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D. Promotion of human rights

Holocaust remembrance

The item entitled “Holocaust remembrance” was included in the agenda of the sixtieth session of the General Assembly, in 2005, at the request of Australia, Canada, Israel, the Russian Federation and the United States of America (A/60/194).

At its sixtieth session, the General Assembly resolved that the United Nations would designate 27 January as an annual International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust; and requested the Secretary-General to establish a programme of outreach on the subject of the “Holocaust and the United Nations”, and to report on the implementation of that programme at the sixty-third session of the Assembly (resolution 60/7).

At its sixty-first session, under the item entitled “Culture of peace”, the General Assembly urged all Member States to reject any denial of the Holocaust as an historic event (resolution 61/255).

References for the sixtieth session (agenda item 72)

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Source: A/63/100