************************************************************** The material posted here was provided to the Division for the Advancement of Women by the Government in response to a note verbale. It is being made available in electronic format in the form received. In cases where it was not possible at this time to reproduce charts and tables supplied, these can be obtained by contacting the Division for the Advancement of Women directly. ************************************************************** THE IMPLEMENTATION AND FOLLOW UP OF THE 4TH WCW IN TANZANIA - enhancement of women legal capacity - economic empowerment of women and poverty eradication - increase participation of women in decision making and to increase education, training and employment. - the government recognizes that in order to fulfil its commitments, actions and accountability is essential if the target is to be met by the year 2000. In this respect the government has a primary responsibility for implementing and making a follow up for implementation of its commitments. To fulfil this, it relies on its institutional mechanisms and bureaucratic apparatuses, and these include the Parliament, Cabinet, Sectors and Public institutions which take a leading role in coordinating, monitoring and assessing progress of the implementation of various issues including the government commitment to the 4WCW. The government recognizes the contributions and potentials of a wide range of public, private, non-governmental organisations at the community, national, sub-regional/regional and international levels. These will be expected to support, compliment and supplement government efforts and fill the gaps where necessary. In accordance with regulations and procedures of the government, the Ministry of Community Development, Women Affairs and Children has managed to do the following: (a) Enhancement of Women Legal Capacity. The Ministry has communicated with the Ministry of Justice and constitutional affairs as well as other agencies identify the sections in the existing laws which need to be amended and new provisions which need to be enacted. The identified sections to be amended will be amended after adequate consultations and preparations has been done by relevant actors. Once amendments have been completed, translation will be done so that these laws and regulations can easily be where the majority are primary school leavers. Legal provisions not withstanding women will be able to benefit when their development is raised from the current stakes. The Ministry has therefore prepared a community development policy which aims at stimulating the communities to take responsibility of their own development. The communities will be assisted to recognise how they will be able to attain the accepted annual development target levels using available resources. The Ministry has also taken advantage of the CIDA financed training fund for Tanzanian women Phase Two. Training of women who work in the law enforcement institutions, i.e. the court system, police and prison officers are one of the six components of TFTW. (b) Economic Empowerment of Women and Poverty Elimination The Ministry recognises the Social Sector Strategy as a strategy aimed at economic empowerment and poverty eradication. The Community Development Policy has been prepared with a purpose of, among other things, addressing the communities as consumers of goods and services. It empowers and guides community workers of all levels to assist communities and families to improve their consumption of goods and services. In this regard the Ministry recognises the existing potential for increased consumption by comparing regional incomes including hoarded wealth such as livestock and the levels of consumption. The communities will be assisted through local study tours and develop consumption habits which are practised by other communities and which can take them out of the existing levels of development. Currently, by tradition, women and children are relied upon as a workforce for households living in the rural areas. Legal provisions and traditional practices which support such attitudes have been identified for amendment or enactment. The matric approach which has been developed for the Community Development Policy and the National Platform of Action is being translated for countrywide dissemination. Gender Planning, Management and Administration, Community Development and Technical Field are four of the six components and poverty eradication commitment. The Ministry is exploring the possibilities of developing a Women Bank from the existing Credit Scheme - the Government Women Development Fund and the donor supported Credit Scheme for Productive Activities of women in Tanzania. Increasing participation of Women in Decision Making and Improvement Of Women's access to education, training and employment the Government has developed the concept of looking at community development services as a force maker services which will increase the return on investment in social services, environment and poverty eradication. Budgeted resources for Community Development services and Women Affairs will be proportional to resources budgeted for social services, preservation of environment and poverty eradication. - Developed the government strategy towards the implementation for the commitments involving relevant ministries, institutions, NGO's and the entire society. - Finalized the policies on community, development and children which will also provide directions for implementation. The Ministry in collaboration with identified donors is currently designing and developing a national programme for implementation of the Community Development and Children Policies and follow up of the Government commitments in respect of the Platform for Action. The general objective of these programmes is to translate visions and commitment into implementable activities. The drawing up of these programmes, will: - Provide direction on how we can have the government commitments on POA and WID policy implemented. - Provide direction for partners in the implementation - Build the necessary capacity of MCDWA to coordinate, facilitate, advocate and represent the woman's voice - Strengthen IEC with a gender perspective. The Ministry is also planning to organise and conduct national workshops on Post Beijing for key actors in the implementation, from both the government and non-government organisation. The major objectives of these workshops are to provide a forum through the government can get a feedback to all actors and collaborators on what transpired at the 4WCW in Beijing and enable them to understand their roles and responsibilities in implementing the government commitments. Also, enable the actors to discuss and contribute to the improvement of the proposed National Programme of Action. Furthermore, the Ministry is making arrangements to advocate for the implementation of the newly formulated policies of Community Development; that of Children. The advocacy role will be spearheaded by the politicians. In order to implement the government commitments, and other areas within the Platform for Action, funding is a prerequisite. To solicit funds, the government intends to sell the programme for implementing the Platform for Action, the Community Development programme and the National Programme for Action to implement the Children Development Policy to donors, NGOs and individuals. All those who are interested to support the government efforts will be welcomed to support this goal.