UNMOVIC Chronology of Main Events

5 June 2003

The Executive Chairman briefs the Security Council on the Commission's thirteenth quarterly report.

30 May 2003

The Executive Chairman submits his thirteenth quarterly report to the Security Council (document S/2003/580 )

28 May 2003

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds its thirteenth regular session, in New York. 

22 April 2003
The Executive Chairman briefs the Security Council on UNMOVIC's readiness to resume work in Iraq, should 
the Security Council so decide.

19 March 2003

The Executive Chairman briefs the Security Council on the work programme required under resolution 1284.

18 March 2003

UNMOVIC inspectors withdraw from Iraq.

17 March 2003

The Executive Chairman submits to the Security Council the work programme required under resolution 1284.

7 March 2003

The Executive Chairman briefs the Security Council on the Commission's twelfth quarterly report.

28 February 2003

The Executive Chairman submits his twelfth quarterly report to the Security Council.
(document S/2003/232).
24-25 February 2003

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds its twelfth regular session, in New York.

14 February 2003

The Executive Chairman provides the Security Council with an update on UNMOVIC's work. 

12 February 2003

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds a one day special session, in New York.

8 - 9 February 2003

The Executive Chairman visits Baghdad for discussions with representatives of the Government of Iraq.

27 January 2003

The Executive Chairman provides the Security Council with an update required by Security Coucil resolution 1441
60 days after the resumption of inspections in Iraq. 

23 January 2003

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds a one day special session, in New York.

19 - 20 January 2003

The Executive Chairman visits Baghdad for discussions with representatives of the Government of Iraq.

9 January 2003

The Executive Chairman briefs the Security Council on Iraq's declaration and inspection activity.

28 December 2002

Iraq provides UNMOVIC with list of personnel associated with its weapons programmes.

19 December 2002

The Executive Chairman provides an initial briefing to the Security Council on Iraq's declaration.

13 December 2002

The Secretary-General proposes, (document S/2002/1381) and the Security Council accepts (S/2002/1382) that Olga Pellicer 
(Mexico) be appointed to the College of Commissioners following the resignation of Marjatta Rautio. 

7 December 2002

Iraq provides UNMOVIC and the IAEA in Baghdad with a declaration of its weapons programmes, required by 
Security Council resolution 1441.

6 December 2002

The Chairman briefs the Security Council on his eleventh quarterly report.

3 December 2002

The Executive Chairman submits his eleventh quarterly report to the Security Council.
(document S/2002/1303). 

27 November 2002

Inspections resume in Iraq.

26 November 2002

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds its eleventh session, in New York.

25 November 2002

The Executive Chairman briefs the Security Council on his recent visit to Baghdad.

18 -19 November 2002

The Executive Chairman visits Baghdad for discussions with representatives of the Government of Iraq.

8 November 2002

The Security Council adopts resolution 1441

28 October 2002

The Chairman briefs the Security Council on UNMOVIC activity.

18 October 2002

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds a one day special session, in New York.

17 October 2002

The Secretary-General appoints Mr. Bryan Wells (UK) to the UNMOVIC College of Commissioners.

7 October 2002

The Executive Chairman opens the sixth month-long UNMOVIC general training course, in Vienna.

30 September, 1 October 2002

The Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC and the Director General of the IAEA hold a meeting in Vienna with the Iraqi 
side on practical measures related to the resumption of UNMOVIC inspections. 
17 September 2002

The Executive Chairman holds a preliminary meeting with the Iraqi side on practical measures related to the resumption 
of UNMOVIC inspections and agrees to meet in Vienna for a follow-up meeting on 30 September and 1 October. 

16 September 2002

The Foreign Minister of Iraq informs the Secretary-General that Iraq has decided to allow the return of wepons 
inspectors without conditions(document S/2002/1034)

10 September 2002

The Executive Chairman briefs the Security Council on the Commission's tenth quarterly report.

3 September 2002

The Executive Chairman submits his tenth quarterly report to the Security Council 
(document S/2002/981). 

29-30 August

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds its tenth session, in New York.

4-5 July  2002

The Executive Chairman takes part in the UN-Iraq dialogue, in Vienna.

6 June 2002

The Executive Chairman briefs the Security Council on the Commission's ninth quarterly report.

31 May 2002

The Executive Chairman submits his ninth quarterly report to the Security Council 
(document S/2002/606). 

29 May 2002

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds its ninth session, in Vienna.

1-3 May 2002

The Executive Chairman takes part in the Iraq-UN dialogue at UN Headquarters

8 March 2002

The Chairman briefs the Security Council on his eigth quarterly report.

1 March 2002

The Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC submits his eigth quarterly report to the Security Council 
(document S/2002/195). 

18-19 February 2002

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds its eighth session, in Geneva

18 February 2002

The Executive Chairman opens the fifth month-long UNMOVIC general training course in Geneva
(click here for the text of his speech)

6 December 2001

The Chairman briefs the Security Council on his seventh quarterly report.

1 December 2001

The Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC submits his seventh quarterly report to the Security Council 
(document S/2001/1126). 

26-27 November 2001

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds its seventh session, in New York.

16 November 2001

The Security Council accepts the Secretary-General's nomination of Li Junhua (China) to serve on the College of 
Commissioners (document S/2001/1065*).

2 November 2001

The Secretary-General proposes that Li Junhua (China) be appointed to the College of Commissioners following the 
resignation of Cong Guang (document S/2001/1064) .  

