*************************************************************************** The electronic version of this document has been prepared at the Fourth World Conference on Women by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women Secretariat. *************************************************************************** AS WRITTEN STATEMENT BY COMMISSIONER FLYNN ON BEHALF OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY TO THE FOURTH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN: EQUALITY, DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE Beijing, 6 September 1995 Madam Chairperson, Progress towards equality between women and men has not been as great as we hoped when we adopted the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies. Indeed, the period of economic recession following Nairobi has affected women throughout the world to a far greater extent than men, even though important progress has been made in the areas of education, training and economic activity. However, we now see a changing economic climate that provides a real opportunity for women. Growth and competitiveness in a globalised economy certainly means reshaping the organisation of work, and it requires the optimal use of human resources. Thus, the skills and abilities of women become yet more crucial for the revitalisation of the economy. Nevertheless, women will be blocked and we will not be able to benefit from their contribution unless we can guarantee a society that truly respects their human rights and fundamental freedoms; one that fully ensures equality between women and men. In its bilateral relations, the European Community, which has signed more than 60 cooperation and trade agreements, is guided by the principle that the human rights of women and the girl-child are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal human rights. By incorporating a specific clause on human rights in all new agreements with third countries, the Community is helping make the principle of human rights a reality. This is extremely important, given that the Community, with its Member States, is the first bilateral aid donor in the world with 41 per cent of total Overseas Development Aid. Within the European Union, the legal basis for equality between women and men has been extended. Legislation and policy commitments have been made in several areas, including self-employment, childcare, and the safety of pregnant workers. Currently, we are discussing the difficult question of measures that recognise an individual in his or her own right, rather than as dependent on another person. Ensuring economic independence is a major step towards equality. Since 1975, the Community's legislative framework has been developed and promoted through a series of five-year action programmes. The European Commission has just adopted a proposal for a new, fourth programme that aims to deepen and widen our commitment to equal opportunities. I am pleased that the results of this Conference can therefore enrich our ideas for its implementation. We are already focusing measures on women in decision-making. This, and issues of human rights and democracy, with be major themes in the new programme, so we are extremely happy that these topics are also prominent in the Platform of Action. Other priority areas include the position of women in the economy, and the reconciliation of working life with personal and household needs. The Community is increasingly pursuing a strategy of mainstreaming the gender perspective in all its policies and programmes. In its development cooperation activities in all regions of the world, the Community is proving its commitment to women's empowerment. Furthermore, the European Commission has prepared a Communication on gender issues in development. This will form the basis of a consistent strategy to highlight the essential role of women. Madam Chairperson., the implementation of the Platform of Action demands the integration of a gender perspective into all policies and programmes. It requires political commitment and a strong internal structure. To that end, the European Commission has established an Equality Group at the highest level. However, the success of any measures taken will depend very much on partnership Partnership is of great importance to the European Community. First, we seek to bring about a new partnership between women and men. This partnership entails equal rights and equal sharing of both power and responsibility. It requires the respect of women's fundamental rights, their full and equal participation in the decision-making process in the public and private domains, and their economic empowerment. The success of measures also depends on partnership with key actors, including NGOs, trade unions and the private sector. Such partnership is particularly important at the local level. In this way, we can work together and combine resources for the integration of equality into mainstream policy. Madam Chairperson, the Community is strongly committed to the principles of equality between women and men, respect for human rights, democracy and sustainable development. It wants to make the fullest contribution to ensure an effective outcome of both the Conference and the NGO Forum. In addition, we see before us a wealth of knowledge and experience. From this the Community will refresh its thinking, draw new inspiration and enrich its future efforts for the advancement of women in Europe, in developing countries and in countries with economies in transition. Finally, Madam Chairperson, I want to thank you and the Secretary General of the Conference and her staff for all the work you have done in preparation for this Conference. You have dealt with some difficult problems along the way. We are therefore even more appreciative that, this important conference is taking place. I have personally been touched by the warm welcome of the people of China. The eyes of the world are upon us. The hopes and expectations of more than half the world’s population are fixed on this Conference. We must not be distracted from our objective which, above all, is respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of women. Our discussions must focus on concrete measures to ensure that every woman can participate equally and fully in every aspect of life, and that the results of this Conference are truly felt in the daily lives of all women. I thank you for your attention.