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The Zero Hunger Challenge – Advisory note for action

View the full Advisory Note on “100% increase in smallholder productivity and income”

I. Definition

For the purpose of this working group, references to smallholders or to small-scale food producers are meant to include smallholders, small-scale rural processors, agriculture and food workers, artisanal fishermen, pastoralists, rural artisans, indigenous peoples and the landless. Doubling income has been interpreted as doubling their consumption and savings opportunities in monetary terms. Doubling productivity has been interpreted as doubling the ratio of output to inputs used in the agricultural production process implemented by these groups.

II. Policy measures

Proposals for policies and investments to be established by governments to help achieve these outcomes are grouped around nine areas:

III. Metrics

Three core indicators are proposed to track progress in the productivity and incomes of rural people across all country contexts (Group A) and four indicators that may be applicable only in certain country contexts (Group B):

GROUP A: Indicators applicable to all country contexts:

GROUP B: Indicators that may not be applicable to all country contexts:

IV. Messaging

Messages to the private sector should focus on the importance of responsible investments in the agro-food sector— and the production of healthy foods —in accordance with CFS’ guidance and with the need to address decent work challenges.
Messages to civil society and farmers’ organizations should promote inclusive and sustainable transformation of smallholder agriculture.

V. Conclusion

The Zero Hunger Challenge Working Group 4 focused on reducing rural poverty reduction and improving the welfare of smallholders by raising incomes and productivity and creating decent work in rural areas. The content of this document reflects the collaboration among technical and policy experts across key UN agencies working on issues related to agricultural productivity and incomes and rural development at large. It combines analytical, programme, policy and investment perspectives, which take into account broader goals of sustainable development.

Given the heterogeneity of smallholder agriculture and rural livelihoods, this document acknowledges that there is “no one size fits all” approach toward achieving the established target of doubling smallholder productivity and income. Each country will thus have to adapt the definition and proposed policy measures for implementation and monitoring purposes.

The proposals in this document are intended to help inform approaches to monitoring and implementing SDGs that pertain to agriculture, and hunger and poverty reduction at national, regional and global levels, while SDG indicators, the development of which is currently under way, will be taken in to account to improve approaches to monitoring progress towards the objective of this specific element of the Zero Hunger Challenge. The indicators provide a tool for United Nations agencies and member States to monitor the status of smallholder productivity and incomes and the implementation of policy measures required to increase these significantly and to promote thriving rural economies.