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In cases where it was not possible at this time to reproduce charts and tables supplied, these can be obtained by contacting the Division for the Advancement of Women directly. ************************************************************** ROMANIA NATIONAL PLAN FOR ACTION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MAIN OBJECTIVES PROVIDED FOR BY THE FINAL DOCUMENTS OF THE BEIJING FOURTH CONFERENCE ON WOMEN The National Plan for Action (NPA) has the role to promote a policy which aims at enforcing and guaranteeing the equality among all citizens - as laid down in the Romanian Constitution (art. 4 par. 2) - emphasising the attachment and the permanent efforts of the Romanian Government with a view to improving the status of women in society, and promoting the equality between women and men. The National Plan for Action starts from the finding that, within the context of the realities generated by the transition to the market economy, there are still some differences between women' s and men' s role, and in the relationship set between them as social partners. The National Plan for Action embodies the main objectives which the Romanian Government has proposed with a view to implementing the provisions of the final documents of the Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in September 1995. A. The creation and development of the institutional machineries which are to co-ordinate the policies for the advancement of women. B. The promotion of an equitable deployment of women in public and decision-making jobs. C. The improvement of the economic situation of women, the achievement of an equal access to the labour market and to adequate working conditions, to the control and utilisation of economic resources. D. The improvement of women' s state of health. E. The prevention and mitigation of the violent manifestations against women and children. F. The promotion of women' s participation in the protection of the national ecosystems and the fight against environment degradation. G. The integration of the principle of equality between women and men in all the fields of the social, cultural and educational life, and the role of mass-media in this context. The Romanian Government strongly believes that, in order to implement the provisions of this document, the co-operation between the social partners is essential . A. The setting-up and development of the institutional machineries to co-ordinate the policies for the advancement of women * Fully respecting the social fundamental values of the state of law; * With a view to implementing a coherent strategy in line with the role of women in maintaining and promoting the values of tolerance and human soJidarity; . * According to the provisions of the art. 203 (b) from the Beijing Platform for Action, in October 1995 it was adopted the Government Decision no. 448 setting up a specific structure, at the national level, responsible with the promotion and enforcement of women' s rights. This new created structure works within the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, under the co-ordination of a Lady Secretary of State and has the following attributions: a) to make analysis and studies concerning the status of women in society, to propose solutions for the elimination of the found negative aspects; b) to develop family policies and to submit those policies to the competent bodies for their approval; c) to propose measures for the improvement of the legislation in this area and to follow-up its implementation; d) to pursue the non-discriminatory access of women to the labour market as well as the improvement of the conditions in which she performs her activity. The completion of these objectives is achieved in co-operation with the concerned governmental and non-governmental institutions. The governmental Plan for Action sets the following short and medium-term priorities: * to monitor the legislation in force and the draft laws and legislative proposals submitted to the Parliament, with a view to identifying eventual discriminatory provisions concerning the equality between sexes and to formulating proposals for their abolishment and alteration; * to forward proposals for the elaboration of some draft regulations which are to achieve a positive discrimination, when required by the social reality; * to approximate the national legislation with the international instruments in the field of human rights, with a view to integrating Romania in the European legal area; * to reduce the gap between the legislative provisions in the field of women' s rights and the effective exercise of these rights; * to work out programmes for the non-discriminatory education within the family and in schools, * to promote educational patterns based upon the gender partnership; * to work out the curricula in favour of a non-violent behaviour, and of the prevention of conflict situations and violent manifestations in the family; *. to achieve studies and researches, in co-operation with the concerned institutions and non-governmental organisations, regarding the unemployment of women, the rate of employment and their labour regime, the inside family violence, the social protection of women and young persons in general; * to work out special programmes of support for those categories of women having a high degree of social and community isolation and marginalization: older women, single women, women from rural areas, women belonging to minorities; * to create a data-bank including information and indicators of the situation and dynamics of this phenomenon; * to make contacts and to improve the co-operation with the concerned institutions and organisations existing at the national and international level. B. Promotion of an equitable placement of women in public and decision-making positions In Romania, the legal provisions stipulate the equality in rights for all the citizens, the right to elect and to be elected in the management bodies and guarantee the right of citizens to engage themselves in any occupation taking into account their training (the Romanian Constitution, art. 16, 20, 30 and 34 and the Labour Code, art. 14). Recently, on the occasion of the local elections, a number of 2,611 women were elected in the county, municipal, city and communal councils. NUMBER OF WOMEN: ELECTED IN LOCAL ELECTIONS (May 1996) Position Total Out of which women (%) Mayors 2.954 2,74 Local counsellors 39.831 6,11 County counsellors 1.718 5,47 Although women have a significant share in the total active population, their access and participation in the elaboration and implementation of the social and economic development policies and in the decision-making process have a lower relevance. WORKING POPULATION (WOMEN), BY OCCUPATIONAL CATEGORIES YEAR 1992 1996(1st quarter) Occupational | 1/ | 2/ || 1/ | 2/ | category | | || | | --------------------------------------------------------- * Total working 4,313,579 44,9 4,333,422 43,8 women, out of which: ---------------------------------------------------------- * Members of 43,235 26,6 75,156 24,5 the legislative and executive bodies, senior civil servants, heads and senior officers from the social-economic and political units ---------------------------------------------------------- * Civil servants 333,701 70,8 313,153 75,8 ---------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Number of Women 2/ Share in total working population (%) Taking into account the fact that the recognition of women' s role is essential for the creation of a favourable political opinion for the equality between women and men and for the enforcement of human rights, the