ISO: BGR *************************************************************************** The electronic version of this document has been prepared at the Fourth World Conference on Women by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women Secretariat. *************************************************************************** AS WRITTEN *************************************************************************** Excerpt from Press Release. The written statement was not available in a scannable language at the time of presentation in the conference. *************************************************************************** MIMI VITKOVA, Minister of Health of Bulgaria: Bulgaria hopes the Conference will adopt a final document which will meet the interests of women worldwide and which will serve as a code of conduct for Member States of the United Nations. It also hopes it will contribute to the strengthening of peace and security. The process of democratization and transition to a market economy opened many opportunities for women, in theory. Many women have taken the risks involved, but not all have been successful, for economic, social and psychological reasons. Bulgaria was observing the United Nations sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), which has an impact on its economy. Bulgaria intends to develop a network of services to provide training for women returning to the work-force after a long absence. The Government will also promote the development of a national strategy to improve the health of women and others. The main responsibility for carrying out the plans to enhance the status of women resides with States. Bulgaria supports those paragraphs of the draft platform of action which concern countries in transition.