmeyer and Ian Foucher from the NGLS New York Office
Description: Presentations will highlight the main points from the key reports dealing with UN--civil society relations (report of the Cardoso Panel and the Secretary-General's response to it) and outline the entry points for civil society in the lead up to the Millennium+5 High-level Plenary Meeting.

Wednesday 16 February

1. Conference Room C

Theme: The Primacy of Education in Social Development: A Conversation with the NGO Committee on Education
By: The NGO Committee on Education
Speakers: Sylvia Gordon (International Baccalaureate Association), Steve O’Neil (Marist Brothers).


Thursday 17 February

1. Conference Room C
Theme: Children Affected by Armed Conflict: Reintegration into the Family and Community
By: International Federation For Home Economics
Speakers: Jo Becker –Advocacy Director for Children’s Rights Division of Human Rights Watch; Michael Kuch – Youth Representative, Global Education Motivators Network, Sudan former Child Soldier; Invited – Dr. Jack Saul Director International Trauma Research at New York University

2. Conference Room B
Theme: Social Development Reflection Meeting
By: the NGO Committee on Social Development

3. Conference Room B from 3pm-5pm
Theme: "NGO Consultation on the M+5 Summit" sponsored by the Millennium + 5 NGO Network”
By: the NGO Committee on Social Development

Friday 18 February

1. Conference Room C
Theme: Between public mental health goals and the three core issues of the World Summit for Social Development: Poverty Eradication, Productive Employment and Social Integration
By: the NGO Committee on Mental Health
Speakers: Ms. Florence Baingana (World Bank), Mr.Ervin Staub (University of Massachusetts), Ms. Mariane Forkas (WITO Collaborating Center, Boston University)

* This list has been compiled on the basis on information provided by organizers of events.