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UN DESA | DPAD | Development Policy Analysis Division

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CDP Background Paper Series Archive

The CDP Background Papers are preliminary documents circulated in a limited number of copies and posted on this website, to stimulate discussion and critical comment on the broad range of economic, social and environmental issues associated with the issues dealt with by the Committee for Development Policy.

Readers are invited to submit their comments directly to the authors. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations Secretariat. The designations and terminology employed may not conform to United Nations practice and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Organization.


Views and Perspectives on UN support for SIDS

  • Philippe Hein
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  • Abstract: The present paper was prepared by Philippe Hein, in collaboration with Norman Girvan and Frances Stewart, all of whom are members of the Committee for Development Policy, and with the assistance of Ana Luiza Cortez, Hiroshi Kawamura and Admasu Shiferaw of the Committee’s Secretariat. It reflects the discussions and the main conclusions reached by the expert group meeting of the Committee, which took place from 25 to 27 January 2010, as well as the discussions and recommendations of the Committee as agreed at its plenary meeting held from 22 to 26 March 2010. It reviews the existing support by the United Nations system to the small island developing States (SIDS). While acknowledging great diversity among SIDS, the paper notes that these countries on average have maintained good levels of socio-economic indicators despite their fundamental development challenges. It also highlights a number of problems in adequately assessing United Nations support for SIDS and makes suggestions for their solution.


Policy responses to economic vulnerability

  • Willene Johnson
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  • Abstract: The present paper was prepared by Ms. Willene Johnson, member of the Committee for Development Committee, as a background paper for deliberations by the Committee at its eighth session. This study reviews policy efforts to advance growth and development in the least developed countries, in particular those efforts aimed at promoting well-being by reducing vulnerability to economic shocks. The paper draws on empirical research analysing the relationships between economic vulnerability, growth and policy. Given that domestic policy efforts are weakened by the shocks that characterize vulnerability, the international community has an important role to play in countries’ efforts to cope with economic instability. The present paper begins with an assessment of certain international efforts to mitigate economic vulnerability and focuses on how these efforts may have reduced the likelihood of systemic shocks as well as on how they may have enhanced the resilience of individual countries with regard to shocks. The second part of the study examines how certain countries have used domestic policy instruments to mitigate and contain the economic risk factors that contribute to vulnerability and insecurity. The concluding section draws on the range of international and domestic policy responses with a view to identifying those interventions that have been successful or that show promise for promoting future development. The present paper does not explore issues related to conflict or the environment, yet it is clear that development can only be sustained when war and natural disasters are held at bay. These topics were omitted not because they are unimportant, but because they are too important and would be worthy of a more comprehensive treatment.


Reconstruction, development and sustainable peace: a unified programme for post-conflict countries

  • Milivoje Panic
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  • Abstract: This report was prepared by Mr. Milivoje Panić, a member of the Committee for Development Policy, as a background paper for deliberations by the Committee at its seventh session. The aim of the report is to review the role of economic welfare in conflict prevention, including the strategies required to ensure sustainable peace in post-conflict countries. It differs in one important respect from most of the rapidly growing literature in this field. Instead of describing specific conflicts or policies to prevent them, it integrates some of the key economic, social and political factors into a general analysis, with an all-embracing strategy for post-conflict countries. The integrated approach is essential because a unified strategy offers the only hope of preventing future conflicts and civil wars.

An African Perspective of the Millennium development Goals: from scepticism to leadership and hope

  • Kerfalla Yansane
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  • Abstract: This report was prepared by Mr. Kerfalla Yansane, a member of the Committee for Development Policy, as a background paper for deliberations by the Committee at its seventh session. The first part of the report reviews the status and trends in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in sub-Saharan Africa. The second part examines the obstacles and challenges to and opportunities for achieving the Goals. The third part discusses the instruments and policies that would facilitate achieving the MDGs in sub-Saharan Africa. The report is intended to provide an African perspective with regard to ownership and the domestic policy adjustments required to achieve the internationally agreed development goals. The purpose of the report is to elucidate the following two key issues related to the central question of ownership: (i) the extent to which African policy-makers consider the MDGs valuable and are committed to the MDGs; and (ii) the extent to which the MDGs are reflected in the development programmes of African countries, particularly in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs).


Innovative Approaches to Domestic Resource Mobilization in Selected LDCs

  • Samuel Wangwe and Prosper Charle
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  • Abstract: This is a discussion paper prepared for Expert Group Meeting on resource mobilization for poverty eradication in the Least Developed Countries which was held in New York from 19-20 January 2004.

New approaches to debt relief and debt sustainability in LDCs

  • Olav Bjerkholt
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  • Abstract: This is a discussion paper prepared for Expert Group Meeting on resource mobilization for poverty eradication in the Least Developed Countries which was held in New York from 19-20 January 2004.

Commitment to good governance, development and poverty reduction: methodological issues in the evaluation of progress at the national and local levels

  • Suchitra Punyaratabandhu
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  • Abstract: This report was prepared by Ms. Suchitra Punyaratabandhu, a member of the Committee for Development Policy, as a background paper for deliberations by the Committee at its sixth session (29 March-2 April 2004) on how to evaluate progress towards good governance in the context of the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals. The first part of the report reviews the concept of good governance as it has evolved over the past 15 years. Key defining properties of the concept of good governance are presented. The second part of the report examines current efforts to measure governance. As might be expected, different working definitions have led to the specification of different sets of indicators and indices of governance. The third part briefly reviews studies on governance that examine the relationship between good governance and other desired outcomes, such as poverty alleviation and policy performance. The report concludes by summarizing the key issues in the evaluation of good governance.

The poverty reduction challenge in LDCs

  • Al Binger
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  • Abstract: This is a summary of the report of an expert group meeting on resource mobilization for poverty eradication in the least developed countries held at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 19 and 20 January 2004. The first part of the report provides an overview of the current challenges faced by the LDCs in reducing the high rates of widespread poverty. The second part discusses innovative approaches to domestic resource mobilization in LDCs, and addresses how domestic resource mobilization can be managed more innovatively and with greater effectiveness. The third part examines new approaches to debt relief and debt sustainability. It provides a brief overview of the debt situation in LDCs, and examines the need for innovate ideas to reduce foreign debt. The last section discusses specific measures to accelerate poverty reduction in LDCs. The report is intended to contribute to the debate on resource mobilization for poverty eradication in the LDCs, leading to practical solutions, policies and actions by all concerned.


Development Cooperation in the Age of Information Technologies—The Role of the United Nations and its Agencies

Economic Globalization: Trends, Risks and Risk Prevention

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