Romanian Government has proposed to take action in the following directions: a) the involvement of a greater number of women in the political life; b) the increase of women' s participation in the management structures of the political parties at the central and local level; c) the increase of the number of women included in the electoral lists for the positions allowing them to be elected; d) the promotion of a great number of women in the managerial positions of the public authorities In order to achieve these objectives, the following ways of action have been taken into account: the setting up of governmental and non-governmental structures, of a national nature, which are to implement the principle of equality of rights between women and men the implementation of those programmes involving women in the civil society dynamics; - the promotion of women in the management bodies of the governmental institutions and local public services; - the initiation and development of training and retraining programmes for women as regards the decision-making process and the management-related forms and machineries; - to adopt measures for the exploration of the labour market with a view to achieving a better correlation between demand and training and retraining programmes, in order to diminish faster the unemployment of women and to improve their mobility and professional reinsertion; - to promote educational, training and counselling programmes for the unemployed women, for those who start again their work, for the young graduates, and for the women living in the rural areas; - to provide a stimulating unemployment benefit for those unemployed changing their residence in the rural area for good; -. to stimulate the entrepreneur women from the small and medium sized enterprises, by facilitating their access to alternative capital resources and to advantageous banking loans; - to support the farmer women by means of special counselling programmes, providing economic and financial facilities for the purpose of stimulating their participation in the rural area development, including by the introduction of the peasant households in the rural tourism networks. 2. The Romanian Constitution (art. 38 par. 4) and the Labour Code (art. 151 par. 1) provide that women shall receive an equal pay with men for equal work. The employment of women especially in economic branches with lower wages, their irrelevant participation in the management positions as well as the absence of an efficient control as regards the observance of the pay scale within the part time work system, determine the achievement of an average wage income lower than the one earned by men. Therefore, a re-evaluation and a readjustment of the legislation and of the wage grills are necessary in order to eliminate the income differences. In this context, the Romanian Government has proposed: - to make some specific analyses concerning the earnings, which will underlie the development of some integrated wage policies at the national level; - to re-examine and determine the economic and social signification of the work performed in predominant feminine fields of activity. 3. The vulnerability of certain categories of women, such as the unemployed women, the women from rural areas, the women as single bread-winner raising children and/or adults, as well as the older women receiving a lower pension, requires the adoption of certain measures enabling them an increased social protection. In this context, the Romanian Government has proposed: - to create a system of fiscal incentives, reductions of tariffs and granting of free-of-charqe services for the vulnerable categories of women and poor families; - the organisation of meetings, round tables and conferences for the purpose of making the political leaders, the public opinion in general, sensitive as regards the role that women could take in the decision-making process; - The achievement of studies underling the adoption of positive measures in the field of women' s political participation, in co-operation with governmental and non-governmental structures, institutions and research centres, and mass-media. C. Improvement of the economic condition of women, implementation of the equal access to the labour market An important indicator of the analysis of woman' s social condition is represented by her concrete situation in the labour market, her degree of integration in the production and decision-making structures and the conciliation of her family and professional responsibilities. 1. As in other countries in transition to the market economy, the unemployment covers a significant percentage of the active population, having negative consequences on the condition and development of each individual, but also on the society as a whole and affects with priority and in specific forms the employment of women. The evolution of the labour supply and demand indicates for 1996 a significant decrease of the unemployment rate (from 8.8% at the end of 1995 to 7.5% in June 1996). Although the intensity of the unemployment of women ranges within the general decreasing trends (from 10.3% at the end of 1995 to 8.4% in June 1996), we can see, however, a slower absorption of the unemployed women in the labour market and we can speak, further on. about the "feminization" of the unemployment. The improvement of women condition, by achieving equal opportunities and equal access to the labour market and her economic independence, depends on the way the legislation, the policies and the programmes in this field are worked out, in accordance with the economic and social realities and in keeping with the main trends of the Romanian society development. The specific strategic objectives in these fields are the following ones: - to identify the discriminatory legal provisions and to monitor the dimension of the equality between women and men at the level of the labour and social security legislation, by means of a permanent dialogue with all the social partners; - to stimulate the economic agents in order to create new jobs, especially for young persons and single women raising minor children; - to adopt measures for the exploration of the labour market with a view to achieving a better correlation between demand and training and retraining programmes, in order to diminish faster the unemployment of women and to improve their mobility and professional reinsertion; -. to promote educational, training and counselling programmes for the unemployed women, for those who start again their work, for the young graduates, and for the women living in the rural areas; - to provide a stimulating unemployment benefit for those unemployed changing their residence in the rural area for good; - to stimulate the entrepreneur women from the small and medium sized enterprises, by facilitating their access to alternative capital resources and to advantageous banking loans; - to support the farmer women by means of special counselling programmes, providing economic and financial facilities for the purpose of stimulating their participation in the rural area development, including by the introduction of the peasant households in the rural tourism networks. 2. The Romanian Constitution (art. 38 par. 4) and the Labour Code (art. 151 par. 1) provide that women shall receive an equal pay with men for equal work. The employment of women especially in economic branches with lower wages, their irrelevant participation in the management positions as well as the absence of an efficient control as regards the observance of the pay scale within the part time work system, determine the achievement of an average wage income lower than the one earned by men. Th