News Highlights for 2005

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ECOSOC Newsletter Volume 4 - No.3

ECOSOC Newsletter Volume 4 - No.2

ECOSOC Newsletter Volume 4 - No.1

27 October 2005

‘Special Event' of UN Economic and Social Council Is Told Hunger Transcends All Main Causes of Loss of Lives in Africa

21 October 2005

Economic and Social Council Decides on Theme for 2006 High-Level Segment

17 October 2005

General Assembly Elects 18 Members to Economic and Social Council for Three-Year Terms Beginning 1 January 2006

13 September 2005

High-Level Meeting of ECOSOC Bureau to Focus on Pushing Un Development Agenda Forward

27 July 2005

Economic and Social Council Adopts 16 Texts on Widerange of Issues, As It Concludes 2005 Session Economic Impact of Israeli Occupation, Hiv/Aids, Haiti , Support for Non-Self-Governing Territories among Issues Addressed

26 July 2005

Economic and Social Council Adopts 16 Texts on Coordination, Regional Cooperation, Economic Questions, Human Rights - Resolution on Palestinian Women Adopted By 46 – 2 - 4

25 July 2005

Economic and Social Council Adopts 43 Texts Recommended - By 61st Session of Human Rights Commission

22 July 2005 Summary of Statements in Today's meeting of the Economic and Social Council.

21 July 2005 ECOSOC Tackles Drug Control, Social Development, Advancement of Women, Human Rights, As It Continues General Segment

20 July 2005

ECOSOC Session Continues With Focus on Economic, Environmental Questions, Work of Functional Commissions

19 July 2005

Strategies for Least Developed Countries, UNAIDS, Report of Un System Chief Executives Board Among Widerange Of Issues Taken Up By ECOSOC

18 July 2005

Reports of Ad Hoc Advisory Groups on Haiti , Burundi , Guinea-Bissau - Discussed In Economic and Social Council

15 July 2005 Economic and Social Council Calls for Wide-Ranging Steps to Strengthen Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance

15 July 2005

Former US President Clinton Addresses UN Member States on Tsunami Recovery

14 July 2005 Summaries of Statements Made Today to the Economic and Social Council.

13 July 2005

‘Transition from Relief to Development', Special Relief Assistance Focus, As ECOSOC Opens Humanitarian Affairs Segment

12 July 2005

Economic and Social Council Ends Debate on Operational Activities for Development after Discussion on Triennial Review Process, South-South Cooperation

11 July 2005

ECOSOC Holds Panel on Alternative Development Funding Options, Dialogue with Fund, Programme Heads

8 July 2005

Reforming UN Activities for More Effective Country-Level Presence, Focus of Day-Long Dialogue in Economic and Social Council

7 July 2005

Summaries of Statements Made Today to the Economic and Social Council.

6 July 2005 Economic and Social Council Decides On Theme for 2006 Coordination Segment, Discusses Need to Ensure UN System ‘Fit For the 21 st Century'

5 July 2005 Regional assessments of progress meeting anti-poverty goals reveal at best ‘mixed picture’, economic and social council told.

1 July 2005

More Aid, Greater Market Access Key to Attaining Millennium Goals, Delegates Stress, As Economic and Social Council Concludes High-Level Talks.

30 June 2005

Note: Following are Summary Statements in Today's Meeting of the 2005 Substantive Session of the Economic and Social Council. A Complete Summary of the Meeting Will Be Available At the Conclusion of the Meeting, as Press Release Ecosoc/6157.

29 June 2005 UN:   Sustained Economic Growth in Developing Regions Opens Window of Opportunity for Development Goals.

29 June 2005

2005 World Summit Must Take Bold Steps toward Making Poverty History, Says Secretary-General in Address to Economic and Social Council.

29 June 2005

Economic and Social Council Opens with Secretary-General's Call for Translating Economic Growth into Development for All.

29 June 2005 Heads of State and agencies at UN Economic and Social Council,
29 June-1 July 2005

23 June 2005

Economic and Social Council to Meet in New York, 29 June-27 July, with Focus on Achieving Millennium Development Goals - High-Level Segment, 29 June - 1 July. To Provide Major Input to General Assembly September Summit

09 June 2005 Economic and Social Council Requests Human Rights Commission Chair To Hold Consultations on ‘In Larger Freedom’ Recommendations

28 April 2005

Economic and Social Council Takes Several Decisions Concerning July Substantive Session

27 April 2005

Economic and Social Council Fills Vacancies on Subsidiary Bodies, Including Commissions on Human Rights, Sustainable Development

18 April 2005

Secretary-General Asks, ‘If Not Now, When?', As He Underscores Need to Tackle Poverty, Terrorism, Deadly Weapons, Killer Diseases in High-Level Meeting

11 April 2005

UN Chief Executives Meet in Montpèlerin , Switzerland

31 March 2005

Economic and Social Council Holds Organizational Meeting In Preparation for June/July Substantive Session

01 March 2005 ECOSOC Decides To Consider Reports On Burundi , Guinea-Bissau During 2005 Session In July

04 February 2005

Recovery in World Economic Growth in 2004 Tempered By Continuing Global Trade Imbalances, Oil Price Uncertainties, ECOSOC Told

19 January 2005

New President of Economic and Social Council Calls Failure to Realize Vision of United Nations Charter Greatest Challenge to Humanity