Comm. Number : _____________________

Contract number: _____________________


We, undersigned, have received the 687 Notice concerning our application specifying item(s)referred to in paragraph 24 of resolution 687 (1991), as determined by the United Nations technical experts, and understand the provisions of the Reconsideration Procedure (as detailed on the OIP web-site 

We understand that failure to complete and return this document by fax (signed, stamped and with relevant attachments, if any) will result in application being returned as ineligible for containing items prohibited for export to Iraq.  Consequently, we have selected the following option (please check the appropriate box):

(1)   ÿ   We would like to have 687 status of the item(s) specified in the 687 Notice, as determined by the United Nations technical experts, re-considered and herewith request a new assessment in accordance with paragraph  11 of the procedures attached to the resolution 1409(2002).For that purpose, we attach additional technical information as a basis for the request. We understand that new information, not  sent with the initial submission, is compulsory if the items are to be re-considered by the United Nations technical experts.

(2)   ÿ   We are considering the submission of an amendment to either remove or downgrade the item(s) identified as 687. We will submit the amendment to that effect, signed by both parties to the contract, but not later than 30 days after the deadline set for sending of this form.  The amendment will be submitted through our Permanent Mission. We understand that, should no amendment be received within 30 days, the application being returned as ineligible for containing items prohibited for export to Iraq.


NAME OF THE SUPPLIER (PRINT)              Signature: ___________________


                                                                            Date: _______________________
