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High-level meetings of the 68th Session of the General Assembly

Disability and development -"The way forward: a disability inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond", 23 September 2013


Children with bones of glass

Every day millions of children with disabilities fight discrimination and prejudice as well as physical barriers towards leading a fulfilling life. Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted in 2006 is critical to mobilizing support for disabled children.

UNICEF Spotlight - Children with disabilities

On May 20, UNICEF launched The State of the World's Children 2013, which makes the case that children with disabilities have a much greater role to play in society, and, if they are allowed to achieve their ambitions, everyone will benefit.

A new vision for Russia

"If you can't get on a train or enter a building because you are disabled it isn't just an inconvenience -- it's a denial of a human right". Two activists in Moscow are determined to bring change in Russia.

Hong Kong: Changing perceptions about disabilities

More than one billion people worldwide experience some form of disability, the United Nations and the World Bank said today in a report that calls for the elimination of barriers that often force the people with disabilities to "the margins of society." The World Report on Disability, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank, with contributions from over 380 experts, urges governments to "to step up efforts to enable access to mainstream services and to invest in specialized programmes to unlock the vast potential of people with disabilities."

Silent Shout: The "most deaf" rapper

In high school, he was told that he couldn't hope to have a career as a musician. Because, he was deaf. But still, he dreamed of becoming a rap star and bringing his music ... and his message ...to the world. Join us for a story of true determination and defiance -- the story of Signmark.

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