31 October 2001

The Secretary-General proposes, (document S/2001/1029) and the Security Council accepts (S/2001/1030) that John S. Wolf 
(United States of America) be appointed to the College of Commissioners following the resignation of Robert Einhorn. 

18 September 2001

The Executive Chairman briefs the Security Council on the Commission's sixth quarterly report.

30 August 2001

The Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC submits his sixth quarterly report to the Security Council 
(document S/2001/833). 

28-29 August 2001

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds its sixth session, in New York.

7 June 2001

The Executive Chairman briefs the Security Council on the Commission's fifth quarterly report.

1 June 2001

The Executive Chairman submits revised lists of dual-use goods to the Security Council.  The lists cover items and 
materials which are subject to notification to UNMOVIC under the Export/Import monitoring mechanism approved by 
Security Council resolution 1051 (1996).  The Council had asked that the lists be revised by 3 June 2001.

28 May 2001

The Executive Chairman opens the fourth month-long general training course in Ottawa, Canada
(click here for the text of his speech).

24 May 2001

The Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC submits his fifth quarterly report to the Security Council (document S/2001/515 ). 

21-22 May 2001

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds its fifth session, in New York.

8-9 May 2001

UNMOVIC holds further consultations with interested Member States in New York on its suggested revisions to the lists 
of chemical and biological equipment and materials to which the export/import monitoring mechanism applies.

25 April 2001

UNMOVIC holds consultations with interested Member States on its suggested revisions to the list of missile equipment 
and materials to which the export/import monitoring mechanism applies.

6 March 2001

The Chairman briefs the Security Council on his fourth quarterly report.

1March 2001

The Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC submits his fourth quarterly report to the Security Council (document S/2001/177 ).

The Executive Chairman's contract is extended for another year.

21 - 22 February 2001

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds its fourth session; in Vienna.

19 February 2001

The third month-long UNMOVIC training course opens in Vienna.

13 - 14 February 2001

UNMOVIC holds consultations with interested Member States on its suggested revisions to the lists of chemical and 
biological equipment and materials to which the export/import monitoring mechanism applies.

20 December 2000

The Chairman briefs the Security Council on his third quarterly report.

1 December 2000

The Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC submits his third quarterly report to the Security Council (document S/2000/1134).

27 - 29 November 2000

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners holds its third session; in New York.

7 November 2000

The second month-long UNMOVIC training course opens near Paris.

22 September 2000

The Chairman briefs the Security Council on his second quarterly report.

28 August 2000

The Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC submits his second quarterly report to the Security Council (document S/2000/835).

23 - 24 August 2000

The UNMOVIC College of Commissioners hold their second session; in New York.

11 July - 10 August

UNMOVIC holds its first month-long training course for potential inspectors.

7 June 2000

The Chairman briefs the Security Council on his first quarterly report.

1 June 2000

UNMOVIC's first quarterly report is sent to the Security Council (document S/2000/516).

23 - 24 May 2000

The College of Commissioners holds its first session; in New York.

14 April 2000

The statement by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, in connection with 
the consideration of the organization plan, is circulated as a document of the Security Council (document S/2000/321).

13 April 2000

The President of the Security Council informs the Secretary-General, by letter, that the members of the Council discussed 
and, on that basis, approved the organizational plan for UNMOVIC as being in keeping with paragraph 6 of resolution 
1284 (document S/2000/311).

6 April 2000

The Secretary-General transmits organization plan for UNMOVIC to Security Council members for their approval 
(document S/2000/292).

10 March 2000

The Secretary-General writes to the President of the Security Council, informing him that he has appointed 16 individuals 
to serve as Commissioners for UNMOVIC (document S/2000/207).

6 March 2000

Mr. Jayantha Dhanapala, Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs, writes to the President of the Council, stating 
that following consultations with the Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC, the Secretary-General has directed him to consult 
with the Council on the list of UNMOVIC Commissioners whom the Secretary-General proposes to appoint.

1 March 2000

Dr. Hans Blix takes up his appointment as Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC in New York.

7 February 2000

The Secretary-General informs the President of the Council that Dr. Blix will be ready to take up his mandated tasks 
on 1 March 2000.  Dr. Blix is appointed effective that date.  The Secretary-General begins consultations on the 
appointment of Commissioners (document S/2000/90).

27 January 2000

The President of the Security Council writes to the Secretary-General, informing him that the Council approves the 
appointment of Dr. Blix (document S/2000/61).

26 January 2000

The Secretary-General writes to President of the Security Council proposing Dr. Hans Blix as Chairman of UNMOVIC 
(document S/2000/60).

18 January 2000

The French and Chinese Permanent Representatives inform the President of the Security Council that they believe 
further consultations are required to find a suitable Executive Chairman.

The Tunisian Permanent Representative indicates his Government's acceptance of Amb Ekeus but only if there is 
consensus on his appointment.

17 January 2000

The UN Secretary-General nominates Amb Rolf Ekeus to be the Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC.  

The President of the Security Council circulates a draft letter supporting Amb Ekeus' candidacy.

The Russian Permanent Representative informs the Security Council President, by letter that "the Russian Federation 
can not agree with the proposal".

17 December 1999

The UN Security Council adopts resolution 1284 with four abstentions (China, France, Malaysia and Russian Federation).  
The Security Council provisional verbatim record (document S/PV.4084) is issued.