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I. Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and other organizations

Cooperation between the United Nations and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization

The item entitled “Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee” was included in the agenda of the thirty-sixth session of the General Assembly, in 1981, at the request of 25 Member States (A/36/191 and Add.1 and 2).

At that session the Assembly, inter alia, requested the Secretary-General to carry out consultations with the Secretary-General of the Committee with a view to further strengthening the cooperation between the two organizations and widening the scope of that cooperation (resolution 36/38).

The General Assembly considered this item annually at its thirty-sixth to forty-first sessions (resolutions 36/38, 37/8, 38/37, 39/47, 40/60 and 41/5) and biennially since its forty-third session (resolutions 43/1, 45/4, 47/6, 49/8, 51/11, 53/14, 55/4, 57/36 and 59/3).

By a circular letter dated 5 July 2001, the Secretary-General of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization announced the decision to change its name from the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee to the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization in accordance with its resolution 40/ORG 3 of 24 June 2001.

At its sixty-first session, the General Assembly noted with appreciation the work of the Consultative Organization aimed at strengthening the efforts of the United Nations in respect of issues such as combating corruption, international terrorism and trafficking in women and children, as well as human rights issues; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-third session a report on cooperation between the United Nations and the Consultative Organization (resolution 61/5).


References for the sixty-first session (agenda item 108 (b))

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Source: A/63/100