Ann    Annex I

Allocation of total oil revenue among the various funds and corresponding expenditures as at 31 January 2002

1.         As at 31 January 2002, 808.2 million euros had been deposited into the account for phase XI, as authorised under Security Council resolution 1382 (2001), bringing total oil sales revenues since the inception of the programme to $37,333.9 million and 14,973 million euros.

2.         The allocation of total oil proceeds received since the inception of the programme to date and the corresponding expenditures as at 31 January 2002 are as follows:

(a) The sums of $19,647.4 million and 8,563.8 million euros have been allocated for the purchase of humanitarian supplies by the Government of Iraq, as specified in paragraph 8 (a) of Security Council resolution 986 (1995).  In addition, $1,333.8 million and 115.7 million euros of interest earned in those accounts were available for the purchase of humanitarian supplies in the central and southern governorates of Iraq. Letters of credit issued by the Banque Nationale de Paris, on behalf of the United Nations, amounted to approximately $18,665 million and 7,600 million euros for humanitarian supplies and oil industry spare parts for Iraq; payments amounted to $15,832 million and 1,219.1 million euros under phases I to XI;

(b) The sum of $6,407.3 million has been allocated for the purchase of humanitarian goods to be distributed in the three northern governorates by the United Nations Inter-Agency Humanitarian Programme, as specified in paragraph 8 (b) of Security Council resolution 986 (1995) and as revised by paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 1153 (1998).  Expenditures recorded for humanitarian goods approved by the Committee amounted to $4,492.6 million;

(c) The sum of $14,611.6 million has been transferred directly into the United Nations Compensation Fund, as specified in paragraph 8 (c) of Council resolution 986 (1995).  A total of $271.5 million has been allotted to cover the operating expenditures of the Compensation Commission up to 31 December 2002, and an amount of $13,688.4 million for payment of various instalments of “A”, “C”, “D”, “E” and “F” category claims;

(d) The sum of $880.7 million has been allocated for the operational and administrative expenses of the United Nations associated with the implementation of Council resolution 986 (1995), as specified in paragraph 8 (d) of the resolution. Expenditures for administrative costs for all United Nations entities involved in implementing the resolution amounted to $570.6 million;

(e) The sum $370.1 million has been allocated for operating expenses of the United Nation Special Commission for the Disarmament of Iraq (UNSCOM) and its successor the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) established by Security Council resolution 1284 (1999), as specified in paragraph 8 (e) of Security Council resolution 986 (1995).  Expenditures for the Commission amounted to $101.5 million;

(f) The sum of $984.7 million has been set aside for the transportation costs of petroleum and petroleum products originating in Iraq exported via the Kirkuk-Yumurtalik pipeline through Turkey, in accordance with paragraph 8 (f) of Council resolution 986(1995) and in line with procedures adopted by the Committee.  Of that amount, $960.9 million has been paid to the Government of Turkey;

            (g) The sum of  $159.5 million has been transferred directly to the escrow account established pursuant to Council resolutions 706 (1991) of 15 August 1991 and 712 (1991) of 19 September 1991 for the repayments envisaged under paragraph 6 of Council resolution 778 (1992) of 2 October 1992, as specified in paragraph 8 (g) of Council resolution 986 (1995) and subsequently in paragraph 34 of my report dated 1 February 1996 (S/1996/978). The total of repayments made amounted to $159.5 million.